Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849
e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 7, No. 2, Februari 2022
Acep Cahya Maulidi, Al-Atthur Rafly Muhammad, Cahyadi Agustin, Jaenal Arifin
Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
����������� [email protected], [email protected]
Keywords: application, COVID-19, data reporting, health facilities, development
Received: 2022-01-20; Accepted: 2022-02-05; Published: 2022-02-20
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) is a disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). SARS-COV-2 is a type of coronavirus that has just been identified in humans. COVID-19 first appeared at an animal market in Wuhan City, capital of Hubei, Central China in December 2019. Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease (transmitted between animals and humans). There are two types of zoonotic coronavirus that have been known before, namely Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) which is transmitted from civets cat and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which is transmitted from camels (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 2020). Bats are the main natural reservoir of alpha-coronaviruses and beta-coronaviruses. SARS-COV-2 in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak had a 79,6% match with SARS-COV through a Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). Through genetic analysis researchers from Duke University, Los Alamos National Laboratory and New York University confirmed that COVID-19 had infected pangolins before infecting humans. It is known that this virus gets the ability to infect humans through the exchange of important gene fragments of the corona virus that infects scaly mammals called pangolins (Anon 2020).
Southeast Asia is one of the regions with the largest rate of positive case growth in the world. As of July 30, 2021, the number of positive cases in the Southeast Asia was 7,016,394 cases. Indonesia is the country with the highest number of positive cases in Southeast Asia because the spread is fairly fast, for the period July 30, 2021, data obtained from the website were 3,331,206 cases of positive patients, 2,686,170 cases of patients recovered, and 90,552 cases of patients died.
Public health center is a technical implementation unit of the district or city health office that is widely used by the people. During this pandemic, there are no guidelines related to the recapitulation of COVID-19 in several regions in Indonesia. Currently, the data is still reported manually by the relevant health facilities in the form of paper forms.
The purpose of this study is to help the delivery and reporting of data from RT/RW to the public health center without having to meet face-to-face. If we still use a manual delivery and reporting system, there is a higher risk compared to computerized systems. By using a computerized system, it will increase the speed, accuracy and security, as well as make it easier to search for data (Abdurrahman and Masripah 2017).
According to Jogyanto HM in Pengenalan Komputer (1999) said that �Computerized system are the use of computers as a tool in data processing activities that are carried out manually. The data is processed using a pre-programmed computer, this data processing starts with a data recorder until it reaches the printing of reports�. According to (Nana Mulyana, 2004), �Computerized system is an electronic system that works automatically to process data quickly. Computerized system is a system that involves technology in achieving goals so that an activity can be implemented effectively (Mulyanto et al. 2018).
This development of COVID-19 patient data submission application is expected to be able to help health workers in the process of managing and reporting data that will make it easier for health facilities to obtain n information related to the patient data obtained from local RT/RW effectively.
1. Data Collection Method
In this study, the method used for data collection is by conducting observations, interviews and literature studies.
a. Observation
Made direct observations in the fields to obtain actual information and condition of the object being studied within a certain time.
b. Interview
Asked how the process of collecting and processing data is still used in the research place. This interview has a type of �open-ended question� or a question that does not offer the respondent a list of alternative answers to get a broad answer.
c. Study of Literature
Read and reviewed literature books and scientific journals related to the research title used as comparisons to the previous research. Literature studies use various sources of information in collecting data to provide a detailed and in-depth picture of the response of an event.
2. System Developed Method
The system development method used in this study is the waterfall method. Waterfall model is a traditional model used for the development stage. This model is done sequentially from one point to another. This model takes a systematic and sequential approach starting from the level of system requirements and then goes to the analysis, design, coding, testing/verification, and maintenance stages (Firman et al. 2016). �Waterfall model is also called the �Classic Life Cycle�, called waterfall because the stage diagram of the process is similar to a tiered waterfall (Zul 2017).
Figure 1
Waterfall Model
a. Analysis
Writers conducted a complete requirement analysis, then analyzed and defined the needs that needed to be met by the program to be built, such as reliability, weaknesses, constraints in the creation application. This can increase success in the application development process because researchers know what is needed to build an application system.
b. Design
In this stage the writers conducted the design of application using Microsoft Visual Studio Code as text editor by using PHP and JavaScript as the programming languages. The application design included admin login view, user login view, admin dashboard, user dashboard, report filling view for user, patient data management view, reporting view to the health facilities and agencies and patient verification data table view.
c. Coding
In this stage the writers began to build an application based on a requirement analysis. The writers built the program code using the PHP programming language. PHP is a simple script programming language used for processing HTML Forms inside web pages (Hastanti et al. 2015) and the Bootstrap framework which was accessed through the Chrome and XAMPP. XAMPP can help in creating database because it is integrated with MySQL.
d. Testing
In this stage the system is thoroughly tested using the Black-box testing method to find out if the design that has been made can run as desired and to get the weaknesses of the application. On Black-box testing the software will be executed and tested for whether it has met the user requirements without having to disassemble the program listing (Salamah and Khasanah 2017). Black-box testing was conducted to find some errors; namely, (1) Missing or incorrect functions; (2) Errors in interface or display design; (3) Errors in data structures or external database access; (4) Performance errors; (5) Initialization and termination errors (Febiharsa 2019).
e. Maintenance
This stage the writers performed maintenance and repaired of errors that were not found at the testing stage. The writers should always ensure that the stated goals and results were achieved.
Result and Discussion
After the data collection was done, in this stage the current ongoing analysis in health facilities was explained, then the writers planned a proposed analysis of the reporting system that was designed using the waterfall method stage. Here is an ongoing analysis that currently running in the health facilities:
Figure 2
Ongoing Analysis of Patient Data Reporting
3. System Functional Design
In this stage, a requirement analysis was obtained for the system to be designed using an object-oriented modeling (UML). Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language that contains images/graphics for visualizing, specifying, building and documenting an Object-Oriented-based software development system (Mubarak 2019). UML is used to simplify problems to make them easy to understand. Specifically UML specify important steps in the development of decision analysis, design, and implementation in software systems (Nugroho and Rohimi 2020). UML usually consists of use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, and class diagram. By using UML, the writers could communicate the design effectively.
a) Use Case Diagram
Use case are a high-level pieces of functionality that the system will provide (Sari et al. 2016). The use of case diagram of patient data report used to illustrate behavior diagram. This diagram shows how all objects interact with each other in order to create a system. The system users involved are User and Admin, and can be seen in Figure 3.
a. User Requirement Analysis
User can login to the application, input data, and view patient data contained in the system.
b. Admin Requirement Analysis
Admin can login to the application, managing incoming data from the user, changing report data, and validating report data.
Figure 3
The propose of Use case diagram of patient data reporting system
b) Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams focus on the activities that occur that are related in a single process (Herliana and Rasyid 2016). Activity diagrams are good for modeling ongoing analysis on the system. Activity diagram shows the flow of processes that are interconnected like a chain. Here is a picture of the activity diagram using swimlane mode.
Figure 4
Activity diagram login user
Figure 5
Activity diagram user patient data input
Figure 6
Activity diagram admin patient data validation
c) Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams illustrate dynamic collaboration between a number of objects (Andrianto 2017). The sequence diagram for reporting patient data is used to describe the interaction diagram. This diagram shows the interaction of objects arranged in a certain time sequence (Azwanti 2017). The sequence diagram for the patient data reporting system can be seen in the following pictures:
Figure 7
Sequence diagram user patient report
Figure 8
Sequence diagram admin data validation
4. System Implementation
a) Login Page
There are two login pages on the system that have been created, which are the user login page and the admin login page. Users or admins need to enter their username and password in their respective login pages in order to enter the patient data reporting application system.
Figure 9
Login page admin
Figure 10
Login page user
b) Dashboard Page
On the main page there is some information that can be seen such as patient data, live chart of cases Progress, and COVID-19 cases Chart. There is a difference between user and admin in the sidebar. For users there is a form button to input patient data, while for admin there is a report button to report patient data to the central health facility (Health Services).
Figure 11
User dashboard page
Figure 12
Admin dashboard page
c) Form Page
Users can report the patient data they have to the public health center on this page. Users must input the name, ID card number, gender, phone number, born date, age, job, address and the status about tracing contact.
Figure 13
User form page
d) Validation Page
On this page there is a table containing patient data received from the user. Admin rechecks and validates patient data so that there is no double or incomplete data.
Figure 14
Admin validation page
e) Report Page
All patient data that has been rechecked and re-validated by the admin will be forwarded to the center Health Facility in the form of a report.
Figure 15
Admin report page
5. System Test
System testing is done with the Black-box method.
Table 1
Black-box Testing
No |
Input Data |
Expectations |
Observation result |
Information |
1 |
Empty login data,then click login. |
The system will display "Please fill in username and password". |
according to expectations |
Valid |
2 |
Fill in one of the login data, then click login. |
The system will display "Please fill in username or password". |
according to expectations |
Valid |
3 |
Fill in all login data, but one or the entire login data is incorrect, then click login. |
The system will display �username or password is wrong". |
according to expectations |
Valid |
4 |
Fill in all login data correctly, then click login. |
The system will continue to the main page. |
according to expectations |
Valid |
5 |
Fill in the patient data form by the user but the data is wrong. |
The system will display �Please complete the data correctly!� |
according to expectations |
Valid |
6 |
Fill in the patient data form by the user correctly. |
The system will forward the data that has been inputted to the patient table. |
according to expectations |
Valid |
7 |
The admin rechecks or validates the patient table but the data does not match, and then clicks the "X" button. |
The system will mark the data provided that does not match. |
according to expectations |
Valid |
8 |
The admin rechecks or validates the patient table, then clicks the �✓� button. |
The system will mark the data provided which matches. |
according to expectations |
Valid |
9 |
Admin clicks send report without inserting file to attachment. |
The system will display �Please enter an attachment file!� |
according to expectations |
Valid |
10 |
Admin clicks send report by entering file attachment. |
The system will display �Your report has been sent!� |
according to expectations |
Valid |
Based on the stages of research that has been carried out, the writers concludes: 1). The system that is used at local health facilities still uses a manual system, causing many shortcomings. Among them, reporting is still using files which causes the accumulation of documents so that officers will find it difficult to track the required data. 2). The writers create a computerized reporting application that makes it easier for RT/RW in reporting patient data so that they do not need to come directly to local health facilities, and make it easier for health facility staff to manage structured patient data. 3). The report data received is processed by the local health facility, then forwarded directly to the central health facility as an effort to increase the validity of the data and accelerate the response to COVID-19.
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Copyright holder: Acep Cahya Maulidi, Al-Atthur Rafly Muhammad, Cahyadi Agustin, Jaenal Arifin (2022)
First publication right: Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
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