Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2022




Shela Monica, Z. Hidayat, Dyah Meita Nugraheni, Chel'en Christevelyn Dewi

Master of Communication Science, Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Women are a minority and oppressed. Women deserve to have the same rights that are obtained and owned by men. There is gender inequality between women and men in society (gender inequality). This paper aims to analyze the support and campaigns on feminism carried out by the digital activist community who support equality on blogs and social media. The research method is carried out with a phenomenological qualitative approach by observing, interviewing community leaders and their members, and analyzing content on social media. The dimensions of the analysis are related to the perspective of feminism and gender equality with the struggle channel on social media. This research shows that the community has a feminist spirit in the struggle through social media, but their voices are still a minority in the community structure. Women's advocacy is carried out in the face of violence, especially sexual harassment, which is also reflected in interactions on social media. The community carried out a persuasive struggle for rights and equality, but the primary culture's climate has not supported their effort. Through social media channels, the community seeks to reduce the stereotype of the position and role of women. It is still facing challenges from the social awareness of the dominant community group.


Keywords:� feminism; feminist; gender inequality; gender equality; sexual harassment; social media; women movement; youtuber



In life, humans are created to live side by side, needing each other. Whether among women, among men, and between women and men. In earlier times, men essentially had a higher degree than women. It was because men have higher power, energy, and education while women, on the other hand, become a minority and oppressed. Low education and women being labeled as housewives are why women are often underestimated and constantly compared to men. However, women deserve to have the same rights that are obtained and owned by men. Being in an equal position with men is also something that women deserve, but this has been the subject of debate by several parties. Many are pro and contra about equality between women and men. The term �gender� distinguishes a learned set of expectations, behaviors, and attitudes about being male or female from biologically determined traits � collectively our �sex� (Rolleri, 2013).

Based on data from the Global Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum in 2020, it was stated that Indonesia was ranked 85th out of 153 countries with a score of 0.70. The fact reflects a big problem in Indonesia regarding the Global Gender Gap Index, and relatively the gender gap has been closed up to 70%. Meanwhile, the economic gap remains large but has narrowed since 2006 and is still an accumulative problem. However, the low proportion of women who participate in the labor market and the significant difference in income distribution mean that women's income is still half of the men (World Economic Forum, 2020).

The issue of gender inequality leads to many victims of violence against women and children in Indonesia. Based on data from the Sectoral Statistics Portal of DKI Jakarta Province, the number of victims of violence against women and children in January-March 2019 reached 256 cases. Based on Jakarta. Go, the types of violence in DKI Jakarta in 2019 were dominated by domestic violence and sexual violence. The total number of domestic violence types was 149 cases divided into 29 cases in January, 69 cases in February, and 56 cases in March. Meanwhile, there were 73 cases of sexual harassment, which were divided into 20 cases in January, 25 cases in February, and 28 cases in March. Then there were 5 cases of trafficking in violence which were divided into 1 case in February and 4 cases in March. Finally, 24 other types of violence were divided into 7 cases in January, 14 in February, and 3 in March (Statistics Bureau Center, 2021).

Identical harassment received by women is sexual harassment. The sexual harassment women receive is done mainly by men, who are partners, parents, family members, friends, and new people who are not known. Catcalling is also an example of harassment by men to women when women are walking alone on the streets. Acts of violence received by women can be verbal or nonverbal, either directly or through online or social media. Perpetrators of acts of violence against women are also the same, namely from partners, family, parents, to friends. Bullying received directly can be in the form of ridicule, threats, coercion, and innuendo. While bullying received online on social media is called cyber-bullying. Forms of violence in cyberspace include online harassment, sexting, human trafficking, and human resources online recruitment with misappropriated purposes.

Meanwhile, the number of cases of violence against Indonesian women in 2018 was 406,178 cases. This number has increased from previous years; there were 348,446 cases in 2017 and 259,150 cases in 2016 (Statistics Bureau Center, 2021).

The many acts of violence and harassment experienced and accepted by women as minorities have made many parties, especially fellow women, aggressively voice gender equality and feminism. Feminism is being voiced by many women and some of their communities. Characters who speak out about feminism and their communities can be called feminists. Feminists come from various backgrounds and backgrounds. They range from ordinary people, justice fighters, victims of abuse and violence, and celebrities.

The definition of feminism, as expressed by West & Turner, focuses on the social position of women and the desire to end oppression based on gender (West, R. L., & Turner, 2010). Feminism is different from other views or understandings because feminism does not originate from a theory or concept based on a theoretical formula. Feminism has been defined in many ways, from support movements, campaigns and legislation. Because of a strong determination to protect and defend women, International Women's Day on March 8 is celebrated every year.

Support and campaigns regarding feminism are heavily voiced both through the mass media and online media. This activity is called digital activism. According to Olesen (2000), the feminist perspective is centered on the various situations of women who have problems and the institutions that frame these situations. Research topics may include policy issues related to achieving social justice for women in a particular context or knowledge of oppressive situations for women (Cresswell, 2017). The mass media used are newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. In comparison, the online media used are Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. On social media such as Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube, young feminists voice their opinions, debate transgender identity and police brutality, spread memes and jokes, and share activist strategies (Oren, T., & Press, 2019). Feminists create slogans, hashtags, posts, stories, posters, videos about experiences, and support on social media, especially Instagram and YouTube.

This paper is unique by prioritizing aspects of facts about sexual harassment and how to help morally support sexual harassment victims through YouTube channels, which has received less attention from previous studies. Therefore, the research question posed is, "How is the message of feminism conveyed in the communication content on the YouTube channel?" Thus, this research aims to analyze feminist messages in YouTube content created by Indonesian female YouTubers. It also aims to analyze how women become victims and objects of violence in the online world.


Theoritical And Conceptual Framework

Feminism, Gender Equality, and Society in Indonesia

The definition of feminism expressed by Linda Gordon (1979, p. 107) explains that feminist theory is "an analysis of women's subordination to find out how to change them". This definition combines three themes: emphasis on women and their experiences; recognition that under the existing social order, women are subordinated or oppressed; and a commitment to end this unjust subordination. Feminism is a movement carried out by women who demand emancipation or justice for the right to be equal to men (LaRossa & Reitzes, 1993).

Feminism in Indonesia is still relatively minimal. Although several parties have started to uphold feminism and relate to gender equity, the fact in Indonesian society is different. If there are victims of rape cases, they will be ostracized and kept away instead of being given moral and mental support.

New Media Theory and Media Violence

New Media Theory discusses the development of media technology and its relationship to society. Manovich (2003) explains that new media is a cultural object and a mass media new paradigm in society. Its deployment uses computer technology and digital data controlled by specific applications. In other words, new media is an update on the model of information dissemination by utilizing technology such as software.

Media violence often occurs in society. Media violence has been defined as �the visual depiction of an act of physical aggression by one human or human-like character against another� (Huesmann, 2007). Linearion theory (Potter, 1999) examines five main aspects of media violence situations: media content, media industry practices, psychological processing of violent media messages, factors that influence the effects of media violence, and the effects of viewing media violence (Carnagey & Anderson, 2003).


Gender Equality and Digital Activists

Gender was a way for researchers and activists to challenge the belief that our masculinity and femininity were biologically determined � a belief that pervaded the scientific and lay community at the time (Krieger, 2003). The term �gender� distinguishes a learned set of expectations, behaviors, and attitudes about being male or female from biologically determined traits � collectively our �sex� (Rolleri, 2013).

Social Network Site (SNS), often referred to as online networking sites, consist of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, and many more. (Boyd & Ellison, 2007) define social networking sites as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) build public or semi-public profiles within a restricted system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and browse their list of connections and those made by others in the system.

The term social media has various meanings, according to the profession. According to Singel (2005), for computer programmers, social media are Web 2.0 applications, applications created after 2005 when the focus of computer programming shifted from providing websites for static information to making the internet more usable by non-programmers (Albarran & Albarran, 2013). According to (Albarran & Albarran, 2013), social media applications resulted from new programming capabilities that gave people new ways to communicate. For website developers, social media applications allow users to create, tag, and share content spontaneously without programmer intervention. Communication can be verbal, graphic, or text and can be displayed on various digital devices. For a professional, social media (new media or interactive media) is a way of communicating with others online. Marketers often expand the term to include earlier forms of two-way Internet communication, such as email, electronic newsletters, web-based presentations (webinars), and instant messaging.


Social media has now proliferated and is in great demand by the public. There are many types of applications on social media. A social media application can be one of the following: (1) a website, such as Facebook, (2) an application embedded on a website, such as a news site that allows comments on news items, or (3) an existing applet or widget on your phone or tablet, like the Angry Birds game. Applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked ln, and YouTube are the top four social media tools (Albarran & Albarran, 2013).


Gender Equity Community

Websites have now developed into many types, such as applications for uploading photos, videos, sounds, and more. Based on information from Warner (2018), the most popular video website on the internet today is YouTube. YouTube was founded in 2005, and millions of videos have been uploaded in it, ranging from funny videos, movie trailers, tutorials, and much more. Anyone with internet access can share content on the YouTube interface, whether a big-budget company or a teenager with a cheap camcorder. Owned by Google, YouTube is the second-largest search engine globally and is still the number one video-sharing site on the World Wide Web, available in more than fifty languages; the platform is user-friendly for anyone who wants to post content. A YouTuber, on the other hand, is a content creator on YouTube. (Holmbom, 2015) says that these video creators and what they do have even earned their terminology over the years. Any content creator who invests much time into YouTube is usually referred to as a YouTuber. Some call the process that YouTubers go through in creating and uploading videos "YouTubing".

Netizen is a term for people who comment on the online world. (Hauben & Hauben, 1998) stated that netizens are not just anyone online. Netizens are not primarily people who come online for individual gain. They are not people who come to the internet thinking it is a service. Instead, they are people who understand that it takes effort and action on both sides to make the internet a regenerative and vibrant community and resource. Netizens are people who decide to devote their time and energy to making the internet, the new part of our world, a better place. The new energy in the gender equity community lies in online and offline feminist networks. Traditional media addresses feminist issues in popular culture and society at large in a way that feels unprecedented (Lewis, 2018).

Figure 1

Research Framework


Based on the picture of the frame of mind, this research begins with a series of researchers' thoughts elaborated more broadly and linked to related theories and concepts. In this study, the object is YouTube social media, which discusses feminism, gender inequality, gender, and is presented in the form of marketing communications or content.



The study used qualitative content analysis method which according to Drisko and Maschi (2016) covers aim of the research, target audiences, epistemology problems, ethic problems, research design, sampling problems and methods, data collection and pooling, coding method, data analysis, and the role of researcher�s reflection. Qualitative content analysis was used in order to analyze communication campaign on the YouTube content videos on the subject of feminism. Type of the research is qualitative descriptive which describes, explains and depicts the portrayal of actions, feeling and thoughts related to feminism campaign contain in the YouTube in the form of words or sentences (Hancock, Algozzine, & Lim, 2021). �Data analysis process is conducted according to data analysis technique model from Miles and Huberman (1984) that covers reduction, model data (data display), and conclusion.

In this study, the research method used is the phenomenological method. The phenomenological research method based on (Daymon & Holloway, 2010) is the study of phenomena and examining things according to individuals' life experiences (and consciousness). Phenomenological researchers are interested in how participants make sense of the world around them. The result of phenomenology is an in-depth description of these experiences. The main feature of phenomenology is the way researchers try to group their assumptions before studying the life-world of the participants; that is, they examine their own beliefs and values and then try to set them aside to understand the world from the informant's perspective better.

Moreover, the research subjects in this study are two Indonesian female YouTubers aged 30 to 45 years. The sources obtained in this study are in the form of analytical documents on social media (YouTube), and observations of 10 YouTube channels. The documents used in this research are YouTube content videos posted by YouTubers related to feminism and filtered under 'Feminist', 'Feminism', 'Gender', and 'Sexual Harassment' keywords. The keywords selection is determined by the YouTuber�s profile and criteria in this research. Eventually only two of ten YouTubers are compatible with the overall research. This two Youtuber are Andrea Gunawan with YouTube channel Catwomanizer ( Lrzwcbl8yQ) and Najwa Shihab with YouTube channel Najwa Shihab ( Observation result to the mentioned YouTube content videos will be used as primary data, whilst secondary data will be obtained through literature review from books related to feminism, new media, media violence, and gender published in 1993 to 2020, and journal article of previous research, as well as snippet videos from the mentioned YouTube contents.


Result And Discussion

Some YouTubers' channel accounts that will be analyzed are: First, Catwomanizer. The owner of this channel is Andrea Gunawan (AG), a Sexual Health Activist, Healthy Relationships Speaker, and Feminist. The number of subscribers on her YouTube channel is 21.9 thousand subscribers. One of the videos made by Andrea regarding sexual harassment has 6.5 thousand views. Andrea's style in streaming is semi-formal and contains education. The video will then be discussed further in the findings section.

Second, Najwa Shihab (NS). The owner of this channel has the same name, namely Najwa Shihab. Najwa, better known as Mba Nana, is an Indonesian host, journalist, actress, feminist, and social media activist. The number of subscribers on his YouTube channel is 7.61 million subscribers. One of the videos discussing sexual harassment has 106 million views. Mba Nana's style in streaming is formal and contains discussions of true stories based on facts, justice seekers, and education. The video will then be discussed further in the findings section.


Gender Inequality and The Struggle

AG's Youtube channel contains videos that encourage women to be braver to speak up and report when there is sexual harassment. Many incidents of sexual violence go unreported. The cause of someone not daring to report when there is sexual harassment or violence is because there is something called Tonic Immobility.

�Many victims were blamed, why didn't they run, why didn't they scream, why didn't they fight back. Even though when sexual harassment or violence occurs, the person may still be in shock, so they can't do anything, helpless to fight back�. (NS)

The second is Victim Blaming.

�If the concept of Tonic Immobility is not understood, what happens is that someone becomes self-blaming, blames herself, or makes victim-blaming; namely, people blame her. For example, there is the saying that a woman has to cover herself, don't go out alone, especially at night�. (NS)

Third, False Accusation or false accusations, where the victim finally speaks up and wants to report, she is even subject to a defamation article because he is considered not to have sufficient evidence. Fourth, because of the power relation, the victim may be powerless under pressure.

�For example, if she reports, the consequence will be that she will be fired from the company where she works�. (NS)

This pandemic has had a double impact on women. Women are demanded to be a wife, mothers, teachers, and someone who has to care for their own needs.

�The Komnas Perempuan (The National Commission on Violence Against Women) national survey shows that women still bear the burden of household work during the pandemic. Twice as many as men with a duration of more than three hours per day. Women have to work a second shift at home when their professional hours are over�. (NS)

When men and women are faced with domestic matters, the next question is 'who will do more?' The first factor that often determines is women's financial strength and lower average wages, demanding that women give in.

�Women are often required to take over domestic work because it is considered their nature, not to mention social norms. Social expectations will be discussed later; an example is if one looks at the ideal in-laws. Women are also more at risk of losing their careers, especially during the pandemic; many companies are losing money and staggering, finally having to choose which employees to keep and which ones to lay off. Women, as usual, fell on an unpleasant choice�. (NS)

The discussion obtained from the results of this study following Lewis's previous research (2018), is a description of gender inequality whose terms are often used, namely that women are 'stupid', 'should be silent', 'ugly', 'fat', 'whore', 'can be raped' or 'cannot be raped'.


Sexual Harassment

From the research results on AG's YouTube channel, AG explains the meaning of sexual harassment based on Wikipedia, which is unwanted sex-related approaches, including requests for sex and other behaviors that verbally or physically refer to sex. AG states that various types of sexual harassment that occur in society can be in the form of catcalling, sexual comments or jokes about someone's body, invitations to have sex, spreading rumors about other people's sexual activities, touching someone's body parts without permission, and showing pornographic images or videos to other people.

�The following are facts about sexual harassment; first, it has nothing to do with the victim's clothes. Because based on a survey on sexual harassment conducted by the Coalition for Safe Public Spaces (KRPA) in 2019 of more than 62,000 people, it was found that 17% of victims used the hijab, 16% of victims wore long sleeves, 18% of victims wore skirts and trousers, 14% of victims wore school uniforms, and 14% wore loose-fitting clothes�. (AG)

Second, victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault have nothing to do with age. Because in Indonesia, the oldest victim of sexual harassment or sexual violence is 70 years old, and the youngest is a baby aged two weeks. Third, men can become victims of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

�Based on the findings of the KPAI in 2018, the 122 cases most victims of sexual violence occurred in boys�. (AG)

Fourth, sexual harassment and violence can still occur during the pandemic or PSBB (large-scale social restrictions). It is because sexual harassment or violence only changes locations, from offline to online.

�It can be referred to as KBGO or Online Gender-Based Violence or from the public sphere to the private sphere, such as Domestic Violence and Dating Violence�. (AG)

Fifth, sexual harassment or violence can be carried out by people we know.

�In Indonesia, the most common incest cases are those committed by the father or uncle himself. And during a pandemic, many victims are trapped with perpetrators�. (AG)

AG stated that she had been a victim of sexual harassment in a public space.

"When I was on the bus when I was in college, at that time, if we took the bus we used to sit in the middle and continue to sleep, then suddenly I felt, how come my thighs are a bit hot. Then finally I looked down under my bag, and it turned out that there was an older man's hand next to me. So it turns out that all this time he was holding my thigh like that and at that time I was really annoyed, I immediately saw him and the two of them and immediately shouted, 'What are you doing?', then he seemed scared, so he got off the bus." (AG)

In addition, AG has also experienced sexual harassment in the professional realm.

"When I was still working as a sales in a company, at that time, my client was a member of the House of Representatives, and when I was in the DPR-MPR (House of Representatives-People�s Consultative Assembly) building, I thought this is a normal thing to happen because other officials and also my boss who saw it just laughed like it was nothing. The member of the House of Representatives stroked my hand, then stroking part of my body without permission. He said, 'if you want to talk about this, how about going to the hotel and meeting me there?' Of course, the emotions I felt at that time were anger and disgust, and I reported to my boss and my CEO, I was angry. I said, 'whatever happens, I do not want to handle this'. Fortunately, my boss also immediately complied with my request, so I didn't handle the account anymore." (AG)

Based on NS�s video about sexual harassment, 8 out of 10 women in Indonesia have experienced sexual harassment in public spaces. While the myth says that sexual harassment only happens to women who are alone, at night, in a quiet place, wearing scanty clothes. The data shows that the majority of harassment acts still target women, however, the locations where sexual harassment is the most common are: public roads, public transportation, schools, and campuses. All of them are public spaces and the highest cases of sexual harassment in public spaces are not at night, but occur during the day and there is no need to hide in the dark. In addition, the type of clothing the victim was wearing was not statistically a significant factor.

�Anyone can be a target for harassment. We are talking about touching, catcalling, stalking, forced dating, too personal questions, or a series of others�also, harassment through cyberspace through inappropriate comments. Sexual harassment in public spaces is about the number of victims and a stumbling block for women's actions. We, women, have to be limited in their space of movement, having their guts shrunk, their expressions shackled, their steps made heavy, and made to wonder, 'are we worthy?' All of this happens in public spaces, places that should be protected. All of this sometimes happens instantly in front of us, while we only become a pair of fixed and petrified eyes. It may be that we are too surprised, afraid, indecisive, hesitant, or as noted. Ninety-one percent of us do nothing because we do not know what to do. Whereas we, as active Buster should be able to make a difference�. (NS)

NS believes that there are methods we can do to help the victims. There is one method is called five-D, which is a way to protect someone who has experienced harassment which consists of being reprimanded, diverted, reported, calmed, and recorded. The Five-D methods are: First, rebuke firmly without further ado, we take action to stop the harassment.

�For example, by reprimanding the perpetrator immediately, which is currently the most effective method and the riskiest. It requires more courage, ensuring that our situation is safe because the perpetrators could turn their back on us. Likewise, with the victim, make sure her position does not become even more vulnerable when we intervene in the perpetrator's actions. Think about whether the situation has the potential to worsen. Is it true that the victim is expecting someone to defend her?� (NS)

Second, diversion, by diverting the attention of both the victim and the perpetrator to stop the ongoing harassment. The point is to create a distraction for the harassment in various ways.

�For example, suddenly talking to the perpetrator or victim, 'Sorry, what time is it now?'. Alternatively, ask for an address�. (NS)�

Third, report it.

�If we have considerations to worry about doing prevention alone, we can seek help from others. Help can be sought from security officers or anyone nearby who can be invited to cooperate in intervening. Reporting to the police is also an option but keep in mind, not all victims will feel comfortable with police involvement. So rely on our wisest judgment�. (NS)

Fourth, calm down.

�For acts of harassment that have already occurred, we can provide support by asking about her condition after the incident. Invite her to sit down, calm himself down, then offer what help if you can. However, do not make things worse by asking or nagging things you do not need�. (NS)

Lastly, record.

�We can document the abuse so that the victim is provided with evidence if she wants to report it. Our recordings need to focus on the actions of the perpetrators. As much as possible, record location clues, such as road markings or famous buildings, and mention the date and time that must be recorded. Never share the footage right away or upload it to social media. Let the victim decide what he wants to do with the tape. You can also learn and try this virtual simulation of the 5D method by visiting the site. The knowledge may create ability, loosen silence; there is never a term for strangers when what is needed is an attitude of mutual care and defense because we are all valuable�. (NS)

The discussion obtained from the results of this study with research from Lewis (2018) is that sexual harassment occurs physically. The fantasy built on violence to silence women by injuring their throats, tongues, and mouths is also evident in contemporary harassment, where perpetrators often make threats by forcing their sexual organs into women's mouths, slitting women's throats, or cutting their throats and their tongues. The focus on silencing women by hurting their mouths, tongues and throats is one of the most common tropes in online misogyny.


Online Violence

Sexual harassment and violence can still occur during the pandemic or PSBB. It is because sexual harassment or violence only changes locations from offline to online.

�It can be referred to as KBGO or Online Gender-Based Violence, like revenge porn�. (AG)

AG stated that he had been a victim of sexual harassment in the online realm, namely on the Whatsapp Group.

"So at that time, I was asked to be a speaker in a talk show, and usually when there are events like that, it's only natural that there is a WhatsApp group to coordinate with clients and others. But what made the difference was that my clients were already unprofessional because they started flirting with me in the group. Nevertheless, at that time, I was still okay. However, what made me angry was that when the supposed clients of the group and me were to coordinate the events, it turned out that they were sending each other porn videos. Of course, I was furious and offended and said, if this is so unprofessional, inappropriate, and I do not want to be associated with the people behind this event. So I canceled and left the group". (AG)

Harassment through cyberspace occurs through comments that should not be written on social media. The discussion obtained from the results of this study with previous research by Suzor et al. (2019) is that online gender-based violence has become rampant, ranging from harassment of women who are public figures on social media to stalking intimate partners using tailor-made applications.


Gender Equality Awareness

What can be done in upholding justice is to collect evidence to report sexual violence to the authorities, and it is better to find a responsible party.

�You may tell about the problem, but do not let it add to new troubles or cause new trauma, or consult a psychiatrist and go to organizations that can help assisting in this problem�. (AG)

The resilience and perseverance of women have been proven through experience and trials many times.

�Do we have to be perfect? Is a woman like a white canvas that cannot be scribbled on by accident? The charm of women is not about perfection but from the influence they give. Let us just remember the struggles of the last year. Only persistence and adaptability can keep us from falling. Be a pillar in all aspects of life. Domestic matters, but we can also see that large-scale national decision-making is increasingly being entrusted to women. They are increasingly independent, increasingly empowered on the world's big stages�. (NS)

Women and their charms will not dim just because of imperfection.

�Women and their influence will not subside just because of the myth of limitations. Complaining and being disappointed is normal but still proud and happy to be a woman. Make the house as a stage, not a row of walls that block, from the corner of the bedroom between the kitchen equipment to the big steps of humanity. Keep expressing yourself, take care of yourself, develop your skills and never bury your ambitions�. (NS)

Woman are powerful, independent, and strong. Women are equal with men.

�Being a woman is like carrying the world. But if these people strengthen each other, there is no weight that we can't afford to bear. The video behind a man's success, there is a great woman behind it, it seems no longer relevant, we need to revise it. Behind the success of a company, government, or just a lasting relationship, there is always a great woman behind it� (NS).

The discussion obtained from the results of this study with previous research is that there is no similar research that enforces ways to obtain gender equity as in this study.



From the research results collected, it is found that the community has the spirit of feminism in the social media struggle. The representation of feminism message in YouTube contents in a form of advocation to women are intensively carried out by women activists in facing violence against women especially sexual harassment received directly in the real world (offline) and reflected in social media�s interactions (online). YouTubers are proven carry out persuasive struggle in the name of women�s right and equality. Unfortunately, the cultural hegemony is still not supporting the attempts, so that a lot of effort are required to vocalize feminism. The YouTubers, through social media channels, also try to lessen women�s position and role stereotypes in society and promote gender equality, although still facing challenges from the social awareness of the dominant community group.

Gender inequality still occurs a lot, and this is due to stereotyped society. The position of women is still below that of men. Many gender equity measures are obtained by women, one of which is in careers and companies. Men are still the foremost and play an essential role.

Harassment or violence against women occurs in various places and situations, and the perpetrators can be both stranger and person(s) whom the victim�s knew well. Moreover, harassment or violence in this modern day does not only occur directly in the real world, but also can be occurred in the online world in the form of rude comments on social media to flirty comments on online chat application.

Women's advocacy is intensively carried out in the face of violence against women, especially in terms of sexual harassment, both offline and reflected in social media interactions (online). Society carried out a persuasive struggle for women's rights and equality. However, the primary cultural climate is still not supportive of their efforts.

Through social media channels, the community seeks to reduce stereotypes about the position and role of women in society. Gender equity is enforced, although it still faces challenges from the social awareness of the dominant community groups. The YouTubers provide support to the victims as well as advice on brands which can help with sexual harassment reporting. Moreover, they also urged the government to immediately ratify the P-KS Bill, draft of the law on the elimination of sexual harassment, so that justice and right will be owned by the victims.�



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Copyright holder:

Shela Monica, Z. Hidayat, Dyah Meita Nugraheni, Chel'en Christevelyn Dewi (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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