Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2022




Divani Rafitya Amanda, Ira Fachira, Budi Permadi Iskandar

School of Business Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], bp[email protected]



XYZ is a semi fine dining restaurant with unique and thematic indoor-outdoor space concept, and a wide selection of Indonesian and Western food. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the activity limitations enforced by the government and changing in consumer behaviour during the pandemic that affects XYZ�s revenues negatively. The problem that will be discussed in this research is regarding the decrease in revenue from direct customers of XYZ. Therefore, the discussion of this research focuses on making business proposals to create an effective marketing strategy for XYZ by optimizing their digital marketing. To propose the appropriate digital marketing strategy, the author analyzes the company's internal and external elements. Internal analysis is performed using STP Analysis and Marketing Mix 7Ps, whilst external analysis is performed using PEST Analysis, Porter�s Five Forces Analysis, and Porter�s Framework for Competitor Analysis. Furthermore, the author distributes questionnaires to existing customers of XYZ. Then, the author conducts Root Cause Analysis to identify the true cause of problem and conducts TOWS Matrix Analysis to propose solutions to its business issues. The result of this research is the author suggests six strategies for dealing with its business challenges, which is by actively create promotions on social media Instagram, optimizing social media Instagram, marketed XYZ as an indoor-outdoor venue, create photo competition campaign as requirement to participate product giveaway, expand the online channel by partnering with food delivery services provider as merchant, and create catchy banner advertisements to place it on Cibubur housing complex.


Keywords: food and beverage, restaurant, marketing strategy, social media, instagram



XYZ is a restaurant that serves food and beverages, which is classified as a micro, small-medium enterprise (MSMEs). Established in 2018, XYZ focuses on offering a semi fine dining restaurant with unique and thematic indoor-outdoor space concept, and a wide selection of Indonesian and Western food with artisan tea being one of its specialty beverages. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the activity limitations enforced by the government and changing in consumer behaviour during the pandemic affects XYZ�s revenues negatively, as well as other business. On the other words, the decline in company�s revenue is more likely because of external factors, and it is not due to internal company factors. Therefore, relying on the current customer is sufficient for the company to survive. The problem that will be discussed in this research is regarding the decrease in revenue from direct customers of XYZ.

Revenue generated from direct customer sales, whether it was a dine-in or a takeaway transaction, is highly important for XYZ, as it is a restaurant business whose main income should come from the sales of food and beverage, which in this case are from both regular consumers and events. According to the graph above, XYZ relies heavily on revenue generated from rent of event and meeting spaces. Ideally, XYZ should be able to cover all operating expenses even though no events were held at all in a month, since events are highly seasonal occurrences and sales results are unpredictable and might differ from time to time.

Although there have been many promotional activities that have been carried out by XYZ, sales to direct consumers suffers a significant decline and experienced insignificant growth of revenue. In other words, it seems that the marketing activities that have been carried out have not yet been optimum and effective, thus, the current marketing strategy have not been able to overcome the problem faced. According to current condition mentioned, there is some indications that the use of digital marketing can solve XYZ business issue. In line with that, the role of digital marketing is very important because nowadays social media platform is widely and commonly used by MSME business and large company to promote their products or services. Therefore, the discussion of this research focuses on making business proposals to create an effective marketing strategy for XYZ by using and optimizing their digital marketing.

The objective of this research project was determined as follows:

1.     To assess the business condition from the internal and external conditions of XYZ.

2.     To propose the most appropriate marketing strategy.

3.     To identify the step to execute the proposed strategy.

Business Issue Exploration

A.    Conceptual Framework

The author discovered a business issue that happened in XYZ while creating this final project report. To address this issue, the author is required to purpose a marketing strategy that can be used to solve the business problem. Therefore, the author develops a conceptual framework, a formulation that begins with phenomena that occur and progresses to the final phases as the foundation of the entire research, as a guide to assist the author in solving company problems.

To proposed the appropriate digital marketing strategy, the author analyze the company's internal and external elements. Internal analysis is performed using STP Analysis and Marketing Mix 7Ps. Whilst, external analysis is performed using PEST Analysis, Porter�s Five Forces Analysis, and Porter�s Framework for Competitor Analysis. These internal and external aspects are then utilized to assess the company's position in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which is performed in SWOT Analysis. Furthermore, the author distributes questionnaires to existing customers of XYZ and conducts TOWS Matrix Analysis to propose solutions to its business issues.

B.    Research Methodology

This research was prepared using a quantitative descriptive methodology combining primary and secondary data. In this case, the quantitative method will analyze the company's main issues in declining of the restaurant�s revenue by evaluating the internal and external environment. Primary data collection was collected through interview with the owner and the author�s observation throughout the research, and distribute questionnaires to existing customers. The following data are required for this research analysis:

1.     Interview with the owner: In this research, the author used this primary data to collect information about the current problems faced by PT XYZ and the company's work environment that would be used for internal analysis.

2.     XYZ Internal data: Document that is informed monthly report, company profile, organization structure, duties explanation, responsibility, and authority. In this research, the author used this primary data to collect supporting data for the business issues and internal analysis

3.     Author�s observation throughout the research process: In this research, the author conducted this primary data in this research to collect information for the internal and external analysis

4.     Questionnaire: Consisting a set of questions presented to the respondents. The objective of this questionnaire is to capture customer satisfaction regarding the product and service offered, as well as justify and validate whether the existing STP Analysis from internal analysis is appropriate or needs improvement. The use of this questionnaire is also to obtain insight from customer behavior and justify the proposed business solution regarding digital marketing strategy by developing the results of social media behavior to increase brand awareness.

Moreover, this research also use secondary data sources. The collection process is carried out by information derived from previously existing sources, which are e-news, e-book, and international e-journal for literature review. In this research, the author conducted the secondary data resources to collect information to support this research background, as well as for the external analysis.

C.    Current STP Analysis

Segmenting is the process of dividing a large market into groups of people based on similar characteristics, needs, and preferences (Kotler & Keller, 2016).

Geographically, XYZ focuses only on customers on East Jakarta, Bogor District, Depok City, and Bekasi City, as it is part of the Cibubur Area. In line with that, in terms of place of business, the location of XYZ is quite strategic because it is located on the main protocol street of Cibubur in Jl. Raya Alternative Cibubur, which is surrounded by public facilities near the restaurant. Demographically and psychographically, XYZ decided to pursue the target segment based on facts in the existing customers. Therefore, XYZ chooses to focus on the age group of 18-44 years old in AB economic group, Millennials and Generation Z which they are the most active social media user, with middle-upper income people that frequently goes out to eat, whether it�s to hang out with friends while having nothing else to do or to simply find a place to work outside. For the positioning, XYZ wants to position themselves as the most favourite place to create and share memories, and a must visit to dine at a place with great food and pleasing aesthetics.

D.    Marketing Mix 7Ps

Marketing mix is the set of tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in target markets (Kotler & Armstrong, 2016). There are seven components of marketing mix which can be controlled and communicated by the businesses, which are product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process.

a.      Product

XYZ offers a wide variety of food and beverages ranging from appetizers, main courses, snacks, light drinks, and artisan tea, totalling to over 78 selections of food and beverages, which aims to cater to every Indonesian and Western food desired by customers.

According to XYZ internal data, out of 52 selections of foods, Nasi Bakar Pesawahan and Spaghetti Carbonara are the best-selling products on average across of all types of sales including dine in, takeaways, and event caterings, from April to October 2021. Hence, it can be conclude that from overall XYZ, Nusantara food sells better than Western food. However, the most profitable food for XYZ is actually Capcay, as it is made up of mostly vegetables which has a low cost. Hence, XYZ should promoted more for this menu and other most profitable dishes to obtain more profit from higher margins.

On the other hand, out of 26 selections of beverages, Sweet Iced Tea is the best-selling product on average across of all types of sales from April to October 2021. Apart from that it is a common beverages to order, based on observations, Sweet Iced Tea from XYZ has a fresh taste with the right proportion of tea, sugar and ice cubes composition. Different from food, based on company�s internal data, the most profitable beverage menu is Sweet Iced Tea. Hence, the sales revenue from beverages is quite optimal because the best-selling products are the ones that generate the highest margins.

b.     Price

According to the menu on the previous discussion, XYZ offers a price range of Rp25,000 to Rp150,000 for its food through several different categories and Rp20,000 to Rp45,000 for its beverages. Although this price range might start at a price point that is quite higher than other restaurants in the Cibubur Area, this price range actually reflects XYZ�s main market segment which are people who belong in the SES A and SES B economic category.

As of now, XYZ does not have discount type promotion yet and only offers seasonal bundling and special offers for event package. For instance, during the month of Ramadhan, XYZ offers their seasonal Ramadhan package for 1-4 people through Instagram post and WhatsApp contact list. Furthermore, during the month of Ramadhan, the Ramadhan bundling package is quite desired by customers. This can be seen by customer�s preferences of choosing the Ramadhan bundling package as their breakfasting dish instead of ordering a la carte menu, in which this Ramadhan bundling package is more practical for customers to order and also cheaper.

c.      Place

Based on the STP Analysis that has been discussed, XYZ focuses only on customers on East Jakarta, Bogor District, Depok City, and Bekasi City, as it is part of the Cibubur Area. In line with that, in terms of place of business, the location of XYZ is quite strategic because it is located on the main protocol street of Cibubur in Jl. Raya Alternative Cibubur, which is surrounded by public facilities near the restaurant, including many housing complexes, schools, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, and easy access to toll roads that could become an opportunity to obtain potential customers.

d.     Promotion

XYZ uses two communication channel regularly from time to time, which are offline channels though several printed advertisements and online channels through social media Instagram.

Although XYZ has implemented promotion on offline and online channels, there has been no contribution from these two channels in raising awareness or increasing sales, as the execution seems not planned properly. As a result, the marketing promotion has low contribution to awareness and sales.

e.      People

As a restaurant that caters to people that are more in the AB economic group, service is one of an important factor. XYZ has a set of standard operational procedures specifically for its employees, which consist of frontlines and backlines. Frontlines is person who has a role that directly meets the customer face to face, such as waitress and waitresses, barista, and cashiers. Whereas, backlines is person who has not directly meets the customer face to face, such as restaurant captain and warehouse who in charge for the production, as well as finance division who in charge for the administration matters.

In order to provide good service to customer, both frontlines and backlines working together to create smooth communication. Furthermore, XYZ already uses an automatic system implemented through point of sales (POS) system, in which frontline employees does not have to communicate directly to the backline employees but rather input orders through the point of sales (POS) station at each cashier and customer orders will be printed automatically on the station at the kitchen. As for the employee turnover, the rate is not low, but not significantly high as well, and replacements are rather easy to find.

f.      Physical evidence

Generally, XYZ has a comfortable atmosphere to work or do task, and a place to hang out with friends and family. The appearance of the indoor and outdoor design of the building represents the overall branding and feel of the XYZ brand, which it has thematic and well design indoor and outdoor area that targeted for middle uppers.

g.     Process

XYZ has two processes, the selling and product sales process. In the selling process, it start with promotion until the customer decided to visit or buy product offered from XYZ. On the other hand, the product sales step in XYZ starts when the customer arrives at the restaurant and ends when the customer has finished eating or takeway their food, and paid their bills.

Furthermore, there are no issues in terms of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), because XYZ has implemented SOP that is in accordance with restaurant standards, where XYZ uses an automatic system implemented through the point of sales (POS) system which makes the ordering process faster. Another SOP Implementation in XYZ is waiters or waitresses will repeat the order of each customer before ordering to kitchen, the cashier will ask customers to re-check their orders, and there are warm greetings and goodbye from employees.

E.     PEST Analysis

PEST analysis is the analysis of macro-environment that encompasses the broad environmental context in which a company�s industry is situated that includes strategically relevant components over which the firm has no direct control. This analysis is used to help provide a broad picture of the overall business environment through various perspectives to develop strategies that are in accordance with the company's actual external conditions (Ward & Peppard, 2002). The components of a company�s general environment analysis are from Politics, Economics, Social, and Technological. Based on the analysis, these factors from political, economic, sociocultural, and technological, poses opportunities and threats for XYZ and which will be useful for the SWOT analysis.

F.     Porter Five Forces

According to Porter (2008), Porter's Five Forces Analysis is a method or framework used to analyze business competition and the attractiveness of an industry whether it has high profitability or not, and understand where the company's strengths lie in facing business competition. The most powerful and widely used tool for diagnosing the principal competitive pressures in a market are the five forces framework. These includes competition from existing rival, bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of customer, competition from producers of substitute products, and competition from potential new entrants to the industry. Based on the analysis, the restaurant industry that offers food and beverage with indoor and outdoor area concept has high potential profitability, which indicates that it is attractive to enter.


G.    Porter Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a method for observing and adapting to the movement of a company's direct competitors. According to Michael Porter's Framework for Competitor Analysis, there are four signs of a competitor's expected strategic movements and countermoves. These comprise the current strategy, objectives, resources and capabilities, and assumptions of a competitor.

The scope of this analysis is restaurant with indoor-outdoor area concept which targeted for family and rentable space for events. Furthermore, based on the analysis from competitor, XYZ still need improvement in promoting their restaurant, especially in digital marketing. Although there are several competitive advantage that XYZ in terms of price and physical evidence, as a relatively new comer, XYZ still have a low brand awareness that can be seen from low engagement rate and less followers on Instagram. However, this can be an opportunity for XYZ to grow because the restaurant is relatively new compared to other competitor.

H.    Questionnaire Results

Aside from aims to get insight regarding the potential customers in order to develop the most appropriate marketing strategy, the objective of this questionnaire is to capture customer behavior and satisfaction regarding the product and service offered, validate whether the existing STP Analysis is appropriate or need improvement, as well as justify the proposed business solution regarding digital marketing strategy by developing the results of social media behavior to increase brand awareness.

Because of relying on the current customer is sufficient for the company to survive, this questionnaire will be distributed to existing customers, which is respondents who have been purchased the product or services from XYZ.

The number of respondents to this questionnaire was determined through a non-probability sampling method using a purposive sampling technique, namely by selecting respondents according to certain criteria and considerations where the criteria and characteristics referred to existing customers of XYZ. Because the criteria in question are very narrow, specific, and considering the restaurant is empty of visitors, the sample size is determined based on the calculation of minimum 50 respondents from existing customers.

From the questionnaire results, the current STP Analysis is already aligned with actual field conditions, which is targeting of the AB economic group and lives in Cibubur Area. Targeting in the STP Analysis is reasonable, where the customer feels that the products offered are in accordance with the price paid by customer, and respondents feel XYZ product is worth it. However, because there are quite a lot of respondents of college students and from SES C, XYZ should take into consideration for SES C and college students as their target market, because SES C is categorized as middle-class status which is still aligns with XYZ target market.

In terms of promotion strategy, XYZ should spend more money on digital marketing rather than printed advertisements when promoting restaurants, because they are thought to be more beneficial according to the existing customers, especially in this digital era. Furthermore, for Instagram content creation, XYZ should highlight the comfortable atmosphere of the restaurant and the Instagramable indoor-outdoor area, which are the most preferred facility by respondents. In addition, the most optimal time for posting content on social media Instagram is in the weekday, especially in the afternoon around 4 to 8 pm and in the evening before bed time, as this time is the most frequent time for customers to use and access Instagram.

I.      SWOT Analysis

SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis is an overall evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the company's business level to get the right strategy by using existing strengths and opportunities to overcome all threats and reduce weaknesses so that enterprise-level businesses can survive and thrive (Kotler & Armstrong, 2016). Thus, SWOT Analysis is a valuable tool for sizing up the company in order to develop strategies to strengthen its position on the strengths and opportunities while anticipating its position on the threats and weaknesses.

The author determines the opportunities and threats for the company based on PEST Analysis, Porter�s Five Forces Analysis, and Porter's Framework for Competitor Analysis that have been carried out on the analysis of external factors, as well as strengths and weaknesses based on STP Analysis, Marketing Mix 7Ps, and Porter's Framework for Competitor Analysis that have been carried out on internal and external analysis, as well as questionnaire results.

J.      Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis is a structural investigation that aims to identify the true cause of problem, and action necessary to eliminate those problem (Andersen & Fagerhaug, 2006).

Based on the internal and external analysis, as well as questionnaire result, it is possible to conclude that, as a relatively new entrant to the market, XYZ still needs to improve in promoting their restaurant, particularly in digital marketing, because XYZ still has a low brand awareness, as evidenced by a low engagement rate and fewer followers on their Instagram account in the promotion analysis on Marketing Mix 7Ps, which has an impact on the number of sales. Hence, this became the primary topic for author to investigate further the marketing promotion that have been carried out by XYZ.

Business Solutions

TOWS Matrix Analysis is one of the most essential matching tools for helping to generate strategies by examining both the external and internal environments simultaneously in order to formulate a strategy plan for strategic decision making. As a result of the analysis, the TOWS Matrix can generate four different possible strategies (David 2005). After looking at the internal and external sides of the company, then TOWS Matrix analysis is used as a tool to determine alternative strategic recommendations to be formulated.

From the alternative strategies formulated, because the current capability of the company does not allow it to advertise on billboards due to the insufficient funds, thus, this alternative strategy was not chosen because it is not feasible for XYZ to implement at this time. However, the banner advertisement is feasible to implement because the cost is relatively cheaper than billboards. In addition, below are the selected proposed strategy based on the TOWS Matrix Analysis that author would offer to XYZ to implement in order to solve the problems identified in Chapter II are as follows:

1.     Actively create promotions on social media Instagram

a.      Create different promotional offers every month

Aside of maintaining existing customer, this could also increase brand awareness and capture potential customers as it can be utilized as marketing material for targeted paid advertisements on Instagram for potential customers who are actively searching for month-end promotions.

b.     Make a seasonal promotion by taking advantage of holidays in Indonesia

XYZ can take advantage of holiday season or special dates in which usually people have one or more day off of work and went to spend time with their families outside. Especially in big holiday season, such as Ramadhan, special menu bundling wrapped with festive themes can be attractive to customers who are looking for a place to spend their holiday.

2.     Optimizing social media Instagram

a.      Creating catchy paid advertisement

Another features on Instagram that not yet used by XYZ is conducting Instagram paid advertisement. Instagram advertisements should be optimized by targeting the ads to specific target markets according to XYZ�s segmenting, targeting, and positioning. The timing of content publishing should also align with the recommendations based on the questionnaire answers, which is in the weekday, especially in the afternoon and before bedtime.

b.     Collaborating with digital creator on social media Instagram

Creating collaborations with related content creators on social media can be beneficial to XYZ�s awareness because these content creators have their own followers base or audience, which they are usually very willing to visit places that these content creators recommended. These content creators are also usually how their followers find new places.

c.      Create interactive content by utilizing existing features

As explained on the promotion part of the Marketing Mix 7Ps, XYZ has actively promoted and utilized Instagram as their communication channel. However, not all Instagram features has been fully utilized by XYZ. On the other hand, as explained before, Instagram is the most ideal platform for XYZ as it has almost every feature of every other social media platform. Thus, XYZ must maximize the potential of various features on Instagram such as feed posts, videos, reels, and stories by promoting the strengths of XYZ. For the time being, the author does not recommend the usage of the IGTV feature is not entirely relevant with the product offered at XYZ.

3.     Marketed XYZ as an indoor-outdoor venue

a.      Promoting on XYZ�s Instagram account

Aside from increasing brand awareness, this specific strategy can also capture potential customer from events and let customers know that the venue of XYZ can be rented. Furthermore, it also helps potential customers to imagine how holding an event at XYZ might look like. This could also increase the �Right Venue for Great Moments� positioning of XYZ as a restaurant to be the most favourite place to create and share memories with others at every opportunity, either just for dining out or celebrating various special occasion such as semi fine dining, family gathering, corporate events, and weddings.

b.     Become a venue vendoor

Another practical implication is by establishing partnerships as a venue vendor can also increase XYZ�s brand awareness for potential customers who wanted to use XYZ as a reliable venue for events. As of now, there are three online channels that XYZ can register to as a venue vendor, which is, Bridestory, Weddingku, and TheBrideDept (, 2019).

4.     Create photo competition campaign as requirement to participate product giveaway

By leveraging the power of social media Instagram, XYZ can promote the restaurant using user generated content by holding a photo competition, in which participants have to take a photo as creatively as possible on XYZ and then post it on their Instagram, with total worth of Rp1,000,000 as a reward for three winners. Beside increasing brand awareness, this also aims to draw potential customers, since according to the questionnaire results the power of e-WOM (Electronic Word of Mouth) regarding positive reviews of an establishment becomes one of the most influential reasons for someone to look for a new place to dine.

5.     Expand the online channel by partnering with food delivery services provider as merchant

During the pandemic, the government enforces mobility limitations upon the general public, thus making people�s preference to switch to purchase food through online deliveries. Hence, XYZ must take advantage of the changing behavior by registering itself as a merchant in online food delivery applications such as GoFood, GrabFood, ShopeeFood, and TravelokaEats. Besides using food delivery platform as an extra source of income stream, being present on such platform can have a positive impact on brand awareness indirectly, since the platform provides exposure to another market.

6.     Create catchy banner advertisements to place it on Cibubur housing complex.

As explained on the promotion part on Marketing Mix 7Ps, XYZ has already executed this strategy. On practice, these ads will be placed on different period of times an unique codes, with the duration of every banner on each housing complex placed two to three months on one another. This is predicted to be more effective, as XYZ can trace and monitor every effectivity of each banner placed in different places.


Result and Discussion

XYZ is a restaurant that serves food and beverages, which is classified as a micro, small-medium enterprise (MSMEs). Established in 2018, XYZ is located in one of Cibubur housing complex. XYZ focuses on offering a semi fine dining restaurant with unique and thematic indoor-outdoor space concept, and a wide selection of Indonesian and Western food with artisan tea being one of its specialty beverages. The price offered for its food and drinks ranges between Rp25,000 - Rp150,000 for the food and Rp20,000-Rp45,000 for drinks. XYZ has quite a huge space with indoor and outdoor dining, and also provides meeting room and event spaces for corporate related events, family gatherings, or weddings. However, XYZ currently suffer a significant decline from sales revenue generated from direct consumer. a decrease in sales can be seen in the company�s financial report during the year 2019-2021, which negatively impacts the revenue of XYZ from direct customer by -65.56% since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. On the other words, the decline in company�s revenue is more likely because of external factors, and it is not due to internal company factors. Therefore, relying on the current customer is sufficient for the company to survive. Revenue from direct customer sales, whether dine-in or takeaway, is critical for XYZ, as it is a restaurant business whose main income should come from food and beverage sales, which in this case are from both regular consumers and events. Because events are highly seasonal occurrences and sales results are unpredictable and may vary from time to time, XYZ should be able to meet all operational expenses even if no events were hosted at all in a month.

To proposed the appropriate digital marketing strategy, the author analyze the company's internal and external elements. Internal analysis is performed using STP Analysis and Marketing Mix 7Ps, whilst external analysis is performed using PEST Analysis, Porter�s Five Forces Analysis, and Porter�s Framework for Competitor Analysis. Furthermore, the author distributes questionnaires to existing customers of XYZ. These internal and external aspects as well as questionnaires are then utilized to assess the company's position in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which is performed in SWOT Analysis. Then, the author conducts Root Cause Analysis to identify the true cause of problem and conducts TOWS Matrix Analysis to propose solutions to its business issues.

Based on the questionnaire, the author strongly recommends XYZ to spend more money on digital marketing rather than printed advertisements when promoting restaurants, because they are thought to be more beneficial according to the existing customers. Furthermore, the most optimal time for posting content on social media Instagram is in the weekday, especially in the afternoon and before bedtime.

In addition, for TOWS analysis, the author suggests six strategies for dealing with its business challenges, which is by actively create promotions on social media Instagram, optimizing social media Instagram, marketed XYZ as an indoor-outdoor venue, create photo competition campaign as requirement to participate product giveaway, expand the online channel by partnering with food delivery services provider as merchant, and create catchy banner advertisements to place it on Cibubur housing complex.

Following is the schedule that the author purpose for the company that must be carried out to resolve the business issue faced by XYZ.


Table 1

Implementation Plan for The Proposed Solutions















Actively create promotions on social media













Create different promotional offers every month













Make a seasonal promotion by taking advantage of holidays in Indonesia













Optimizing social media Instagram













Creating catchy paid advertisement on Instagram Story













Creating catchy paid advertisement on Instagram Reels













Creating catchy paid advertisement on Instagram Feeds













Approaching the creator�s contact person to ask their rate card for collaborate













Collaborating with digital creator













Create interactive content by utilizing existing features













Marketed as an indoor-outdoor venue













Promoting on XYZ�s Instagram account













Establish partnerships with wedding organizers or other related vendors













Register as a venue vendor on Bridestory













Register as a venue vendor on Weddingku













Register as a venue vendor on TheBrideDept













Validation and verification process













Promoting XYZ as a rentable space on Bridestory













Promoting XYZ as a rentable space on Weddingku













Promoting XYZ as a rentable space on TheBrideDept













Create photo competition campaign as requirement to participate product giveaway













Expand the online channel by partnering with food delivery services provider as merchant to obtain awareness regarding restaurant in Cibubur Area













Register as a merchant on GoFood













Register as a merchant on GrabFood













Register as a merchant on ShopeeFood













Register as a merchant on TravelokaEats













Validation and verification process













Cost per Click advertisement on GoFood













Cost per Click advertisement on GrabFood













Cost per Click advertisement on ShopeeFood













Cost per Click advertisement on TravelokaEats













Create catchy banner advertisements, and place it on Cibubur housing complex













Source: Created by Author


As shown in the table above, even though placing advertisements on billboards is depends on the availability, however, the author recommends installing it in April due to take advantage of the momentum of Ramadan, where there is a culture to breakfasting together. For expanding online channels, the time required to register to third parties is approximately 2-3 months, and even four months, depending on each platform. As part of promotional strategy for different offers and seasonal promotion, the author proposed the detailed 2022 promotion schedule for XYZ to implement below:

Table 2

Promotion Schedule for The Proposed Solution















Special Price for Selected FnB













Chinese New Year Combo Package













Candle light dinner for Valentine�s Day













Payday Promo













All You Can Eat for Ramadhan Breakfasting













WFH Package from 2-4 PM













Independence Promo













Happy Hour Bundling from 2-4 PM













Christmas Dinner Combo Package













New Year Eve Package from 6-9 PM













Source: Created by Author


Furthermore, below is the budgeting plan for conducting conventional and digital advertisements that already explained in previous chapter:






Table 3

Budgeting Plan for The Proposed Solution








Banner Placement Fee





Banner Printing Fee












Instagram Advertisement per month





Sponsored Merchant on Food Delivery Platform based on Cost Per Click (CPC) and pay when a GoFood customer clicks on an ad





Collaborating with digital creator






Source: Created by Author


The prices above are only estimated prices and are flexible, where these prices are obtained based on the author's observations of estimated prices on the market. The price above is a budget for one year for XYZ. Ideally, promotions in conventional marketing should have the same ratio as digital marketing, or even higher. Therefore, if XYZ want to formulate a new budgeting plan according to its marketing budget, XYZ should optimizes both channels equally.






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Copyright holder:

Divani Rafitya Amanda, Ira Fachira, Budi Permadi Iskandar (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


This article is licensed under: