Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849

e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, Special Issue No. 2, Februari 2022




Indra, M. Nur Azis, Nunung Nurhayati, Nur� Ainil� Azizah, Nur Azizah, Rokhmatul Maula, Yuyun Yuliawati, Taufik Ridwan

Pendidikan Agama Islam, Bimbingan Konseling Pendidikan Islam, Institut Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia

Email: [email protected][email protected][email protected], [email protected][email protected][email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Discipline is one of the attitudes that one needs to maintain in order to achieve a superior human resource. A punishment needs to be done considering that it is the right step to give a deterrent effect or resuscitate everything in order to get back on track. The importance of choosing punishment in order to have a good influence and has many benefits compared to just being a punishment instrument on someone.� So, this research was conducted aimed at analyzing the discipline of students and the influence of punishment in the form of memorizing Qur'anic verses against love in the Qur'an. This research uses qualitative methods with field research types. Technical in the data analyzer in this study is the reduction of data presentation data and withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that discipline becomes more increased because punishment in the form of qur'anic verses can also be used as a guideline for reminders of discipline. In addition, this punishment can also increase the love of the Qur'an. This study concludes that the punishment of memorization of the Qur'an for students who arrive late has differences with punishments in other schools. The reason why his punishment memorizes the Qur'an is because the Qur'an is the main guideline for a Muslim in pursuing his life path.


Keywords: punishment; discipline; memorization of the Qur'an



Discipline is very important in supporting the success of education in schools (Rofiq, 2017). The discipline in the field of education demands the ability to make students afraid of making mistakes and violate school rules one of the educational support tools discussed is punishment. The actual punishment is negative, but not related to the punishment or sanction for the violating student will be given the motivation and discipline of the student to change the punishment behavior for him.

Punishment is an educational effort to improve and guide students in the right direction, not hinder the practice of punishment and torture of creativity. Instead, the punishment executed should be pedagogy, i.e. improving and education in a better direction (Fadjar, 2005). Based on the above understanding, punishment is not for revenge on students but to improve not-so-good student behavior for the better, and provide motivation to students to learn.

Punishment is a reward for bad behavior or disruption of the educational process. Also known as Punishment is an assessment of a student's learning activity is a negative number, and the reward is a positive evaluation. Specific examples of punishments are such as advising, instructing, banning something, being reprimanded, yelled at, not yelled at, even the student's guardian is asked to impose sanctions. And therefore, rewards and punishments, in addition to playing the role It also serves as an educational tool as motivation for students to learn. Motivation is a state in them that encourages individuals to perform certain activities to achieve goals (Suryabrata, 2012).

There are two goals of punishment: goals in the short term and in the long term. The short-term goal is to stop the wrong behavior whereas in the long run it is to teach and encourage students to quit themselves from the wrong behavior.

Punishment is to return students in the right direction and motivate them to be imaginative, creative and productive people. Punishment as an educational tool can be a motivational tool, a driving tool that increases student learning activity (increases student motivation), even if it causes pain for the condemned student. He always tries to complete his learning tasks to avoid the dangers of punishment. Through punishment, students are expected to be aware of mistakes that have been made so that students can be careful.

Based on previous research conducted by (Karima, 2019), that punishment by memorizing the Qur'an has a fairly good effect on �discipline. �The difference with this study is that�� previous�� research was conducted using the point of view of the subjects taken and more insatiable discipline in the research. This uses a more thorough point of view and also adds research into its effect on love for the Qur'an. ��This research shows the discovery of students who have not obeyed the rules and committed violations at MAN 1 Cirebon. Based on the observations of researchers, there are still students in the school related to violations or undisciplined. For example, arriving late, not bringing books to class, not doing tasks and so on. So, this research aims not only to analyze but also to find solutions related to improving student discipline.


Research Methods

This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of field research. According to Raharjo qualitative research is a scientific activity to collect data systematically, sort it according to certain categories, describe and interpret data obtained from interviews or ordinary conversations, observations and documentation (Affandi, 2020)� Field research is direct research conducted in the field or on respondents. Qualitative methods are used to obtain in-depth data, a data that contains meaning (Ulfah, 2018). The primary data source in this study was obtained from the results of interviews directly collected by researchers. While the secondary data sources in this study are relevant documentation, books, and journals. Techniques in analyzing data in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal.

Data analysis in qualitative research is interpreted as an effort to find and systematically organize records of observations, interviews, and others to improve the researcher's understanding of the case studied and present it as a finding. The explanation of the four stages in qualitative research is as follows. The process of data collection in qualitative research can be done in various ways obtained by jumping directly into the field. The trick can be through observations or observations, questionnaires, in-depth interviews with research objects, document assessment, to focus discussion groups.

Data reduction and categorization of data at this stage, raw data will be filtered. Researchers choose which data is most relevant to use in supporting the study. Qualitative data can be obtained from interviews and observations. Thus, sorting is needed to facilitate the categorization of data. So, the data that has been filtered will be categorized as needed. For example, in research, data is divided by the category of informant or location of the research.

Data supply After the data is reduced and categorized, then go to the data supply. In that stage of the process, researchers design rows and columns of qualitative data metrics, and determine the types and forms of data that will be included in the metric boxes. For example, data is presented with narratives, charts, flow charts, diagrams, and so on. Data is organized to be easier to read. After the three processes are exceeded, the last step is to draw conclusions.


Results And Discussions

1.   Implementation of Punishment against Student Discipline

Understanding discipline (discipline) in the Dictionary of Education, is 1) the process or result of derecting or subordinating immediate wishes, impulses, desires, or interest for the sake of an ideal or for the purpose of gaining more effective, dependable action; 2) persistent, active, and self, directed pursuit of some considered course of action in the face of distraction, confusion and difficulty; 3)direct authoritative control of pupil behaviour through punishments and/or rewards; 4) negatively, any restraints of inpulses, frequently through distatepul or painpul means; 5) a branch of knowledge; 6) a course of training designed to develop a mental or physical ability or an attitude (Good, 1973).

According to Hurlock, the general concept of discipline is the same as punishment (punishment). Discipline is only used if the child violates the rules and regulations set by a parent, teacher or adult in connection with the demands of the society in which the child lives (Hurlock, 1950) �According to the above definition, broadly speaking discipline is the process or result of directing individuals to act according to ideal demands, desires or interests or to achieve more effective goals, or direct authoritarian supervision of a child's behavior using punishment and reward. Thus, discipline is related to the rules and penalties for violating those rules.

Discipline is order or obedience to rules. Discipline is about one's self-control over the forms of rules.� The above various notions tend to illustrate that the essence of discipline is compliance with regulations.

The purpose of discipline itself is to shape behavior so that the behavior is in accordance with the rules set by the culture in which the individual is located. In disciplining children, rules are one of the things that are needed, the rules are: a) a statement that the child understands about what is expected of him; b) this information contains the understanding that discipline is a way to teach children to behave towards a better life, personal and social good (Abbey, 1990).

According to (Mangkunegara, 2009), Punishment is a threat of punishment aimed at improving the performance of offenders, maintaining applicable regulations and providing lessons to offenders. Based on (John M. Ivancevich, Konopaske, Robert. Matteson, 2007) punishment is defined as the act of presenting unpleasant or undesirable consequences as a result of certain

Punishment is an action that is imposed on the child consciously and deliberately so as to cause nestapa. And with this, the child will become aware of his actions and promise in his heart (Purwanto, 2019) �In education, the principle of punishment can be applied as motivation or encouragement for students to learn more earnestly and can obey existing rules. On the other hand, in the teachings of Islam also apply sanctions and gifts as a driver of his people to do good and leave the mungkar (bad). If there is no such principle, then there is no difference between those who do good and those who hunt.


2.   Implementation of Punishment against The Love of the Qur'an

According to (Djamarah, 2010) punishment is one of the educational tools that is also needed in education". Punishment is given as a result of a felony offense, or a mistake committed for a prot�g�. Unlike the consequences caused by the reward, punishment results in suffering or grief for the prot�g� who receives it. Each punishment contains a different understanding but generally has the same goal of preventing from negative things in students.

According to (Purwanto, 2019), Punishment aims: (1) The Theory of Vengeance, held as revenge against abnormalities and violations that have been committed by a person. This theory is not allowed to be used in the world of education, (2) The Theory of Improvement, this theory, is held to eradicate evil. The purpose of punishment is to correct the offender so as not to make any more mistakes, (3) The theory of protection, this theory is held to protect the public from unnatural acts. With this punishment, society can be protected from crimes committed by violators, (4) The theory of indemnity, this theory is held to compensate for the losses that have been suffered as a result of those crimes or violations. Punishment is widely carried out in society or government, and (5) The scare theory, this theory is held to cause fear to the violator of the consequences of his violating actions so that he will be afraid to do the deed and want to leave it. According to (Armai, 2002), the positive impact of the punishment include: (1) Making improvements to the mistakes of students, (2) Students no longer do the same birth, and (3) Feel the consequences of his actions so that he will respect himself.

Religion is a guideline of life that has an important role in human life as a guide and driver to achieve the happiness of the afterlife. For that, in the framework of the construction of religious people, a procession of religious education is needed. To create a religious human being.� To create a religious human being needs to be instilled love for the teachings and rituals of worship, one of which is to read the Qur'an and practice in everyday life.

Etymologically, the noun of the Qur'an comes from the verb qara'a which means: 1. Collecting or gathering, 2. Reading or studying. So, the word Qur'an means a collection or set or recitation. As for the definition of the Qur'an in terminology according to (al-Att�r,1994.) Is "the revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lafadz (oral), the meaning and style of language (uslub), contained in the mushaf derived from him mutawatir" the above definition contains several specificities as follows:

1.   The Qur'an as a revelation of Allah, that is, the whole verse of the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah; There is not a single word that comes from the prophet's words or thoughts.

2.   The Qur'an is revealed in oral form by its meaning and style of language. It means that the contents and the qur'an come from Allah Himself.

3.   The Qur'an is gathered in mushaf, meaning that the Qur'an does not include Allah's revelation to the Prophet Muhammad in the form of laws which are then delivered in the prophet's own language.

4.   The Qur'an is mutawatir, meaning that the Qur'an is conveyed to others continuously by a group of people who cannot agree to lie because of the large number of people and the difference in their residence.

A punishment by memorizing verses of the Qur'an has a significant effect on the love of the Qur'an, it is because when students experience disciplinary violations and are given punishment.� In the form of memorizing the verses of the Qur'an indirectly the student knows and even learns the meaning contained in the Qur'anic verse.


3.   Description of Activity Results

Allah almighty gives man a tendency towards good and evil, so in man there is the potential to do good or bad. In the context of Islam doing good means carrying out allah's commandments and staying away from its prohibitions, while those who do bad are those who always violate the prohibitions of Allah SWT.

Humans are born with a deep sense of curiosity. Every event or activity of life is not separated from science. The way to know everything related to science is observation. Human observation of the smallest object in life is called observation. Based on knowledge or discovery from observations made, the information that has been obtained can be useful for further research.

The information presented is a reality, objective and can be accounted for. If observations only provide subjective data, you cannot jump to immediate conclusions. A person's opinion may be different from someone else's. If you have an opinion on a solid data basis, it's legitimate. The publication of a journal or scientific data should be based on accurate data in the field. Let's understand the understanding of observation and its ins and outs in daily life. Our observation at MAN 1 CIREBON about discipline for late students was given a punishment that is very different from other schools, this is very interesting for us to explore and we review and know more about the punishment of late students.

The results of MAN 1 CIREBON Activities of Beber District of Cirebon Regency are as follows:

1.   Discovery

The assistance conducted at MAN 1 CIREBON began with observation to all parties involved, one of which was the School Discipline Movement (GDS) and Teacher Counseling Guidance, namely to the coordinator of BK (Guidance and Counseling). The observation resulted in some late student data and provided punishment in the form of memorizing the Qur�an at least 5 verses of the Qur�an, this punishment is tasked to improve and guide the right direction with the existence of this memorization punishment also students can love memorizing the Qur'an more and create a school of Islamic character.

2.   Dream

The results of observations that have been made can be concluded that the behavior of students who violate the rules of school with the implementation using the method of punishment memorizing verses of the Qur'an succeeded in improving student discipline.

3.   Define

Changes for students who are late and given punishment are expected to remember their memorization and still put discipline forward and try not to be late anymore.



The conclusion of this study shows that the discipline of students to foster a love for memorization of the Qur'an in MAN 1 Cirebon, it can be concluded that there is punishment about memorization of the Qur'an for late students that is different from other schools. The reason why his punishment is memorized by the Qur'an is because the Qur'an is the main guideline for a Muslim in pursuing his way of life. In it, there are stories and guidelines that, if held firmly, will surely lead to the salvation of the world and the Hereafter.

The implementation of punishment to improve the discipline of learners is very large.� Students will better understand and understand the benefits of the application of punishment. They become motivated to increase discipline. �The effect of the implementation of punishment to foster the love of learners towards the Qur'an is very large. Students will better understand the meaning of the memorized verse so that it is also directly proportional to the behavior that will be shown one of them related to discipline.�













































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Copyright holder:

Indra, M. Nur Azis, Nunung Nurhayati, Nur� Ainil� Azizah, Nur Azizah, Rokhmatul Maula, Yuyun Yuliawati, Taufik Ridwan (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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