Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 6, No. 7, Juni 2022




Nurmawati, Nilla Fauziah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Indonesia

Email: n[email protected], [email protected]



Objective � This research was conducted to know the high and low career planning of high school students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, who will carry out Career Planning for the future to be brighter. Design/Methodology/Research � The research was conducted on SMA Negeri Class XI Science students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, including SMA Negeri 1 Cibitung and SMA Negeri 2 Cibitung. This research was conducted from November 2021 � to April 2022 with quantitative research using a descriptive approach. The sample collection used was simple random sampling with a total sample of 170 students. Instruments - Types of instruments used are questionnaires or questionnaires with a Likert scale in the form of scoring intervals of 1-4, which will be carried out in data analysis using SPSS 23. Results and Conclusions The level of career planning for high school students in Class XI Science in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 91.20% or 155 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 6.50% or 11 students, then followed by a very high category with a percentage of 2.40% or four students, and a very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students. The level of career planning for high school students in Class XI Science in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, is based on self-assessment factors, exploring opportunities, making decisions and goal setting, planning, and pursuit of achievement.


Keywords: Career Planning for High School Students



Education has become an inseparable part of human life. This is because Education is one of the basic rights of every citizen. In Indonesia, this provision has been regulated in Article 31, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The words of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia are as follows: (1) "Every citizen has the right to education". (2) The government implements a national teaching system regulated by law.

To implement the contents of the article above, Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System was promulgated. Law Number 20, the Year 2003, provides important definitions related to Education, one of which is the definition of 'Education' and 'National Education System'. According to Article 1 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 20 of 2003, Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process. Students actively develop their potential to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, and noble character. Character and skills. Who needs themselves, society, nation and state.

Meanwhile, the definition of the National Education System is all components of Education that are interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve the goals of National Education. In the Indonesian Education System, the education pathway consists of formal Education, non-formal Education, and informal education, which can complement each other. So it can be said that guidance and counseling informal education is an inseparable part of the national education system.

The guidance itself can be interpreted as helping individuals achieve the self-understanding and self-direction needed to make maximum adjustments to school, family, and the environment (Putra, 2015). Guidance is the assistance given to male and female who has a good personality and adequate Education of any age to develop the activities they do, make their own choices, and the burdens they experience. Guidance is also an assistance process provided to individuals who need professionally handled assistance. (MAHDI, 2015).

The definition of counseling, according to Prayitno and Erman Amti quoted from their book entitled Basics of Counseling Guidance, is a process of assistance carried out through interviews by an expert (counselor) with individuals who are experiencing problems so that the problem can be resolved by the individual (Amfi, 2008). While the definition of counseling is a series of the most basic activities of business counseling guidance to help individuals face to face with the aim that individuals can take responsibility for the special problems they face (Winkel, 2005). In the world of Education, guidance and counseling have several special functions that can provide development for students. The following are the functions of guidance and counseling according to (Prayitno, 1997) consisting: (a) the function of understanding; (b) Prevention Function; (c) Alleviation Function; (d) Maintenance Function.

Implement the function of understanding, especially to produce an understanding of oneself that is useful for student development. It can be done in various ways, one of which is establishing a career plan. Career planning for a student can be said to be very important. A student must plan what career or job he wants to achieve in the future. Career planning must be adjusted to the talents, interests, and potential that they have because each individual has different abilities from other individuals.

Each individual has different abilities in planning his career because where the desired career path direction is not the same, it is necessary to plan to determine it. Planning and choosing a career that suits oneself is important because a person's career will determine various aspects of his life (Sukadji, 2000). Career planning is one of the important aspects of individual career development. The ability to make decisions is the main goal of career planning that must be taken by each individual (Puspita 2010). In general, many equate career planning with job selection. However, a career has a broad meaning, not just about job choices. A career is also related to a person's development in his life in the future to plan his career and become successful. Career planning ability is closely related to students' understanding of the career itself. The success of one's career achievement is influenced by the ability of career planning and mature decision-making. Someone who has career planning skills, of course, can understand himself. Thus, the individual can make the most appropriate choice according to his situation.

However, based on the author's observations, there are still many high school students (SMA) who still do not have good career planning skills. This is caused by various factors, one of which is the lack of skills in acting and making decisions. This is reinforced by the opinion (Walgito, 2010), which states that class XI students are still said to be teenagers, which is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. In general, these students have not been able to be independent, so they still need help from others to get to independence, including the ability in career planning.


The word teenager comes from the Latin word (adolescere), which means to grow, which means to grow into an adult. The meaning of the word adolesce has a broader term such as mental, emotional, social and physical maturity (Elizabeth, 2002). According to Piaget psychologically, adolescence is when individuals experience integration with adult society. Individuals no longer feel below the level of older people but are on the same level, at least in solving problems (Elizabeth, Psychology). Development of an approach throughout the life span, 2002).

According to legal experts in the United States, individuals are said to be adults when they have reached eighteen years of age, not twenty-one years as before. The extension of adolescence after the individual has not been given the rights and responsibilities of an adult has resulted in a gap between youth and adult responsibilities.

Formulation of the problem

What is the Career Planning Level of Class XI Science Senior High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency?�


Research methodology

This research is descriptive. The research is only to the level of describing or describing an object, namely how the career planning of senior high school students. The research approach in this thesis uses a quantitative research approach. As stated (Sugiyono 2017:8), quantitative research methods are defined as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, and analysis of the data are quantitative/statistical intending to propose predefined hypotension.

The research sample was taken using a random sampling technique, carried out randomly without regard to the existing strata in the population. The sample chosen was class XI IPA, with 170 students from 2 high school level schools. Because there are no criteria in this sampling, the size of each class uses the Proportional Random Sampling technique. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire or questionnaire. The questionnaire is a series of questions related to a particular topic, given to a group of individuals to obtain data from A Muri Yusuf (2013). The validity test technique used in this research is Product Moment correlation. The data reliability test was carried out using the Alpha Cronbach method. Namely, an instrument is said to be reliable if it has a reliability coefficient of 0.70 or more.

Statement with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range is obtained between 36-168. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel from the analysis results obtained the minimum value = 85; maximum value = 124; mean (mean) = 97.8; median = 97.5; mode of = 98; Standard Deviation = 6.62.


Results and Discussion

A.    Research Results

This research was conducted on class XI students in two public high schools in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency. The subjects in this study were students of Class XI SMA Negeri in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, who were planning a career.

B.    Validity and Reliability Results

Validity is a measure that shows the level of validity or validity of an instrument. Explaining the validity test is used to measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions on the questionnaire can reveal something that the questionnaire will measure. In this study, the SPSS for Windows version 23 program will be used to measure its validity.

Based on testing the instrument on career planning of SMA Negeri students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, with a total of 170 respondents, 36 of 42 items were valid with the help of SPSS items. Valid items are reused in the study, and invalid items are replaced. The arrangement of items can be seen in the following table:


Table 1

Item Validity Test Results



Sub Indicator

No Question


No Question Valid








Career Planning

1. Self-assessment

It knows the talents and interests that exist in individuals and individual skills.


4, 13, 32






4, 13, 32





Able to mention the strengths and weaknesses that individuals have, as well as assess individual circumstances


19, 38






19, 38





2. Exploring opportunities

Determine the continuation of studies according to individual talents and interests.








6, 25


7, 15



Participate in out-of-school activities that support individual skills, talents and career goals.












3. Making decisions and goal setting

Individual career decision-making and selection.













We are setting individual career goals (covering short-term and long-term goals).







������ 23, 24





4. Planning

How individuals plan and achieve career goals.














Individual support to achieve career goals













5. Pursuit of achievement

Individual actions to achieve achievement.













Individual actions to maintain career goals.

















A reliability test is used to measure a questionnaire that indicates a variable or constructs. A questionnaire is reliable or reliable if a person's answer to the statement is consistent or stable from time to time. The data reliability test was carried out using the Alpha Cronbach method. Namely, an instrument is said to be reliable if it has a reliability coefficient of 0.70 or more. The results of data reliability testing can be seen in the following table:



Table 2

Reliability Results

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items




The table above shows that the Cronbach's alpha value of the variable is greater than 0.60, so it can be concluded that the questionnaire instrument used to explain the career planning variables of State Senior High School students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency is declared reliable or can be trusted as a variable measuring instrument.

C.    Data Analysis

This study is intended to describe the level of career planning of SMA Class XI IPA students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. The level of career planning is measured by a questionnaire totaling 36 statements with a score range of 1-4, so the ideal score range is between 36-168. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel from the analysis results obtained the minimum value = 85; maximum value = 124; mean (mean) = 97.8; median = 97.5; mode of = 98; Standard Deviation = 6.62. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:


Table 3

Description of Research Result Level of Career Planning for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





117 < 144

Very high



90 < 117




63 < 90




36 < 63

Very Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:


Figure 1

Career Planning Level Research Results Chart


Table 3 and figure 1 show the level of career planning for high school students in Class XI IPA in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 91.20% or 155 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 6.50% or 11 students, then followed by a very high category with a percentage of 2.40% or four students, and a very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students.

The level of career planning for high school students in Class XI Science in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, is based on self-assessment factors, exploring opportunities, making decisions and goal setting, planning, and pursuit of achievement. The description of the research results of each of these factors is described as follows:

1.     Self Assessment

The self-assessment factor is measured by a questionnaire consisting of 9 statement items with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range is obtained between 9-36. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel and SPSS 23.0 software, from the results of the study, the minimum value = was 19; the maximum value of 30; the mean (mean) = was 24.47; the median = 24; mode of = 25; Standard Deviation = 2.06. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:

Table 4

Description of Research Results on Self-Assessment Factors for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





29.25 < 36

Very high



22.5 < 29.25




15.75 < 22.5




9 < 15.75

Verry Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:


Figure 2

Self-Assessment Factor Research Results Chart


Table 4 and figure 2 show the self-assessment level of high school students in Class XI IPA in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 82.40% or 140 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 15.90% or 27 students, then followed by a very high category with a percentage of 1.80% or three students, and the very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students.

2.     Factors of Exploring Opportunities

The Exploring Opportunities factor was measured by a questionnaire consisting of 5 statements with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range was between 5-20. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel and SPSS 23.0 software, the results obtained that the minimum value = 11; maximum value 18; mean (mean) = 14.27; median = 14; mode of = 15; Standard Deviation = 1.37. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:


Table 5

Description of Research Results on Exploring Opportunities Factors for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





16.25 < 20

Very high



12.5 < 16.25




8.75 < 12.5




5 < 8.75

Verry Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:



Figure 3

Diagram of Exploring Opportunities. Factor Research Results


Table 5 and Figure 3 show the level of Exploring Opportunities for Class XI Science High School students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 87.10% or 148 students, followed by the low category with a percentage of 7.10% or 12 students, then followed by a very high category with a percentage of 5.90% or ten students and the very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students.

3.     Factors for Making Decisions and Goal Setting

The Making Decisions And Goal Setting factors are measured by a questionnaire consisting of 7 statements with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range is between 7-28. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel and SPSS 23.0 software, the results obtained that the minimum value = 11; maximum value 25; mean (mean) = 17.80; median = 18; mode of = 18; Standard Deviation = 2.15. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:


Table 6

Description of Research Results on Making Decisions And Goal Setting Factors for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





22.75 < 28

Very high



17.5 < 22.75




12.25 < 17.5




7 < 12.25

Verry Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:


Figure 4

Diagram of Research Results Factors Making Decisions And Goal Setting


Table 6 and figure 4 show the level of Making Decisions And Goal Setting of SMA Class XI IPA students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 55.90% or 95 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 40.60% or 69 students, then followed by a very low category with a percentage of 6% or one student, and a very high category with a percentage of 2.90% or five students.

4.     Planning Factor

The planning factor was measured by a questionnaire which consisted of 8 statement items with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range was obtained between 8-32. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel and SPSS 23.0 software, the results obtained the minimum value = 14; maximum value 32; mean (mean) = 20.45; median = 20; mode of = 21; Standard Deviation = 2.22. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:


Table 7

Description of Research Results on Planning Factors for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





26 < 32

Very high



20 < 26




14 < 20




8 < 14

Verry Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:


Figure 5

Planning Factor Research Results Chart


Table 7 and Figure 5 show the Planning level of high school students in Class XI IPA in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 64.70% or 110 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 32.41% or 55 students, followed by a very high category with a percentage of 2.90% or five students, and a very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students.

5.     Pursuit Of Achievement Factor

The planning factor was measured by a questionnaire consisting of 7 statement items with a score range of 1-4 so that the ideal score range was obtained between 7-28. After the data was tabulated, scored, and analyzed with the help of MS Excel and SPSS 23.0 software, the results obtained the minimum value = 16; maximum value 26; mean (mean) = 19.17; median = 19; mode of = 18; Standard Deviation = 1.92. The description of the research results can be categorized as follows:


Table 8

Description of Research Results on Pursuit Of Achievement Factors for Class XI Science High School Students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency





26 < 32

Very high



20 < 26




14 < 20




8 < 14

Verry Low







When displayed in the form of a diagram can be seen in the image below:


Figure 6

Diagram of Pursuit Of Achievement Factor Research Results


Table 8 and figure 6 show the level of Pursuit Of Achievement for Class XI Science High School students in Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency. Most of them are in the high category with a percentage of 74.10% or 126 students, then followed by the low category with a percentage of 19.40% or 33 students, then followed by a very high category with a percentage of 6.50% or 11 students, and the very low category with a percentage of 0% or 0 students.


Discussion and Research Results

A student must plan what career or job he wants to achieve in the future. Career planning must, of course, be adjusted to the talents, interests, and potential they have. Career planning skills are closely related to students' understanding of the career itself. The success of one's career achievement is influenced by the ability of career planning and mature decision-making.

After conducting research on 170 respondents from class XI students in two public high schools in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency, the researcher found that there were 91.20% or 155 students who showed career planning in the high category, students who showed career planning in the low category were 6.50% or 11 students, students who showed career planning with a very high category were 2.40% or four students, and students who showed career planning in a very low category were 0% or 0 students.

This study found that the students of class XI in two SMA Negeri levels in the Cibitung sub-district, Bekasi Regency, who had career planning in the high categorization were 91.20%. This is caused by several factors, namely self-assessment, exploring opportunities, making decisions and goal setting, planning, and pursuing achievement.

Factor Self Assessment

Based on the research conducted by the researcher, it was found that the career planning level of class XI students in two SMA Negeri levels in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency, based on the self-assessment factor, was in the high category of 82.40%. Self-assessment factor (self-assessment) is a collection of information about the individual's self, including values, interests, skills, ongoing assessment, and assessment of others. Recognizing the talents and interests and individual skills, coupled with the ability to mention the strengths and weaknesses possessed, can increase the ability of career planning students.

1.     Factor Exploring Opportunities

Based on the research results conducted by the researcher, it was found that the career planning level of class XI students in two SMA Negeri levels in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency, based on the Exploring Opportunities factor was in the high category of 87.10%. Factor Exploring Opportunities involves gathering information about opportunities inside or outside the school. The ability to determine the continuation of studies according to individual talents and interests and participate in activities outside of school that support individual skills, talents, and career goals is one of the determining factors that can increase the career achievement of students.

2.     Factor Making Decisions And Setting Gols

Based on the results of the research conducted by the researchers, it was found that the level of career planning of class XI students in two SMA Negeri levels in the Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency, based on the factors of making decisions and setting goals was in the high category of 55.90%. Decision-making and goal setting include decisions for the short and long term. The existence of individual career decision-making and selection, accompanied by the setting of individual career goals in the short and long term, can encourage the level of student career planning.

3.     Factor Planning

Based on the research results conducted by researchers, the level of career planning of class XI students in two SMA Negeri levels in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency, based on planning factors, is in the high category of 64.70%. Student career planning consists of planning in determining ways and goals to achieve goals. The unique way of planning and achieving career goals with support for these goals can encourage students' career planning levels.

4.     Factor Pursuit Of Achievement

Based on the research results conducted by researchers, the level of career planning for class XI students in two public high schools in the Cibitung district, Bekasi Regency, based on the pursuit of achievement factor, is in the high category of 74.10%. Pursuit of achievement or pursuing achievement goals is an action by students to achieve success and decide to maintain or change career direction. Thus, students' actions to achieve achievement and maintain their career goals can encourage students' career planning levels.



The level of career planning in class XI students in two public high schools in the Cibitung sub-district, Bekasi Regency, is in the high category, namely 91.20%. The level of career planning in class XI students based on self-assessment factors is in the high category of 82.40%, the level of career planning in class XI students based on exploring opportunities is in the high category of 87.10%, the level of career planning in class XI students is based on factors of making decisions and setting goals is in the high category of 55.90%, the level of career planning for class XI students based on planning factors is in the high category of 64.70%, and the level of career planning for class XI students based on the pursuit of achievement factor is in the high category of 74.10%.




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Copyright holder:

Nurmawati, Nilla Fauziah (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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