Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 11, November 2024




Tonny Soewignyo1, Silvia Friska Paat2, Llly Linne Kainde3, Deske Wenske Mandagi4, Abraham Leslie Petir5, Rinny Cherryl Rantung 6

Universitas Klabat, Indonesia1,2,3,4,5,6

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3, [email protected]4, [email protected]5, [email protected]6



This research aims to investigate the influence of motivation and discipline on employee performance at Manado Independent School. Utilize quantitative research methods to determine whether motivation and discipline have an impact on employee performance. Primary data sources were used for this study. The data analysis method employed was multiple linear regression analysis conducted using SPSS 26 software. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. Overall, the results of the multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing suggest that motivation and discipline have a positive and significant influence when considered simultaneously, with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05. The coefficient value is 1.87, and the adjusted R-squared value is 76.31%. Consequently, it can be concluded from this study that, partially, the variable of work motivation does not have a significant influence on employee performance, whereas the variable of work discipline has a significant impact on employee performance productivity. Therefore, efforts should be made to enhance work motivation to positively impact employee performance.

Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Discipline, and Performance



Quality human resources (HR) are a key factor in determining competition in the era of globalization (Arifin et al., 2023; Friedman, 2007; Lina, 2018). One way to improve HR is through education (Fazrun, 2016). Performance can be interpreted as the result of work done by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Performance reflects the extent to which a person has implemented the organization's strategy both in achieving specific targets related to individual roles and/or by demonstrating competencies stated as relevant by the organization (Afandi, 2016).

One of the factors that affect performance, Motivation can be interpreted as a spirit and strength that drives someone to work (Pristiyanti, 2016). Work motivation has a very important role in achieving organizational goals optimally (Kuswati, 2019). With high work motivation, employees can carry out their work with high commitment and dedication, and meet the standards that have been set.

In addition, performance can also be influenced by high work discipline. According to Husna (2017) work discipline is a person's ability to work regularly, diligently, and in accordance with applicable rules. Discipline is a social aspect that needs to be understood and grown within an individual as something that must be done to implement applicable rules.

Work motivation and work discipline have an important role in improving a person's performance. With high work discipline, a person can carry out their duties and responsibilities consistently and on time, while high work motivation encourages a person to work with high enthusiasm and dedication so as to improve the quality and high work results.

Respondents in this study involved employees in kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school at Manado Independent School. This study is important because there is still limited research that examines employee work motivation and work discipline in international schools. Therefore, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how work discipline and work motivation can affect employee performance at Manado Independent School.


Work motivation

According to Robbins (2009), work motivation is a process that influences the intensity, direction, and duration of an individual's efforts to achieve goals. In the context of a corporate environment, work motivation can be considered as psychological pressure that exists within an employee. This pressure plays an important role in determining the direction of employee behavior within the company, both in efforts to achieve goals and in facing challenges and obstacles in the corporate environment. Motivation can also be viewed as a condition that motivates an employee to achieve certain goals.


Table 1. Dimensions of Work Motivation





Adaptation to change

Possession of appropriate skills to perform the job.

Availability of appropriate resources.

Availability of important information.

The support needed to complete the job.



Recognition and rewards for good performance.

Career development opportunities.


Satisfaction level

Individual preferences for certain outcomes.

The importance of the results to the individual.

The level of satisfaction expected from the results




The level of difficulty or complexity of the tasks and responsibilities assigned.

The individual's perception of how difficult the task is.

Source: Robbins (2009)


From the table above, it can be seen that each dimension of work motivation is reflective, where the dimension is the result of the work discipline variable on current employee performance. The first dimension is adaptation to change. Adaptability is a person's ability to change and adjust to changes that occur in the work environment.

The second dimension is quality. When individuals feel that their work is of good quality, their work motivation tends to increase. They will be more motivated to achieve high quality standards, make valuable contributions, and feel proud of the work they achieve.

The third dimension is evaluation and satisfaction level. It involves the individual's evaluation of the work performed and the level of satisfaction felt related to the work. When individuals are satisfied with their work, their work motivation tends to increase. Positive evaluation and high levels of satisfaction can strengthen work motivation, produce high morale, and the drive to continue performing well.

Finally, the fourth dimension is responsibility. It includes an individual's sense of responsibility for the work they are assigned. When individuals feel responsible for their work, their work motivation tends to increase. A sense of responsibility can motivate individuals to carry out tasks with full dedication, take initiative, and be responsible for the work results achieved.

Overall, each of the previously mentioned dimensions of work motivation has a significant contribution to employee motivation and influences their performance. When employees feel motivated and supported in aspects such as adaptation to change, work quality, evaluation and satisfaction levels, responsibility, and work intensity, they tend to work more effectively and achieve better results.


Work Discipline

Khasanah (2016) stated that work discipline is an obligation of an office or agency where employee work discipline must be observed so that employee performance is better than before and employees do not carelessly do light activities during working hours. Organizations use disciplinary action to impose sanctions on violations of work rules. The purpose of discipline is to prevent violations of mutually agreed rules in carrying out activities in order to avoid punishment for someone.


Table 2. Dimensions of Work Discipline




Working hours


Effective use of working time

Level of responsibility and quality of work



Compliance with rules and procedures

Quality and accuracy of work



Level of complaints or violations

Performance Evaluation

Attitude and behavior

Level of concern for organizational goals

Sense of ownership and solidarity

Source: Khasanah (2016)


From the table above, work discipline is reflective, where this dimension is the result of the work discipline variable on current employee performance.

The following paragraphs explain in more detail about each dimension of work discipline, with the first dimension being working hours. The relationship between working hours and employee performance affects the effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out tasks and responsibilities. Disciplined working hours include aspects of attendance and compliance with the established work schedule. Employees who are disciplined in maintaining working hours tend to be present on time and follow the established work schedule.

Both rules of relationship between rules and employee performance, the rules that apply in the relationship between rules and employee performance also affect performance. Clear and consistently applied rules can help create an orderly and orderly work environment, which in turn can improve employee performance.

Third, sanctions and employee performance, sanctions imposed in the relationship between rules and employee performance can also affect performance. Fair and proportional sanctions can be an encouragement for employees to comply with the rules and improve their performance. However, it is important to ensure that the sanctions imposed are based on real violations and are carried out with transparency and fairness.

Lastly, employee behavior and performance, professional behavior, including positive attitudes, cooperation, effective communication, and involvement in work, can improve overall employee performance.



Performance is defined as the work results achieved by individuals in order to achieve the goals set by the organization or company. Performance can also be measured through several indicators, such as productivity, work quality, attendance, participation in organizational activities, and so on.

Performance is the result of work that includes the quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities given to him (Maryani et al., 2021). In addition, performance or work potential is the result of work achieved by someone in carrying out the tasks given to him, based on skills, experience, and sincerity and time spent (Perkasa et al., 2023).


Employee performance

The definition of employee performance according to Siagian (2020) as "A work result achieved during a certain time" provides an understanding that employee performance can be assessed based on the concrete results they achieve in carrying out their duties and responsibilities within a certain period of time. In this concept, employee performance can be measured objectively by considering output, productivity, and achievement of predetermined goals. That performance evaluation is not only limited to concrete results alone, aspects of work quality, behavior, competence, and employee contribution also need to be considered in a holistic performance assessment.


Table 3. Dimensions of Employee Performance



Work Efficiency

Work quality standards




Work process improvement

Real behavior





Effective communication



Duties and responsibilities

Task completion


Target achievement


Job responsibilities


Fulfillment of quality standards

Source: Robbins (2008), Siagian (2020)


In the dimensions of work discipline is reflective, where the dimensions are the result of performance variables. The following paragraph is the relationship of each dimension to the first performance work efficiency. The relationship of work efficiency to performance is when employees can work efficiently, use resources wisely, and complete tasks on time, their performance tends to increase. Work efficiency can have a positive impact on productivity, quality of work, and target achievement, which in turn improves overall performance.

Both real behaviors. The relationship between real behavior and performance, when employees show positive behaviors, such as good teamwork, initiative in improving work, effective communication, and a positive attitude in facing challenges, their performance tends to increase. Good real behaviors can affect productivity, job satisfaction, and collaboration within a team, all of which contribute to improved performance.

Third, tasks and responsibilities. The relationship between tasks and responsibilities and performance, when employees understand their tasks and responsibilities well, and are able to complete tasks according to established standards, their performance tends to increase. Accuracy in completing tasks, meeting quality standards, and good responsibility in carrying out work, all contribute to improving employee performance.


Research Methods

According to Sugiyono (2017), quantitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism and is considered a scientific method that meets scientific principles concretely and empirically. This method has objective, measurable, rational, and systematic characteristics. The purpose of quantitative research is to test the established hypothesis, using a specific population and sample. Data is collected using established research instruments, and data analysis is carried out quantitatively.

This study uses a causal quantitative research method. According to Sugiyono (2017), a causal quantitative approach is an approach in research that seeks a causal relationship between variables. In the context of this study, a causal quantitative approach is used to identify the relationship between work motivation and work discipline with employee performance. Specifically, this study uses a quantitative survey method to collect primary data using a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study population consists of all employees at the kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school levels at Manado Independent School, including the principal, with a total number of teachers of 100 people. The sample used in this study was also 100 people, which is a representation of the entire population studied.


Normality Test

According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical analysis, the significance value of the test results must be greater than the predetermined significance value, the predetermined significance value if H0 or if the p-value> 0.05 is greater than or equal to 0.05 (α = 0.05), then the distribution can be said to be normal. Histogram graphs and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests are used to test the normality of the data used in this study.

Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical analysis, the test results show that the significance value (Asymp. Sig.) is 0.90 > 0.05. This indicates that the distribution of research data can be said to be normal. Therefore, it can be concluded that the research data is normally distributed based on the predetermined significance value (α = 0.05).


Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity Test is a linear relationship between independent variables (Ghozali, 2018). States that the multicollinearity test aims to check whether there is a high or perfect correlation between independent variables in the regression model. A good model should not have a correlation between independent variables, the cutoff value commonly used for Multicollinearity is the same as the Tolerance value <0.10 or the same as the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) with a value of equal to or more than 10, then there is multicollinearity. If the correlation coefficient on each independent variable> then there is an indication of multicollinearity.


Table 4.. Normality Test


From the calculation results on the data above, the multicollinearity test shows that both motivation and discipline variables have a value of 1.002. The VIF value approaching 1 indicates that there is no multicollinearity between the variables in this regression model.


Heteroscedasticity Test

The Heteroscedasticity Test aims to test whether there is a difference in variance and residual between one observation and another in a regression model (Ghozali, 2018). In this study, the Glejser Test is used to regress the absolute value of the residual against the independent variable. To determine whether there is a symptom of heteroscedasticity, it is necessary to pay attention to the significance value (Sig.) > 0.05 then there is no symptom of heteroscedasticity in the regression model, while if the significance value (Sig.) <0.05 or less than 0.05 then there is a symptom of heteroscedasticity.


Table 5. Heteroscedasticity Test



From the results of the SPSS test table, the heteroscedasticity test method shows that the work motivation and discipline values ​​have a value of 1.002, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between the two variables.


Hypothesis Testing (Simple Linear Regression Analysis)

Simple linear regression analysis is used to test the influence of independent variables partially on the dependent variable. In this analysis, if the probability of significance (p-value) ≤ 0.05, then the hypothesis stating thatpartial independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable can be accepted. To conduct a hypothesis test with simple linear regression analysis, the following equation is used:  


Y = a + b1X1 + b2X


In this equation, Y is the dependent variable to be predicted or explained, a is the intercept or constant, b is the regression coefficient that shows the extent to which changes in the independent variable (X) will affect changes in the dependent variable (Y).


Regression Equation

Performance (Y) = 1.87 + 0.0796 Motivation (X1) + 0.8691 Discipline (X2)


Positive relationship between Motivation (X1) and Discipline (X2) with Performance (Y). Positive regression coefficient indicates that an increase in Motivation and Discipline will contribute to an increase in Performance. Intercept or constant (1.87) indicates the value of Performance when both independent variables, namely Motivation and Discipline, have a value of zero. This can be interpreted as a baseline level of Performance without the influence of Motivation and Discipline. This means that in the given linear regression model, an increase in Motivation (X1) and Discipline (X2) will contribute to an increase in Performance (Y). Positive regression coefficient indicates that any increase in Motivation and Discipline will have a positive impact on increasing Performance.


Results and Discussion

Respondent Demographic Analysis

The demographic data of respondents in this study are presented in Table 6. In this table, the demographics of respondents are distinguished based on gender, last education, and employment status.

Table 6. Respondent Demographic Data













Last education

Senior High School



























Employee Status





Part Time




Demographic data of respondents, including gender, last education, and employment status. There were a total of 100 respondents involved in this study, with 36 respondents (33.7%) being male and 64 respondents (66.4%) being female. The respondents' last education also varied, with high school level followed by 1 respondent (1.2%), D1 followed by 1 respondent (1.2%), D2 followed by 1 respondent (1.2%), S1 followed by 27 respondents (31.3%), S2 followed by 46 respondents (51.8%), and S3 followed by 6 respondents (7.2%). The respondents' employment status also varied, with 83 respondents (84.3%) having permanent employment status and 17 respondents (15.7%) having part-time employment status.

Based on the data collected from the questionnaires that have been distributed and tabulated and analyzed according to the statistical program, the following are the results of the statistical description containing the research sample in the number of samples, maximum value, minimum value, standard deviation, and average contained in this study which are summarized in table 7 below.


Table 7. Statistical Description of Respondents


The descriptive statistical data of respondents describes information about the maximum value (highest value), minimum value (lowest value), standard deviation, and mean value (average) for each variable from the results of data analysis. Here is a summary of the interpretation for each variable:

The Work Motivation variable has an average value (mean) of 4.00, approaching the maximum value of 5. This indicates that the level of work motivation in the sample is relatively high. The standard deviation of 0.725 indicates that the level of variation or difference between the respondents' work motivation levels is relatively small, with a variance value of 0.525. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents have a high level of work motivation, indicating a strong drive or enthusiasm in carrying out their duties and work.

The Work Discipline variable has a mean value of 4.19, approaching the maximum value of 5. This indicates a high level of work discipline or approaching a high level of work discipline in the sample. The standard deviation of 0.775 indicates that the level of variation or difference between the respondents' work discipline levels is relatively moderate. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents in this study have a high level of work discipline.

The Employee Performance variable has a mean value of 4.06. This indicates a fairly good level of employee performance in the sample. The standard deviation of 0.775 indicates a relatively moderate level of variation or difference between employee performance levels. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents in this study have a fairly good level of employee performance.


Multiple Linear Regression Test

Multiple linear regression analysis is conducted to determine the direction and extent of influence of independent variables on dependent variables (Ghozali, 2018). Multiple linear regression is a statistical method used to examine the relationship between two or more independent variables with one dependent variable simultaneously. In this analysis, independent variables are used together to predict or explain variations in the dependent variable. The results of multiple linear regression analysis provide information about how much each independent variable contributes to the dependent variable, as well as the direction of the relationship between these variables. Based on the data analysis above, the multiple linear regression equation is explained as follows:


Table 8 Multiple Linear Regression Test Coefficientsa


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients





Std. Error











Work motivation
















The regression coefficient value for the Work Motivation variable is 0.362, this means that the motivation variable has a positive influence on employee performance. This means that the work motivation variable will tend to contribute to improving employee performance.

The regression coefficient value for the Work Discipline variable of 0.000 means that the work discipline variable does not have a significant influence on employee performance in this regression model.


Partial Test (T Test)

Table 9. Coefficients



SE Coef























Rq 1: Does work motivation have a significant effect on employee performance at Manado Independent School?

Rq 2: Does work discipline have a significant effect on employee performance at Manado Independent School?


It can be concluded that the t-test in table 8 shows the motivation variable with a significant p-value of 0.362>0.05. This result means that the motivation variable (X1) does not have a significant effect on the dependent variable so that Ha1 is rejected. However, the t-test for the discipline variable (X2) with a significance value of 0.00<0.05, this means that the discipline variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable, Ha2 is accepted. The analysis given based on the results of the study shows that the motivation variable (X1) does not have a significant effect on the performance variable (Y), while the discipline variable (X2) has a significant effect on the performance variable (Y). This shows that work motivation does not always have a direct impact on teacher performance, there are other factors that can also affect teacher performance such as competence, experience, organizational support or other personal factors. Although work motivation is important to encourage good performance, it cannot be guaranteed that high work motivation will always result in better teacher performance.



Simultaneous Test (F Test)

Rq 3: Can work motivation and work discipline simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of Manado Independent School employees?


Table 10. Simultaneous Test of Anova F Test




Adj SS
























Based on the results of the analysis of variance data (ANOVA) provided, it can be concluded that the results of the analysis show that both motivation and work discipline variables have a significant positive effect on teacher performance. Therefore, the hypothesis Ha3, which states that motivation and work discipline have a significant effect on teacher performance, can be accepted based on the results of the F test.

Overall, this analysis concludes that there is a positive and significant relationship between motivation, work discipline, and teacher performance. This finding provides support for efforts to improve teacher performance by improving their motivation and work discipline.

Table 11. Model Summary

S                                  R-sq                 R-sq(adj)                      R-sq(pred)

5.45087           76.79%                76.31%                 74.40%


From the summary model results above, it shows the R-sq value = 76.79% which means that simultaneously motivation and discipline affect performance by 76.79% while the remaining 23.21%. This means that the motivation variables (X1) and work discipline (X2) simultaneously affect the performance variable (Y). Motivational factors, such as the desire to achieve goals, intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction and discipline factors, such as punctuality, obedience to rules and responsibility can contribute to improving teacher performance.



Based on the results of the analysis of research data on the Influence of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance at Manado Independent School, the researcher can draw the following conclusions: (1) work motivation (X1) does not have a significant effect on employee performance. In multiple linear regression analysis, no significant relationship was found between work motivation and employee performance. (2) Work Discipline (X2) has a significant and positive effect on employee performance, which means that increasing employee work discipline will significantly increase employee performance. In conclusion, the results of the study indicate that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, especially on teachers. (3) Work Motivation (X1) and Work Discipline (X2) has a simultaneous and positive influence on the variable Employee Performance (Y) at Manado Independent School, which means that increasing work motivation will increase the enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication of educators in providing quality teaching. Good work discipline helps educators carry out their duties effectively and efficiently, including maintaining punctuality and quality of work.





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Copyright holder:

Tonny Soewignyo, Silvia Friska Paat, Llly Linne Kainde, Deske Wenske Mandagi, Abraham Leslie Petir, Rinny Cherryl Rantung (2024)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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