Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah
Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 7, No. 5, Mei 2022
Mister Gidion Maru, Jenerio Michal Mokal, Hesty Yuanita Saroinsong,
Tini Mogea, Nihta Liando
English Education Department, Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected],
This research aims to examine students� perception towards e-learning
experience on writing skills during the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically in the
advance writing course. The qualitative design has been conducted with thirty
participants at English Education Department Manado State University. They are
chosen based on several criteria such as (1) participants are English students,
(2) participants have studied advanced writing courses in an e-learning
environment, and (3) participants have experience e-learning without internet
access distraction during the e-learning process. The responses were collected
through a modified online questionnaire which are later statistically
interpreted. The finding leads to the conclusion that the majority of the
participants had a positive perception toward e-learning experience on writing
skills during the covid-19 pandemic in terms of the learning process, learning
outcome, and learning evaluation, although there was minor disagreement by the
few participants. It explicitly revealed that the e-learning activity could
contribute to assist the learning needs such as comfortableness, flexibility, accessibility,
interaction, easiness, and feedback. The overall discussion leads the
researcher to suggest further researches on figuring out roles of learning
communities and groups, and effective assessment and evaluation on online
writing courses.
Keywords: E-Learning, Students� Perception, Writing Skill
E-learning has been promoted widely for English
Language Teaching (ELT). It has been used as an engaging way to learn English.
E-learning provides several advantages for EFL activity such as flexibility and
easiness. It supports the learning process through access to online learning
and teaching resources and helps learners in learning more efficiently (Nassar,
2020). It provides an alternative to teaching techniques that
empowers students to be more active learners. Furthermore, in the past few
years, many studies have investigated the impacts of e-learning on language
learning (Al-Fraihat et al, 2020). The
significant thing is that instructors or lecturers can deliver the learning
process more effectively, also be more innovative in utilizing for better
learning outcomes.
E-learning known as a unifying term in the fields of
online learning, web-based training, and technology-delivered instructions. As
the world changes rapidly, the growing interest in developing e-learning has
been accelerated by several stakeholders such as researchers, academicians,
government, institutions, and industry, which also lays crucial role to help
learning process (Almaiah, et al, 2020).
In this case, it has become highly concerned by those sectors in adaptation to
the current era.
Along with this trend, it has offered more options
for nowadays education. For instance, institutions have recognized e-learning
as an enormous upgrade in which learners should participate. It has been
initiating various improvements in the forms and tools in higher education
institutions. Those things are namely emails, blogs, wikis, e-portfolios,
animation, video links, to social networking, like Yahoo Messenger, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Moodle, Edmodo, Yammer, and Schoology.
Despite this progressive development, entering the
beginning of 2020, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has surprisingly become
an outbreak across the globe (BNPB, 2020). The outbreak made an urgency
of the needs of e-learning (Moorhouse, 2020).� The Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia has directed all educational institutions to conduct
E-learning due to the increasing spread of the outbreak for protecting the
health of educational stakeholders. All educational institutions have been
forced to implement e-learning in a learning activity.
Regarding the current situation, research on
e-learning carried out during a pandemic is very rarely found, especially in
the English as Foreign Language (EFL) context which focusing on comprehending
student�s perception of writing skills, which is highly important to obtain a
better insight on the phenomena of the pandemic. Perception is the process of
interpreting and organizing sensation to produce a meaningful experience.
Gaining the perception of learners in terms of experiencing e-learning in a
writing classroom would be beneficial to contribute to the present study.
Within these thoughts
above, it is interesting in investigating students� perception toward the
implementation of e-learning for EFL writing skills during the Covid-19
E-Learning System Management
Regarding the term of
e-learning, it was designed in 1998 by Jay Cross. Electronic learning or
e-learning is a popular way of developing education by technological
breakthroughs. It is an innovative approach for delivering a well-designed
known as distance learning, online learning, web-based learning, blended
learning and facilitated learning environment to anyone, anyplace, anytime (Dhawan,
2020; Traxler, J, 2018). Further, it is defined as the use of
computer tools and the internet technologies to provide a broad range of
solutions that enhances performance and knowledge for teaching and learning (Aljawarneh, S. A., 2020).
The learning strategies
which combined new technologies and applications determined the process in
higher education especially, as this aspect could support and enhance learning
activity (Abu-Al-Aish, A, 2021). Moreover,
there are possible factors that could influencing the acceptance namely system
usability, lecturer�s characteristics, system quality, information quality, and
technical support (Taat & Francis, 2020).
Although the challenges, e-learning still provides interaction and
communication through a computer network that allows for collaborative learning
in the form of group work as complement traditional classrooms, online learning
or mixing the two modes.
Several factors could be
significant in order to undergo the e-learning management in the pandemic
situation such as tech-knowledge, high level of awareness by part-takers, high
level of information technology assistance and support from officials (Alqahtani & Rajkhan, 2020).
The system of e-learning has been received to be time and money saving for both
students which providing online courses as well (Shahzad et al., 2020).
In addition, it is
centralized individual support as well as flexible schedules which is more
suitable (Dhawan, 2020). The environment supports high interaction and
collaboration between teachers and students, which made the process of learning
more comfortable, engaging, and enjoyable (Bataineh,
et al, (2021). The promising improvements in the context of
educational technology are service, cost, quality, and speed.
Based on these
definitions, e-learning can be seen as a new strategy in the learning process
through the utilizing of technology in an online system or platform which
promotes empowering interaction for better improvement. A precise understanding
of e-learning is highly substantial since the principal of its concept is to
enhance while empowering the aspect such as interaction, flexibility, easiness,
customizable, self-paced and independent learning. Accordingly, the facilitator
should carefully utilize the usefulness of this learning concept. In an
e-learning environment, lecturers or teachers must know how to teach using ICT.
Thus, encouraging the understanding of pedagogical approaches to e-learning is
necessarily required for successful e-learning.
Type of E-Learning
Anastasiades & Retalis
(2001) explained three different types of e-learning which are fully
online, blended (hybrid or blended learning), and web-based assistance.
Firstly, fully e-learning is established with no physical contact between
lecturer and learner, which works fully online by utilizing the internet and
its technologies including tasks as well as materials. Different from the
conventional one, it is a self-directed way that addresses the necessity,
importance, learning way, capabilities, and purposes (Buzzetto-More,
Moreover, it is
classified in two ways which are synchronous and asynchronous learning. In
synchronous, it is conducted in real-time through live discussions by using an
electronic platform. It means that participants can join even with different
places at the same time. However, a major disadvantage appears as well because
it takes some time attendance, with various time zones that could make clash in
the schedules. In other words, it creates communication and presentational challenges
(Obasa, 2010).
�Writing in
the Context of EFL Activity
Generally, writing is an
act of constructing concepts, thoughts, and ideas in a written text. Leo
et al (2007) stated that �writing is a process of expressing ideas
or thoughts in the word should be done our leisure�. In similar, Mora-Flores
(2009) also described it as a process of transferring ideas and
experiences into written form. Within transferring process, several steps
should be conducted so that writer can state his or her thoughts effectively.
Furthermore, according to
Negari (2011), it is a complex activity covers
cognitive and metacognitive process, for example, brainstorming, planning,
outlying, organizing, drafting, and revising. In this case, a systematic
process is important to deliver our thoughts or ideas well in a written text,
specifically in EFL writing activity. Moreover, this emphasizes the ability to
build analysis in a topic, by sharing personal meanings and writing courses. It
means that a writer needs to have certain stages for creating their work. In
line with these arguments, a suitable strategy in writing activity plays a
crucial role to provide a systematic process to be followed.
In terms of reasoning the
important aspects of writing towards learners, Barrass (2005) explained
some of them as follows: (1) It allows learners to establish a proper
understandable picture of what they observe. (2) Creativity and innovation
would be improved as individuals write down their thought. Capturing this
process could reflect their thoughts well. (3) It is crucial in terms of
communicating purposes, for instance, evaluation, invitation, reports, etc.
Regarding the writing process, it has several steps
to be done as follows:
Planning. First of all, analyzing the core problems
is critical in the very first place. This includes the reader and the content
goals which is known also as the pre-writing process by clustering and
Drafting. The next step is constructing the points
of writing. In this section, the framework of writing content must be clearly
stated with an initial description or elaboration of ideas from the planning
part as a parameter of writing.
Editing. In this process, the editing process must
be done to construct good writing.� The
process might be proofreading for language components such as structure,
accuracy, punctuation, diction, grammar, etc. Also additional supportive
resources to the analysis.
Final Version. The last process is related to the
final review of the text which allows the writer to recheck the whole paragraph
after a few times editing.
According to Kothari (2004), a research design is a
plan, a roadmap, and a blueprint strategy of investigation conceived to obtain
answers to research questions; it is the heart of any study.
This research was conducted in descriptive quantitative method. It
involved collecting data to answer question concerning the current status of
the subject of study ((Gay et al., 1992). It is the process of
discovering knowledge by using numeral data as the instrument to find
information about what was wanted to know, presented the data in the form of
the numbers and statistic analyzing. In other words, descriptive quantitative
is numeral related to statistic descriptive such as measuring scale, portrays
graphic and variability in regard all of the data would be in numeral statistic
and be analyzed descriptively. In the matter of students� perception, it
is adapted from Muin & Amelia (2018)
which examines students� perception in regards to the learning process,
learning outcome, and evaluation.
The participants of this research are the students in English Education
Department in the academic year 2020/2021 at the Faculty of Language and Arts
Manado State University. For this research, the researcher will take 30
participants as participants of English students. The researcher will use the
purposive sampling technique with volunteer recruitment based on some criteria
such as (1) participants are English students, (2) participants have studied
advance writing course in an e-learning environment, and (3) participants have
experience e-learning without problem in internet access during the e-learning
In this research, the researcher adopted the items of the
questionnaire by Muin & Amelia (2018), and
modified it with the aim of this research with Likert Scale responses which are
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD). There
are two sections in the instrument namely (1) personal information (Demographic
Questions), (2) main questionnaire. The data was collected by using the online
form. Participants were given a link to directly fill the questions.�
Moreover, in order to provide a clear description, the online
questionnaire was analysed in the form of percentage
formula. It means the participants� responses were classified into categories.
Meanwhile, the result was further analysed
descriptively based on the three indicators, which are learning process,
learning outcome, and evaluation.
The percentage formula as follow (Sudijono,
P = Percentage
f = Total Response/Item
N = Total Respondents
For the scaling categories for perception are as follow (Mulyani et all, 2021):
Percentage |
Category |
0 � 25 % |
Very Negative |
26 � 50 % |
Negative |
51 � 75 % |
Positive |
76 � 100 % |
Very positive |
Further, validity test was done to determine how well the collected
data covered the actual area of investigation. In this research, content
validity was used in order to know the validity of the instrument, which
focused on how well the items represented the intended area. Pearson
correlation formula by Microsoft Excel was applied manually, with the
significance level of 5% (α = alpha = 0.05). There were 30 participants;
meaning that N = 30 with df = N � 2 = 30 � 2 = 28.
The researcher took of 28, so table acquired was 0,361. The result of validity
test could be seen in the following table.
Item |
R-Item |
R-Table |
Result |
1 |
0.462311 |
0.361 |
Valid |
2 |
0.741689 |
0.361 |
Valid |
3 |
0.647742 |
0.361 |
Valid |
4 |
0.386755 |
0.361 |
Valid |
5 |
0.626847 |
0.361 |
Valid |
6 |
0.684764 |
0.361 |
Valid |
7 |
0.713375 |
0.361 |
Valid |
8 |
0.704817 |
0.361 |
Valid |
9 |
0.778636 |
0.361 |
Valid |
10 |
0.453594 |
0.361 |
Valid |
11 |
0.337674 |
0.361 |
Invalid |
12 |
0.47739 |
0.361 |
Valid |
13 |
0.604088 |
0.361 |
Valid |
14 |
0.462311 |
0.361 |
Valid |
15 |
0.670333 |
0.361 |
Valid |
16 |
0.601386 |
0.361 |
Valid |
17 |
0.656569 |
0.361 |
Valid |
18 |
0.762823 |
0.361 |
Valid |
19 |
1 |
0.361 |
Valid |
From the table above, 18 items were valid because ritem> rtable, and 1 item was
invalid. It means that there were 18 items that have being used in this
research. Meanwhile, testing for reliability was important as it referred to
the consistency across the parts of measuring instrument (Huck, 2007). The
reliability test in this research used the Cronbach Alpha technique through
Microsoft Excel. It was suggested that reliability should be equal to or above
0.60 (Straub et. al, 2004). Reliability test was undertaken with
the result was 0.898762 which meant the instrument was reliable.
Result and
As thirty university students have participated in the
questionnaire, the researchers have collected the data based on the instrument
which is already being responded to. First of all, demographic information is
shared initially to obtain general information in regards to the course
process, specifically platforms, and activities.� The learning platforms are mainly Google
Classroom, Zoom Meeting, and LMS Amelia Website.
Furthermore, in terms of activities, the participants answered that
those processes are constructing essays namely persuasive, descriptive,
expository, narrative, and short story. In addition to these activities, they
are guided with the writing steps, such as outlining, mapping and listing.
Creating a presentation regarding the material is assigned by the lecturer for
an explanation as well. It encourages in order providing relations to the
progress of the material.
Eighteen valid statements have been responded to by the participants
since one statement has proven invalid in the validity process previously. They
are contributed as fully required in the criteria of participants and conducted
by using the online form for distribution process to fulfil every specific
item. The overall data result in the main section of the questionnaire indicated
that �the overall items have been
successfully responded to in various feedbacks in regards to each statement.
Each item was constructed by focusing on the research design in the very first
place. Generally, most of the participants gave good responses which are proven
by the highest number of the strongly agree and agree scale. Meanwhile, the
numbers of disagree as well as strongly disagree scale showed less feedback.
Therefore, this finding detailed is presented in the following diagram bar.
Figure 1
The e-learning navigation process is
personally going well in advance writing course during the pandemic.
on figure one above, it could be seen that five (16, 7%) of the participants
strongly agreed, twenty-three (76, 7%) participants agreed, and two (6, 7%)
participants disagreed with statement one. It showed that most of the
participants responded navigation process was generally run well.
Figure 2
mechanisms of exercises or assignments are constructed in the advance writing
diagram above showed that five (16, 7%) of the participants strongly agreed,
twenty-four (80%) of participants agreed, and one (3, 3%) of them disagreed
with statement two. This result conveyed those exercises or assignments are
explicitly constructed in the course.
Figure 3
The exercises or assignments are constructed
to strengthen the concepts that have been studied.
In the
obtained result from figure three above, it showed that only two scales of
responses which are six (20 %) of the participants strongly agreed, and
twenty-four (80 %) of them agreed with statement three. It tells that exercises
or assignments are provided to strengthen the concept of learning.
Figure 4
The process of receiving and
sending exercises or assignments are easy
could be pointed out in the figure above that seven (23, 3%) and eighteen (60
%) of the participants strongly agreed and agreed with the statement, while
five (16, 7%) respectively disagreed.�
The result describes that most of the participants strongly agreed and
agreed in regards to receiving and sending exercises or assignments that were
run well.
Figure 5
The e-learning process encourages
independent learning actively
result of figure five above shows that ten (33, 3%) of the participants
strongly agreed, eighteen (60%) of them agreed, while two (6, 7%) disagreed
with the statement. From the scale result, the e-learning process has
positively urged participants to improve their independent learning.
Figure 6
guideline of the e-learning process in the advance writing course is provided
in the beginning.
From figure six, it could be seen that five (16, 7%) of the
participants strongly agreed, twenty-two (73, 3%) participants agreed, and
three (10%) participants disagreed with statement six. It pointed out that most
of the participants were offered the guideline at the beginning of the course,
which is strategically important.
Figure 7
The scoring is conducted objectively
on the figure above, it could be seen that six (20%) of the participants
strongly agreed, twenty-three (76, 7%) agreed and one (3, 3%) disagreed with
the statement. As the scoring process was initially crucial for the learning
outcome, the majority of responses shown good feedback about the objectivity.
Figure 8
�The e-learning application and platform can be
used easily
showed that seven (23, 3%) of the participants strongly agreed, twenty (66, 7%)
of them agreed, and three (10%) participants disagreed with the statement. The
majority of the participants were confirmed that they can easily use the
platform and application in the course activity.
Figure 9
used e-learning application is dependable in the teaching and learning of
writing course.
As seen
in figure nine above, the participants� responses showed that three (10%)
strongly agreed, twenty-six (86, 7%) agreed and one (3, 3%) disagreed with the
statement. By looking at the result, it can be described that the e-learning
application was dependable in the activity.
Figure 10
The e-learning materials for writing course
can be accessed easily
obtained result shown that seven (23, 3%) strongly agreed, twenty (66, 7%)
agreed, two (6, 7%) disagreed and one (3, 3%) strongly disagreed with the
statement above. It showed various responses in a matter of material
accessibility by the participants, with the majority of the feedback were
clearly could access the materials while performing the learning process.
Figure 11
The lecturer(s) has (have)
developed the scoring specifications
eleven above showed that three (10 %) of the participants strongly agreed and
twenty-four (80%) of participants agreed. Although there were three (10%) of
them disagreed with statement eleven, the overall participants were responded
that scoring specification concerning the frame of assessment.
Figure 12
The e-learning socialization has
been done before the lesson starts
on the result above, it could be seen that one (3, 3%) strongly agreed,
twenty-three 76, 7%) agreed, five (16, 7%) disagreed and one (3, 3%) strongly
disagreed with the statement twelve. It showed various responses regarding
e-learning socialization on the course itself, with the majority of the
feedback were done.
Figure 13
The students know how to use the
e-learning platform
figure above showed that three (10 %) and twenty-five (83, 3 %) of the
participants strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. Meanwhile, one (3,
3%) disagreed, and one (3, 3%) respectively strongly disagreed.� It describes that most of them strongly
agreed and agreed in a matter of knowing how to use the e-learning platform.
Figure 14
E-learning provides the
flexibility to study at a time convenient to the learner
result of the figure above showed that six (20 %) and nineteen (63, 3 %) of the
participants strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. Meanwhile, three
(10 %) disagreed and two (6, 7%) respectively strongly disagreed.� The majority of the participants were
provided flexibility in the study activity which comfortably helps their time.
Figure 15
E-learning provides good
interaction between peers and lecturer
participants� responses in the figure above showed that that twenty-one (70%)
of the participants agreed, eight (26, 7%) disagreed and one (3, 3%) strongly
disagreed with the statement. As the interaction process was critical for the activity,
the majority of responses shown good feedback about the interaction.
Figure 16
E-learning provides constructive feedback to
the learner
the figure above, it could be seen that one (3, 3%) of the participants
strongly agreed, twenty-four (80%) participants agreed, and five (16, 7%)
participants disagreed with the statement sixteen. It described that most of
the participants were offered constructive feedback in the learning process in
which is essentially important.
Figure 17
The students are satisfied with the
e-learning quality given by the lecturer(s) in the course
It can
be seen in the figure above that two (6, 7%) and twenty-five (83, 3 %) of the
participants strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. Meanwhile, two (6,
7%) and one (3, 3%) of them respectively disagreed and strongly disagreed.� The majority of the participants were
satisfied in regards to the quality of the course.
Figure 18
The students are satisfied with
learning outcomes in advance writing course
As seen
in the last figure above, the participants� responses showed that seven (23,
3%) strongly agreed, twenty-one (70%) agreed and two (6, 7%) disagreed with the
statement. By looking at the result, it can be described that the majority of
participants were satisfied as well in terms of the overall outcome of
e-learning in courses.
the researcher discussed the obtained finding to analyze the previous result.
The participants of this research were the students in English Education
Department in the academic year 2020/2021 at the Faculty of Language and Arts
Manado State University, as they have fulfilled the four selection criteria.
(1) Participants are English students, (2) participants have studied the
advance writing course in an e-learning environment, and (3) participants have
experience e-learning without problem in internet access during the e-learning
of all, the instrument was covered in demographic information such as platforms
and activities, and main statements. It was the attempt of understanding the
whole process in the very first place. General information revealed that
learning platforms were mainly Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, and Amelia
Website. Apart from these platforms, the activities were involving constructing
a presentation and essay namely persuasive, descriptive, expository, narrative,
and short story, which guided with the writing steps, such as outlining,
mapping and listing.
the result above, the platforms and activities were conducted in two
classifications of learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning. As stated
by the experts (Obasa, 2010., Kocur & Kosc, 2009),
the synchronous is arranged in real-time by lecturers as a facilitator of live
discussions with learners in the learning process, also facilitated by
electronic tools. This finding was proven by the presentation in the learning.
Meanwhile, the asynchronous entangles self-paced learning which offers more
flexibility to the learners than the synchronous learning approach. This
flexibility provides various options, enabling them to learn at their own pace
and time. The result was proven by the exercises and assignments through Google
Classroom and Amelia Website learning.
The initial
indication particularly demographic information is that both mechanisms have
brought major positive processes towards the experience in the course. It can
be seen by the majority of participants� perception in figure 1 with the scale
of strongly agree and agree. It means that as expected theoretically, the
application of e-learning in the advance writing has made the effective
process, although the negative perception of experience remained occurred A
brief implication could be analyzed in this finding that combination of
e-learning process must be critical in terms of creating better activity,
especially in advance writing.
this research aimed to examine students� perception towards e-learning
experience on writing skills during the Covid-19 pandemic. In regards to this
objective, the main statement items have been formulated based on the research
design which focuses on examining the perceptions in the learning process,
learning outcome, and learning evaluation. These focus indicators were
specified to establish the analysis descriptively. They were used to determine
the perception of the participants. Moreover, it created a well-directed
parameter on the perspective of the participants.
on the findings previously, the majority of the participants have good
responses in the perspective of strongly agree and agree in each statement.
Meanwhile, only a few responses in terms of disagreeing and strongly disagree.
Despite the emerging of a new kind of learning way, it is firstly indicated
positive perceptions towards e-learning experience on writing course which
maintain as well improve their writing skill. Besides, the general agreement
among participants showed the course was generally managed well even in the
pandemic situation, as the participants have no options for the learning
the indicators of main statement items, they were adapted from Muin & Amelia (2018) analyzing the process,
outcome, and evaluation in the context of e-learning activity. Therefore, these
indicators are applied specifically towards the e-learning experience in an
advance writing course within this study. The integration with the Likert scale
was also being implemented in inquiring the perception toward in student
The E-learning process ideally brought several advantages towards the
learning process (Arkorful & Abaidoo, 2014). For instance, the flexibility of
time and place, wide opportunities of interactions, the exchange and respect of
different points of view, cost-effectiveness, and self-pacing. This section is
analyzing perception in six statements that relate to the experience in the
writing course. The first statement is in figure 1 (The e-learning navigation
process is personally going well in advance writing course during a pandemic).
The result showed that the highest responses were five (16, 7%) and
twenty-three (76, 7%) on the scale of strongly agree and agree, with a total of
twenty-eight participants. In line with the theoretical explanation, this
indicates that the majority of participants have no obstacle to navigate the
platform or application personally. In this case, this affects their learning
process as the whole was run well, meaning positive perception in this
The second statement is in figure 2 (The mechanisms of exercises or
assignments are constructed in advance writing course). The result indicates
that with five (16, 7%) and twenty-four (80%) on a scale of strongly agree and
agree, the exercises or assignments were strategically constructed in the
course. By the proper construction, the e-learning process has been
strengthening as expected theoretically, as the perception was proven positive
Aligning with figure 2, the third statement in figure 3 was examined the
concept (The exercises or assignments are constructed to strengthen the
concepts that have been studied). The obtained result showed six (20 %) and
twenty-four (80 %) strongly agreed and agree with the item. It conveyed a total
positive perception in terms of exercises or assignments that were made to
strengthen the learning concept. This indicates that this process was
strengthening their writing skill well. In addition to the concept, figure 4
(The process of receiving and sending exercises or assignments are easy) was
focusing on the process of receiving and sending, by seven (23, 3%) and
eighteen (60 %) strongly agreed and agree, while five (16, 7%) respectively
disagree. As receiving and sending are crucial to keeping the process gone
well, it indicates that there were no major issues in this activity. It means
these items have a positive perception.
The fifth one is in figure 5 (The e-learning process encourages
independent learning actively). As expected in the theoretical in advance,
e-learning explicitly promotes self-paced learning in this case improvement of
independent learning. The result showed positive perception with ten (33, 3%)
and eighteen (60%) were strongly agreed and agree while two (6, 7%) disagree.
It indicates that independent learning has been encouraged by the lecturer for
better improvement in the course, even though disagreement still happened.
Further, this response is connecting the approach by the platform and
application at the beginning.
The last one is in figure 6 (The guideline of the e-learning process in
an advance writing course is provided in the beginning). It was examined
whether or not the guideline has been provided. The responses were five (16,
7%) and twenty-two (73, 3%) of scale strongly agree and agree, with minor three
(10%) responses of disagree. Since the guideline of the learning process was
critical to the whole activity, it indicates that the participants were offered
the guideline at the beginning of the course, which helping them to adjust
their learning properly.
The learning process plays a critical role to ensure the purpose of the
course concept. Adjustment by instructor or lecture could make strategic
improvement towards the students� capability. By looking at the indicator
analysis above, the major positive perceptions are successfully proved in the
overall process done well. The implication is learning mechanism determine the
advantage of e-learning goals, especially for writing skill in the advance
writing course. It means that the process stands as an initial foundation to
learning sustainability.
E-learning promotes the outcome by offering various advanced tools.
Ideally, the utilization of e-learning innovation would ensure better learning
outcomes. This is a possible way to be achieved since the combination of the
various way increase the instructor or lecturer creativity to the learning
process. The significant thing is that teachers can deliver lessons more
efficiently. Relating to this research, massive accessibility of materials
supported by a good process as well as a mechanism could be achieved. As the
analysis of the e-learning process proved major positive responses, the outcome
could be the same as well.
The first statement is in figure 7 (The scoring is conducted
objectively). The result showed positive perception with six (20%) and
twenty-three (76, 7%) strongly agreed and agreed, while only one (3, 3%)
disagreed with the statement. The scoring process reflects the measurement of
participants� results in the learning activity, which assists them in terms of
improvement. As scoring was initially crucial for the learning outcome, it
indicates that assessment was done objectively towards the participants� skill
and provide strategic feedback for them.
The second is in figure 8 (The e-learning application and platform can
be used easily).� It examined the
perception of the easiness of the application and platform. The result showed
majority perceptions were positive with seven (23, 3%) and twenty (66, 7%)
strongly agree and agree, while three (10%) disagreed with the statement. By a
combination of Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, and Amelia Website, they are
brought major positive responses towards the easiness. Although minor responses
still happened, it indicates that those platforms and applications keep
dependable to help their learning outcome. Further, this creates usefulness
made the obstacles to gain improvement are only a few issues.
In line with figure 8, the third one is in figure 9 (The used e-learning
application is dependable in the teaching and learning of writing course). This
part ensures the reliability of application in the course itself, which surely
affects their outcome at the end of the learning activity. It is very technical
but plays a big role as a whole, for instance, the comfortableness of
participants. Meanwhile, making sure there is no problem with the teaching and
learning outcome. The indication is that the outcome is determined by the
usefulness of the application, as a bridge to learning and teaching especially
advance writing courses.
The fourth is figure 10 (The e-learning materials for writing course can
be accessed easily). E-learning mainly offers massive accessibility for the
learners as learning support. Regarding this matter, the obtained finding
showed positive perception towards the statement, with seven (23, 3%) and
twenty (66, 7%) strongly agreed and agree, while two (6, 7%) and one (3, 3%)
disagreed and strongly disagree. The majority of the feedback were clearly
could access the materials. It indicates that accessibility is crucial to
assist their improvement as well as a learning outcome.
The fifth statement is in figure 11 (The lecturer(s) has (have)
developed the scoring specifications). About the learning outcome, scoring
specification helps the parameter of outcome which should be achieved by
participants. The finding showed that three (10 %) and twenty-four (80%)
strongly agreed and agree, while three (10%) disagreed with the statement. The
majority perceptions of participants are positive responses about scoring
specifications concerning the frame of assessment. It indicates that the development
scoring specification has guided their learning into good outcomes.
The last statement is in figure 12 (The e-learning socialization has
been done before the lesson starts). Various responses in finding involve one
(3, 3%) and twenty-three (76, 7%) strongly agreed and agree, while five (16,
7%) and one (3, 3%) disagreed and strongly disagree with the statement.
Socialization of the e-learning process which works in the overall course is
important to provide a good path towards e-learning outcomes. As the first step
of conducting e-learning, it indicates that the majority have positive
perceptions regarding e-learning socialization on the course itself. The
establishment of this step would keep the goal of the learning be gained by the
The learning outcome is the goal of the course concept. It takes several
strategies by instructor or lecture to improve the students� skills. By
referring to the indicator analysis above, the major positive perceptions are
successfully proved in the overall outcome. The implication is learning outcome
would be achieved with a clear scoring specification. E-learning can ensure
that purpose by the adjustment especially for writing skills in the advance
writing course. It means that the application of the learning style made good
outcome to the learning sustainability.
The e-learning evaluation stands as a strategic assessment of the whole
process and outcome. By analyzing this indicator, the researcher could make
additional analyses towards the perception of the participants in the course.
As the major positive perception proved at the learning process and learning
outcome, the evaluation might enrich the analysis clearly which covering six
items as well. By the access to advanced technology, this part is mainly
focusing on the satisfaction of participants who perceive the quality. It means
that the use of e-learning strategy could improve the quality of learning
itself theoretically.
The first statement is in figure 13 (The students know how to use the
e-learning platform). Performing a new learning environment might need
adjustment by the participants. The finding shows a major positive perception
in this statement. The responses involve three (10 %) and twenty-five (83, 3 %)
strongly agreed and agree. Meanwhile, one (3, 3%) disagreed, and one (3, 3%)
respectively strongly disagreed.� It
indicates that most of the participants have good knowledge in terms of
knowledge to navigate the learning platform. Moreover, this one has shown there
was no meaningful issue at all to the platform.
The second one is in figure 14 (E-learning provides the flexibility to
study at a time convenient to the learner). In terms of flexibility, the result
showed that six (20 %) and nineteen (63, 3 %) strongly agreed and agree while
three (10 %) and two (6, 7%) respectively disagree and strongly disagree. It is
important to the e-learning activity provides comfort environment to the
learners in the very first place. It establishes an indication that the majority
of the participants have positive perceptions with minor negative perceptions
on this part. The flexibility has successfully offered convenience to their
time of activity.
The third is the figure 15 (E-learning provides good interaction between
peers also lecturer). Interaction in the e-learning activity is critical in
order to keep the learning efficiently, also maintaining the comprehension of
the material offered in the course. This part could made exchange of learning
among learners. The majority of participant shows positive perceptions towards
this statement with twenty one (70%) was agreed. Meanwhile, eight (26, 7%) and
one (3, 3%) were disagree and strongly disagree. As interaction process was
critical for the activity, it indicates that interaction still happened in the
course even though there are minor negative perceptions of this part. In other
words, interaction ensures the understanding of participants.
The fourth is the figure 16 (E-learning provides constructive feedback
to the learner). The constructive feedback in the learning is essentially
important. Each step of materials should be evaluated by constructive feedback
by the instructor or lecturer. In this case, this part helps their improvement
at every stage. The result shows major positive perceptions with one (3, 3%)
and twenty-four (80%) strongly agreed and agree, while five (16, 7%) were
disagree with the statement. It indicates that most of the participants have
received feedback as a quick improvement to enhance their skills in the course.
The fifth is figure 17 (The students are satisfied with e-learning
quality given by the lecturer(s) in advance writing course). Theoretically,
e-learning provides strategic quality towards the result of learning, because
it allows the facilitator or lecturer to combine several approaches in the
process. Concerning this research, the result has shown that with synchronous
and asynchronous collaboration. In this statement, there are two (6, 7%) and
twenty-five (83, 3 %) of the participants strongly agreed and agreed, while two
(6, 7%) and one (3, 3%) of them respectively disagreed and strongly
disagreed.� It indicates that e-learning
has brought good quality towards the experience in the advance writing course.
In other words, they are satisfied with the whole learning activity.
The last one is figure 18 (The students are satisfied with learning
outcomes in advance writing course). In line with the previous one which is
e-learning quality, the satisfaction of learning outcome is added to complete
the entire evaluation. The outcome is relating to the goal of the learning
concept which assesses how the participant perceives the e-learning itself. The
finding proved that majority have a positive perception, as shown with seven
(23, 3%) and twenty-one (70%) strongly agreed and agree while two (6, 7%) were
disagree with the statement. By looking at the result, as participants were
satisfied in terms of the overall outcome of e-learning in courses, it
indicates that the purpose, of course, has been achieved well even though minor
negative perceptions still exist.
Regarding the implication of the analysis above, the success of
e-learning activity especially in the advance writing course is determined by
the collaboration of various e-learning approaches. It could be seen in the
demographic information as well as a learning process, learning outcome, and
learning evaluation. E-learning can strategically assist the participants'
needs by several things, such as comfortableness, flexibility, accessibility,
interaction, easiness, and feedback. By its mechanism and adjustment, the
advantages have been utilized very well proven by major positive perceptions,
although they are forced to conduct this kind of learning activity in the
pandemic situation. For this reason, this research outcome has answered the
question of what the participants perceive in regards to the three indicators
The results of this study conclude that the majority of the participants
had a positive perception in e-learning experience on writing skills during the
covid-19 pandemic in terms of the learning process, learning outcome, and
learning evaluation, although there was minor disagreement by the few
participants. In this case, e-learning has brought efficient learning in the
advance writing course such as proper application and platform as well as good
mechanism. It explicitly revealed that the e-learning activity could contribute
to assist the learning needs involves comfortableness, flexibility,
accessibility, interaction, easiness, and feedback.
The findings leads the researcher to suggest the other researcher improve
the present study by extending the aspect of students� perception in the matter
of writing course. An extension would enrich the specific research area for
better understanding. Furthermore, the facilitators are expected to be able to
apply an effective e-learning environment. Providing adequate infrastructure
and presentation takes a critical role in the very first place, while learners
must increase their knowledge in terms of e-learning understanding.
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Copyright holder: Mister Gidion Maru, Jenerio Michal Mokal, Hesty Yuanita Saroinsong, Tini Mogea, Nihta
Liando (2022) |
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