Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 8, Agustus 2022




Tan Hadi

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



The role of the workforce as one of the resources in the business world is getting clearer, various concepts have been born to encourage the motivation of the workforce, which is expected to have good performance. Performance or achievement are the results obtained from jobs or activities over a period of time. The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of Knowledge Based Human Resources (KB) on employee performance (PE), the effect of organizational commitment (OC) on PE, the effect of KB on Emotional Intelligence (EI), OC on EI, EI mediates the relationship between OC and PE, and EI mediate the relationship between KB and PE in modern retail in the city of Tangerang. Cross-sectional quantitative research. The results obtained were analyzed using the SMART-PLS method, the results showed that both OC and EI had a significant positive effect on PE, while KB had a positive effect on PE, while OC and KB significantly affected EI. For the mediating impact of EI, it turns out that EI strengthens the relationship between OC and PE, while EI weakens the relationship between KB and PE. From this study it was found that EI is the most dominant factor influencing PE compared to the other two factors, this shows the need to increase EI for Modern Retail employees by building a system that includes EI indicators in the process of hiring, learning and development. The second factor that also has a significant influence on PE is OC, this shows that the Modern Retail organization must strengthen the work culture and organizational values ​​so that it can increase the strong desire for employees to continue to work on behalf of the organization and remain as members of the organization.


Keywords:Organizational Commitment; Knowledge Based Human Resources; Emotional intelligence; Employee performance; SMART-PLS; Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)



The concept of a modern retail business first emerged in the 19th century, providing one-stop shopping services with modern and comfortable store facilities, is one of the solutions offered by modern retail entrepreneurs, in order to meet changes in consumer behavior (Koot 2011). In Indonesia, the concept of modern retail began to develop in the 1980s, through several supermarkets that were located on the main and strategic lines, and then in the 2000s, in order to get closer to consumers, smaller shops were developed, known as mini markets and located in densely populated settlements (Martinus 2011). According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2021, retail contributed 12.83 percent to total GDP, and that APRINDO (Association of Indonesian Retail Companies) has a strategic role in advancing modern retail and maintaining the efficiency of traditional retail distribution. In addition, APRINDO also has an important role cooperate with the government in maintaining the security of distribution of goods and price stability, especially those that are vulnerable to price fluctuations.

Various modern retailers that exist, compete with each other for consumers by opening many branches. Even with the same location, segment, and product. For this reason, every retail company tries to provide a different quality of service from one another, in order to build trust in the eyes of customers.

One of the factors that play a role in the success of a retail business are employees. Without them, retail stores cannot run, and therefore they are the most valuable asset of a retail business. The retail industry is one sector where employees interact directly with customers, this means that customer experience and satisfaction are strongly influenced by your employees (Huang 2017).

In the context of management, HR is a source of knowledge, innovation, and renewal (Seidman 2014). Contemporary organizations place greater emphasis on performance management systems as the primary means of encouraging higher levels of employee performance (Gruman 2011).

OC defined by (Al Zefeiti 2017) is a degree that shows how much employees absorb the values ​​and goals of the organization, so that through this understanding they can help employees fulfill their job responsibilities. Strong belief in the values ​​and goals of the organization, willingness to put in a lot of effort for the benefit of the organization and a strong desire to remain a member of the organization can encourage employee motivation to do better.

(Yang et al, 2017) asserted that EI for individuals is the ability to monitor their own emotions and those of others, which after going through the identification stage this information is used to guide their thoughts and behavior, including three stages: paying attention to the needs of others, determining intentions to helping others, and linking those intentions and behaviors. Previous research conducted by (Nguyen at al 2019) confirmed that EI is a factor that has an impact on student achievement, while (Singaravelloo 2021) in his study of public servants found that EI has a positive and significant impact on EP. However, research related to the effect of KB on EP, OC on EP, EI on EP and EI as comprehensive determinants is rarely found, especially in the context of modern retail. This study analizes the factors that influence EI and evaluate their impact on PE, specifically: (1) analyze the direct effect of KB and OC on PE., (3) to determine the impact of EI on PE, and (4) to evaluate the mediating effect of EI on KB and OC on PE.

Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

In the retail business, customers will generally deal with employees, where the service from the salespeople will be felt by customers from the moment, they enter the store. Thus, the role of employees in improving the customer experience should not be underestimated. The quality of employee-customer interactions is conductive to improve customer-employee connections as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty (Wang 2019). This gives PE a very important role for employees in modern retail.

Employee Performance and Organization Commitment

EP is a reflection of the behavior of employees at work, how well they can carry out the required work tasks, and generally companies set performance targets both individually and in groups, with the hope that the company can provide good value to customers, minimize waste and operate in an efficient manner. efficient. Performance is the result achieved by individuals who are carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to them (Mangkunegara, 2017).

Organizational Commitment, or OC in short, is a strong urge in an employee to remain a member in an organization, and a high willingness to work for the organization with a certain belief and acceptance of the values ​​and goals of the organization. In other words, this is an attitude that shows employee loyalty to a company by paying attention to the success and progress of the company (Luthans 2011). Previous research concluded that OC is positively related to skills, effort and nature of working conditions (Suharto 2019), OC does not mediate the relationship between work motivation and PE (Adelfigita Frastika 2021), OC has a positive and significant effect on PE (Fuad Fakhruddin 2020). From these observations, this paper proposes a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1 (H1). OC significantly affects productivity of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City

Employee Performance and Knowledge-based Human Resources

KB is an approach in which organizations play a role in generating, integrating and distributing knowledge. According to this approach, organizational success is measured by the organization's ability to develop new knowledge based on its resources (Grant 1997). Knowledge is related to the ability of employees to build creativity in order to provide the best service to customers (Prahalad 2013). Knowledge is a major component and an important intangible resource that can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. (Nonaka 2000) categorizes knowledge into tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, where tacit knowledge are things that are stored in the human brain, while explicit knowledge are things that are contained in documents or other storage places. KB is the quality and skill possessed by employees in solving any problems based on the expertise and understanding gained from experience or education through the SECI process. (Davenport 1998) describes KB as a process by which organizations create, document and share knowledge with their employees. In a previous study it was stated that KB encourages the formation of competitive advantage through the transfer of knowledge between individuals, internal and external organizations (Novianti 2019). From these observations, this paper proposes a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 2 (H2). Knowledge Based Human Resources significantly affects the productivity of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

Employee Performance and Emotional Intelligence

EI is a form of social intelligence which includes the ability to monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions, to feel the difference and to use this information as a guide in thinking and taking action. According to this definition, emotional control is the ability to refrain from uncontrollable emotional impulses from public view (Sy 2004), with four aspects; first, self-awareness; second, self-management; third, social awareness; and fourth, relationship management (Cherniss and Goleman, 2001 cited (Cabaros 2022)). (Mastracci 2016) explained that EI is the most basic skill of individual emotional work, emotional work is the ability to control emotions. Previous research explains that EI has a positive and significant effect on work performance (Mahmood et al 2015), in line with the results of research conducted by (ZhongwuLi 2021). (Ivan Vratskikh 2016) states that EI significantly and directly affects EP, and conversely an increase in EI is affected by EP. From these observations, this paper proposes a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 3 (H3). Emotional Intelligence significantly affects the productivity of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

Mediating Effects of Emotional Intelligence

(Mayer 2000) defines emotional intelligence as the ability to manage emotions and recognize their meanings, which are used in solving problems faced by individuals, by assimilating feelings related to emotions, the capacity to understand emotions, understand emotional information and manage them. Research in the field of organizational psychology seeks to reveal the role of EI as an alternative construct to predict employee performance (Goleman, 1995; Mayer et al., 2000 & Furnham, 2004) as one of the factors that influence work outcomes (Magbleh, 2016 & Konjongian, 2016).

(Sefnedi 2017) in his study concluded that motivation does not mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence, organizational cynicism, and job performance. EI mediates the relationship between work climate and EP (Tukiman et al. 2018), EI mediates the relationship between organizational citizenship and job satisfaction with EP, in this study EI refers more to employee interpersonal skills, such as communication skills and levels of cooperation and collaboration (Susan Tee Suan Chin 2021). From these observations, this paper proposes a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 4 (H4). OC significantly affects EI of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

Hypothesis 5 (H5). Emotional Intelligence mediates the relationship between Organizational Commitment and productivity of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

(Kanishka Gupta 2021) through his research on the service sector in India, concludes that; First, empirical analysis shows the mediating role of intellectual capital on knowledge-based human resources and organizational performance; Second, the application of knowledge-based human resource practices is very important in supporting the performance of the service sector; third, knowledge-based human resources are partly mediated by intellectual capital. From these observations, this paper proposes a hypothesis:

Hypothesis 6 (H6). Knowledge Based Human Resources significantly affects the Emotional Intelligence of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

Hypothesis 7 (H7). Emotional Intelligence mediates the relationship between Knowledge Based Human Resources and productivity of Modern Retail employees in Tangerang City.

Diagram 1 The Research Model



This study aims to analyze the mediating effect of EI and evaluate its impact on the relationship between organizational commitment and knowledge-based human resources on employee performance in the modern retail sector in the city of Tangerang.

Data Collection

The data used is primary data collected from respondents through questionnaires. The unit of analysis is Modern Retail, while the unit of observation is the employees who work at the modern retail in the city of Tangerang. The number of samples used were the rule of thumb in SEM analysis, a minimum of 100 samples or 5-10 times the number of indicator variables (Hair, Matthews and Matthews 2017). Because the number of indicators in this study was 15, the sample collected in this study was 150 respondents, but after initial examination such as filling out a questionnaire, only 113 responses (75.33%) were analyzed.


The research questionnaire was developed through a list of closed questions using a Likert scale of 5, thus respondents only needed to answer 1 to say strongly disagree and 5 to say strongly agree on each question. The indicator variables tested in this study were adapted from previous studies. The measurement items for each variable can be seen in Table 1.


Table 1

Measurement items


Data Analysis

The data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) method, which can be used without considering the assumption that the data has a normal distribution (Ghozali 2012). The validity test is carried out on each indicator variable with the provision that the loading factor value must be above 0.7, and to measure the diversity of the variables using the applicable rules, namely the Average Variance Extracted value must be above 0.5.

In order to prove the accuracy, consistency, and precision of the instrument in measuring construction, a reliability test was carried out, by measuring the Composite reliability score and Cronbach's Alpha score, each of which must have a value above 0.7 (Ghozali 2012).

To measure the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables, the R-Square test is carried out, where the value of R2 must be on a scale of 0 and 1, which means the higher the value of R2, the greater the effect. The value of R2 is 0.75 for the strong model, 0.5 for the moderately strong model and 0.25 for the weak model (Ghozali 2012).


Result and Discussions

Respondent Profile

Respondent's profile was based on demographic factors including education, age, and gender. Table 2 shows that most respondents are male (66%). In addition, it was found that the majority of respondents aged (59%) between 20 and 30 years, and most of the respondents (89%) graduated from high school.


Table 2: Profile of Respondent


Measurement Model

Evaluation of the external model is assessed through convergent validity and discriminant validity, where convergent validity can be seen through standard loading factors that show the correlation between each indicator and its constructs. To assess the validity of the convergence according to the rule of thumb, the loading factor value must be above 0.7 for all factors.


Diagram 2. Output Display of Smart PLS


Table 3 shows the joint variance of the different variables aren�t higher than the square root of the explained mean variance, therefore the discriminant validity of the measurement model is accepted. Thus, this finding confirms that the measurement instrument can be used to measure in this study. The reliability test uses Cronbach's Alpha to measure the consistency and stability of the research instrument. The intersection point of Cronbach's alpha is above 0.6. From Table 3 it can be seen that the smallest Cronbach's alpha value is 0.855, which means that the measuring instrument is reliable. Furthermore, the measurement indicators for each variable can be ascertained to be reliable if the loading factor value is greater than 0.7 (Nurlaela, Sumarwan and Najib 2019). In this study, the lowest loading factor was 0.732; therefore, all indicators are reliable. In addition, the composite reliability (CR) in this study exceeded the threshold of 0.6 (see Table 3), as suggested by (Hair, Matthews and Matthews 2017), which proves that there is an acceptable level of internal consistency and reliability. Finally, convergent validity can be seen from the average variance extract (AVE) value which is higher than 0.50.


The heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio was used to measure the mean difference between the correlation of indicators in different constructs (Heterotrait-Heteromethod correlation) and the correlation of indicators in the same construction (the Monotrait-Heteromethod correlation). Previous research has shown that the threshold value for HTMT is less than 0.9 (Sarstedt 2015). When the HTMT value is higher than the specified threshold value, it can be said that the discriminant validity is insufficient.



From table 4 it can be concluded that the AVE root of the EI construct is 0.80 which is higher than the correlation of the EI construct with other variables, as well as the EP, KB and OC variables, each of which has a larger construct value when compared to the correlation construct with other variables Thus, it can be concluded that all constructs are in good discriminant validity.

Testing the structural model is performed by looking at the R-Square value, which is a goodness-fit test of the model. From table 5 it can be concluded that the effect of the OC, KB and EI variables on EP gives an R-Square value of 0.544, which can be interpreted that the variability of the EP construct which can be explained by the variability of the OC, KB and EI constructs is 54.4%, while 45.6% is explained by the variable. outside of the research. Similarly, the variability of the EI construct which can be explained by the variability of the OC and KB constructs is 34.3%, while 65.7% is explained by variables outside the studied.



Effect Size Test (f2) was conducted to find the effect of simultaneous exogenous variables on endogenous variables (Ghozali 2012). An f2 value of 0.02, or 0.3, or 0.35 is low, medium or strong. Table 6 shows that the greatest influence of exogenous variables lies in EI on EP with a score of 0.556 which means it has a high influence, while the smallest effect on KB on EP with a score of 0.001.



This study found that OC has a significant positive effect on EP, as evidenced by the T-Stat value of 3.695 > 1.6449 (Lisye Nurzaman 2022), so H1 is supported in this study. The regression coefficient () score of 0.385 means that every 1 unit increase in OC will have an effect on EP of 0.385 units.

This study found that KB had a positive effect on EP, and this was evidenced by the T-stat value of 1.986 > 1.6449, so it can be concluded that H2 is supported in this study, and then the regression coefficient () of 0.208 indicates that if an activity increases 1 KB unit will have an impact on increasing EP by 0.208 units.

From the data in table 7, it can be seen that H3 is supported in this study, where the T-stat score is 8.359 > 1.6446 and is the highest value in this study, which shows that EI is the most significant factor that positively affects the EP of the modern retail sector in the city of Tangerang. Furthermore, the regression coefficient ( equal to 0.622 indicates that every activity that increases the EI ability of 1 unit of employees will have an impact on increasing EP by 0.662 units.



In addition to testing the direct effect of OC and KB, this study also evaluated the indirect effect (Mediation Effect) of EI on OC and KB. Hypothesis 5 states that EI support indirectly affects the relationship between OC and EP, while Hypothesis 7 states that support EI indirectly affects the relationship between KB and EP. Table 8 shows the results of the evaluation of the indirect relationship.



From table 8 it can be seen that H5 is supported in this study, where the T-stat score is 3.335 > 1.6446, which indicates that EI significantly mediates the relationship between OC and EP. This study also supports H7, where from table 8 above it can be seen that the T-stat value is 3.053> 1.6446, which proves that EI significantly affects the relationship between KB and EP.



This study shows strong and positive support from emotional intelligence on employee performance at modern retail in the city of Tangerang. The ability of employees to face various challenges at work, persistence in achieving goals, respect for colleagues and the ability to resolve various conflicts that arise have a very positive impact on their work results. Other dimensions of emotional intelligence greatly affect employee performance, including the ability to accept oneself, to understand the emotions and feelings of others, the ability to build good relationships with others, the ability to manage and express emotions, control emotions, the ability to adapt to situations. new, and respect the opinions of others, and always think positively in life (Lisye Nurzaman 2022). Employees who work in modern retail in their daily life are always required to provide good service to consumers, not infrequently in relation to the demands of this job, employees experience role conflicts. Role conflict can cause tension in both individuals and organizations (Rizzo 1970). Thus, emotional intelligence to resolve conflicts, becomes one of the indicators that play a role in improving employee performance at modern retail.

Furthermore, this study examines the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance at modern retail in the city of Tangerang, and the results state that employees who are proactive in solving every problem that exist at work, work with enthusiasm and maintain and optimally utilize all the facilities provided by the company.significantly supports the performance improvement of employees working in this modern retail sector. The results are in line with previous research which states that organizational commitment which includes Affective commitment, Continuance commitment and Normative commitment, significantly affects the performance of workers in the oil sector (Muhammad Riaz Khan 2010), the textile sector (Shahida Parveen 2019), at the Ministry of Transportation and informatics (Violita 2020).

This study shows that knowledge-based human resource factors have a positive influence on employee performance, therefore it provides scientific proof that to improve employee performance the company must make clear standard operating procedures, so that it can be a guide for employees to carry out their duties, in accordance with the direction given by the company through the SOP. In addition, the application of technology that provides opportunities for employees to access knowledge and facilitate communication and coordination also has an impact on employee performance.

This study also confirms that employee emotional intelligence is a factor that indirectly mediates the relationship between knowledge-based human resources on employee performance. This means that knowledge-based human resource indicators can improve employee performance which is supported by emotional intelligence. The significance of the indirect effect of knowledge-based human resources on employee performance through emotional intelligence is (T-stat = 3.053), while the direct effect is (T-stat = 1.986), meaning that the indirect effect of knowledge-based human resources on employee performance through intelligence emotional is greater than the direct effect of KB on EP. This shows that individuals who work in accordance with existing directives and SOPs will increase their persistence which has an impact on their performance. This is in line with (Arief Tukiman Hendrawijaya et all 2018).



The result of the first test is that organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. It can be concluded that employees who work with enthusiasm and have a high commitment to complete work well will have better work performance. The results of the second test show that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, employees with the ability to face challenges at work, have high persistence in achieving goals, respect co-workers and are able to overcome and resolve various conflicts at work, will have better work performance. good. The results of the third test show that knowledge-based human resources have a positive and significant impact on employee performance at modern retail in the city of Tangerang, this proves that employees who always try to explore knowledge and practice good communication, and work by following applicable procedures, will have better performance.

The results of the fifth and seventh tests, namely emotional intelligence as a mediation for the relationship between organizational commitment and knowledge-based human resources on employee performance, emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect as a mediator between organizational commitment and employee performance. Likewise, emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect as a mediator between knowledge-based human resources and employee performance. This shows that the hypothesis regarding the mediating variable is acceptable.

Some things that become limitations in this study are; first, respondents only come from one sector, namely modern retail, for further research it can be combined between modern and traditional retail sectors; second, the possibility of errors caused by the respondent's lack of understanding of the questions in the questionnaire given; third, there is an interaction between the researcher and the facts under study so that the analysis provided is subjective and based on the researcher's point of view.

The results of this study have proven that the variables of organizational commitment, knowledge-based human resources and emotional intelligence can improve employee performance at modern retail in the city of Tangerang. So that through the results of this study, it is hoped that it can be a recommendation for business actors in the modern retail sector, in order to continue to improve employee performance, through activities that can build employee emotional intelligence, increase employee involvement which aims to build commitment and loyalty as well as implementation and development of the system. work procedures to make it easier and clarify the implementation of the daily tasks of employees.



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Tan Hadi (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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