Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 7, Juli 2022




Vika Fransisca, Nur Alifah, Irma Nuraeni Salsabila

Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada, Cirebon

Email: [email protected][email protected], [email protected]



Language is the main communication tool. Apart from being a means of communication, language also has a role as a community wealth that needs to be preserved, this role is the role of regional languages. The role of the English as a foreign language is as tool of communicating between people in the world. This study aims to increase knowledge about the competition of regional languages ​​and English in the era of globalization. Data collection was carried out using a literature review method and a qualitative approach. The results of the analysis show that the use of regional languages ​​has been shifted by English in this globalization era. This happens not only in urban communities but also in rural communities.


Keywords: Regional Language, English, Globalization



�� Humans in life are very useful in communication to convey expressions or intentions and goals, then this communication is established and formed from language which human language can communicate. In addition, communication can also be a link between one information to another (Firdaus, 2017). This is followed by the rapid development of technology that facilitates the exchange of information anywhere and anytime.

The rapid flow of globalization facilitates social contact from various parts of the world who have different languages, this social contact causes code changes ranging from code switching to code mixing. (Adnyani et al., 2013). This mixing of languages ​​or commonly referred to as bilingualism has the impact of interference such as borrowing, the birth of new languages ​​and the extinction of languages. (Darwis, 2011). The influence of globalization threatens the extinction of regional languages ​​that enter through the media and the internet so that regional languages ​​are alienated (Anggraini, 2019), in harmony with Arief in (Darwis, 2011) The extinction was caused by the presence of English.

The threat of language extinction is what is feared because it cannot be avoided even if it is overcome by seminars or congress. Therefore, researchers are interested in analyzing and explaining the competition between regional languages ​​and English in the era of globalization. Then, the discussion in this article is explained about the factors that cause discontinuity in regional languages.


Research Methods

����������� This research uses a literature review research method with a qualitative approach. Literature study is a data collection technique by conducting a review study of books, literatures, notes, and reports that have to do with the problem being solved. (Sari & Asmendri, 2018). While the qualitative approach is defined as an approach that focuses on a deeper understanding of a research problem formulation (Salma, 2021).

����������� Meanwhile, data collection techniques were carried out by exploring journals and other information relevant to the study. The journals used are searched on Google Scholar searches with several writing formats, including the threat of extinction of regional languages, the influence of globalization on languages, the extinction of regional languages ​​and so on.

Result and Discussion


Global which means the world is the origin of the word globalization (Nurhaidah & Musa, 2015). Globalization has the meaning of a term that is closely related to the increase and dependence between fellow nations and humans around the world. Globalization touches all aspects including in the fields of trade, investment, culture, to language. As is known, the Indonesian people have a unique cultural diversity that is different from others, especially from the cultures of other countries in the world. This cultural diversity, must be used as a pride as well as a challenge to maintain it, furthermore it must be passed on to the next generation so that culture will always exist.

Globalization is a symptom in the spread of values ​​and culture throughout the world, making it a world culture. The development of globalization began to occur significantly starting before the 21st century along with the development of technology, communication, and information in the era of globalization (Ermawan, 2017). Changes like this make the connection faster, accessible anywhere and anytime. The impact of the development of globalization is felt in all aspects of life, including language (Asmadewi, 2021).

Regional Languages ​​in Indonesia

Language is a symbol of sound that comes out and has meaning and articulation, then it is used to interact by a group of humans in giving birth to feelings and thoughts (Chabibie, 2020). Language has various types including foreign languages, national languages, and regional languages. The Indonesian nation is a country that is rich in languages, as reported by the website (Kompas, 2022) Indonesia has 718 regional languages ​​which are used side by side with Indonesian or foreign languages.

Regional language is a language that is commonly used to communicate by the people of a region that is more specific in a country (Zalwia et al., 2018). Regional languages ​​can also strengthen relationships within a community group in addition to communicating. The family environment has several functions, socialization is one of them. The family environment is the first environment to socialize. In socializing, of course, language is needed, in this family environment the introduction of languages ​​to communicate, be it mother tongue or regional language or foreign language to children.

Regional languages ​​are a valuable asset of a nation and the wealth of a society (Widianto, 2018). Based on the number of speakers, the number of speakers of a regional language in Indonesia is different. Some languages ​​have many speakers, while some regional languages ​​have few or minority speakers. With few speakers in a language, it is not a reason for the extinction of regional languages ​​because of the loyalty of the people in maintaining their language so as to avoid the threat of extinction. (Tondo, 2009).

English as a Foreign Language

English is used as a means of communication between the world's people. For this reason, as a foreign language, English has been introduced since the child enters PAUD, on the basis that a foreign language will be better if it is learned from an early age. (Fatihaturosyidah & Septiana, 2019). English is one of the many foreign languages, in terms of speakers, English is not the most widely used language in the world. However, English has become a world or global language because English is studied by all humans in this world and is used as the main language in delivering news and information in the world (Kusuma, 2018).

In Indonesia, the first foreign language taught is English, English has become a compulsory subject both in school and college. Based on the development of globalization that occurs, people are competing in learning foreign languages, especially English. In this era of globalization, it is considered to be more "slang" to communicate using foreign languages ​​rather than local languages. So it is also necessary to pay more attention so that the threats and disturbances that are feared to the local languages ​​do not occur (Handayani, 2016).

Competition in Regional Languages ​​and English in the Era of Globalization

The rapid development of information technology has an impact on language mixing. Bilingualism or the use of two languages ​​is common in this era of globalization. However, this mixing of languages ​​can lead to two probabilities in society, namely the two languages ​​are balanced and equal in society, the probability of the two languages ​​being divided into majority and minority languages. The language that the majority of people use will be judged as prestige, while the language that is rarely used by the community will become extinct over time (Yati, 2015). The extinction of this language is feared by all levels of society, given that language is closely related to a culture. If a language is extinct then culture will also be extinct (Murti, 2015).

Along with the development of globalization, local languages ​​are repositioned by English. This language shift occurs in urban areas to rural areas and indicates extinction in line with research conducted by (Anggriani, 2022). The extinction of this regional language is also indicated by Bambang Sudibyo in (Listiyorini, 2008)� In a speech, he explained that there are 726 regional languages ​​that have the potential to become extinct due to bilingualism. There are several factors that cause discontinuity in regional languages, including:

1.   Family

Family is one of the factors of discontinuity of regional languages, this is because regional languages ​​are usually taught by families. If someone is raised in English, usually the child will have difficulty learning the local language at school.

2.   Education

Schools that teach regional languages ​​will maintain the existence of regional languages ​​because with this students learn to recognize and understand using regional languages. However, learning local languages ​​in an educational environment will not be as fluent as the mother tongue.

3.   Peers

Peers are a place to share information about the world outside the family, peers who have one area should use the local language in communicating without shame. However, along with the development of globalization, the new generation of children feel more "slang" if they do not use the local language.



The rapid development of information and technology causes language mixing. The use of bilingualism has become a common phenomenon in this era of globalization. Along with the development of globalization, local languages ​​are repositioned by English. This language shift occurs in urban areas to rural areas and indicates extinction. There are several factors that cause discontinuity in regional languages, including family, education and peers.




















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Copyright holder:

Vika Fransisca, Nur Alifah, Irma Nuraeni Salsabila (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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