Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 8, Agustus 2022




Fauzan Fadel Muhammad, Yudo Anggoro

School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



An interesting phenomenon occurred in a remarkably effective and efficient shift in campaign strategy carried out by young millennial parliamentarians who won the 2019 DKI Jakarta legislative elections by controlling the parliamentary seats of the DPRD DKI Jakarta by 30%. Millennials are the majority community group of DKI Jakarta residents who actively use social media. The young generation of DKI Jakarta millennials is the target of Potential Market (Voters) by young legislative candidates as Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Marketing in conveying the concept of their work program to win the election and win the hearts of the grassroots community in the 2019 DKI Jakarta Legislative Election and be able to beat the senior incumbent politician with experience in politics. The research methodology used with a qualitative and quantitative research approach, which carries out a primary research approach, by distributing questionnaires using random sampling techniques. Furthermore, this research also conducted direct interviews with young legislators who won the 2019-2024 Legislative Election. The quantitative research such as external analysis and internal research by carrying out approaches through Benchmarking analysis and PESTEL Analysis. As well as internal analysis with the C12 New Wave Marketing approach and VRIO Analysis. From the results of studies that have been carried out, it is indicated that the implementation of Strategic New Wave Marketing by implementing and formulating the 12C implementation that prioritizes New Wave Value can form a distinctive personal brand of a politician who can form bonds with grassroots communities in their chosen area.


Keywords: New Wave Marketing, 12C, Election, Branding, Popular, Campaign, political marketing



The 2019 Legislative Election in Jakarta is a phenomenal year in politics due to the rise of young people/millennial�s participation in the Jakarta legislative election. Millennials, often defined as Generation Y, are a group of people born after Generation X, born from the 1980s-2000s, aged below 40. and nearly 30% of elected people in the election are millennials. This paper will examine how marketing strategy aligns with success in politics. It can be seen, that some research has been done by government (BPS) or private sector of statistics research and the result showen that DKI Jakarta have a big population of younger people from 15-49 years old and is primarily citizens of the middle and upper economy class and more than 50% active as social media in their daily activities life. This will impact how the marketing strategies will differ compared to other provinces.

Literature Review

New wave marketing

The phenomenon of New Wave Marketing is a new paradigm approach to communicating communally through digital channels and achieving strategic coverage and new marketing tactics to deliver optimal value to consumers in the era of digital connectedness. In practice, the principles of Legacy Marketing may still be applied to some extent. However, at the same time, it needs to redefine marketing strategies and tactics to become more horizontal in this New Wave era (Kottler et al., 2017: 48). The young politicians use the New Wave Marketing strategy. They use the internet as their communication channel platform. In the era of horizontal communication, it makes fewer barriers to equality for differences between young politicians and their constituents or can also be referred to as an audience that is now both equal. The Political campaign will focus on high exposure and low capital expenditure programs. With the shift in strategy and the development of new wave marketing technology that uses the internet platform, the low budget high impact pattern is very likely to be implemented (Musi, 2017: 96).


Image theory is an alternative to classical decision theories based on subjective expected utility, propounded by Lee Roy Beech (Beach, 1990), quoted from Margarita I�oraitė. (2018) research studies. According to Beach, expected utility models of decision-making do not match real-world processes. Studies of actual managerial decisions show that decisions are rarely based on explicit cost/benefit calculations.

Brand Image

When building a personal branding for politician, it is essential to think about the brand image because customers' emotions and perceptions refer to brand image. (Yuan, 2016; Lahap et al., 2016). Customers like to purchase online of famous brands, and the company's brand image has a good impact on customer buying decisions (Keller, 2013; Lee and Tan, 2003).

Brand Image can reflect the customer's thoughts and feelings about the brand. (Roy and Banerjee, 2007). According to Peter & Olson (2000), brand image is consumer perception and preference for the brand. It is also reflected by various brand associations that exist in consumer memory. Although brand associations might occur in various forms, they can be differentiated into performance associations and imagery related to brand attributes and advantages.

Decision to purchase/vote

According to the buying decision process theory of Kotler, Kartajaya, Huan, and Liu (2012), after the final purchase decision has been made, another important job of marketers has just begun. At the final stage of the purchase decision-making process, shown in Figure 1, which is post-purchase behavior, customers evaluate their experience from the purchase they have made to determine whether they should revisit the stores or repurchase the products and services (Ratasuk, 2019). Therefore, to achieve sustainable success, businesses should develop customer repurchase intentions.

Conceptual Framework



The internet is currently a basic human need, including in Indonesia. The growth of internet use in Indonesia is getting higher daily to access the internet, which is currently more inclined to access using platforms (Fikri, 2018).

Communication through the internet platform enters all aspects of life. It is not left behind until it penetrates the realm of political communication between politicians and the audience (electoral), with growing opportunities for young politicians to get attention and come to the fore with communication strategies and campaigns for young politicians. It is essential to develop a conceptual framework to analyze scientific research on the success of the campaigns of young politicians who won in the 2019 election for the DKI Jakarta electoral district, which obtained 30% seats in the DKI Jakarta DPRD parliament.


Research Methodology

The research will use quantitative and qualitative methods in this scientific presentation effort. This method is used to describe research questions scientifically based on valid theoretical arguments and marketing strategy literature. To reveal the success of the marketing strategy of young politicians in the parliamentary elections in the 2019 DKI Jakarta Legislative Election, compared to senior politicians who failed. The quantitative method is applied in this scientific study, using data from large enough units. Data is collected through interviews, either using open interviews or submitting closed questions, commonly referred to as Scala Questioners, as primary data. This method will be implemented by conducting interviews with both the success team and the campaign team from senior politicians and young politicians, in their efforts to win the hearts of voters, and also distributing closed-ended questionnaires to the people.


External Analysis

PESTEL analysis was first proposed by Aguilar in 1967 as a model to analyze the influence of the environment, both external and internal Political, Social Economic Technology and Legal Factors. It is clear from the analysis that the Indonesian nation has a long history and cannot be separated from its youth, who are directly involved and participate in physical struggles and political diplomacy to seize and fill this independence. Our nation allways facilitates and gives the rights of youth to get involved in politics as enshrined in the 45 Constitution and Pancasila, especially the fourth principle. in Political factors and Legal factor. From social factors & economic factors, the common thread that can be drawn is that, because a young man's conscience is still "idealist & pure", they are involved in conveying and voicing the voice of the people they represent. Furthermore, in the current era, the technology factor makes it easier for young politicians to voice their generation to represent and express themselves with more effective and efficient communication channels through the New Wave Marketing Strategy.

Benchmarking Senior Politician Vs Young Politician

benchmarking senior.pngbenchmarking young.png


The benchmarking analysis results have proven that senior politicians make less effort to use social media as their news media and social media as a tool to expose their branding, so grass root citizens can recognise them and vote for them because people know them very well. And young politicians understand the benefit of social media as media tolls become a media darling.

Internal Analysis

STP Analysis

STP analysis is important in determining the market strategy that will be planned and implemented. Based on the geography of DKI, Jakarta is the nation's capital. It is the largest and most populous metropolis in Indonesia, meaning that the complexity of life for the people of DKI Jakarta is very dynamic. Therefore, society needs a figure who can provide the best solution to the problems. They face. This STP analysis to analyze New Wave Marketing becomes a little blurry to determine the STP brand because the implementation of the New Wave Strategy uses 12C and no longer applies the STP strategy.

Segmentation to Communisation:

The political candidate develops a community that binds the informal community together. This bond is related horizontally between the politician and the community and interacts with each other, and this bond becomes very close like brothers and mutually support each other. As we can see from William, the PSI Political party candidate has 50,700 followers on four social media applications. This is quite significant with the votes he won in the 2019 election.

Targeting to Confirmation:

With communication between political candidates and consumers established in the community, if the candidate wishes to do branding, community members must confirm it because they can decide and accept whether the branding can be done.

Positioning to clarification:

Community members (customers) can assess and clarify the positioning that the manufacturer has promised. From social media accounts owned by young politicians who won the 2019 DKI Jakarta DPRD elections, they could clarify that their aspirations and problems were represented and could be conveyed directly to young politicians to be fought for in parliament.

VRIO Analysis

This framework is used to analyze and assist companies in understanding the company's internal resources and capabilities to compete in market competition to survive and be sustainable in tight competition. It uses four questions related to value, scarcity, imitation, imitation, and the company's ability to identify the value of the resources needed by the company and capabilities that have the potential as a competitive advantage related to the competitors (Barney, 2002).

VRIO Analysis.png







From VRIO Analysis shows that young politicians who sat in the DKI Jakarta DPRD and won the 2019 general election already have good personal branding to become the top of mind of the voting community. It is a significant essential capital for a young politician to have. After being analyzed using the VRIO approaches, we can see that the young politicians who won the 2019 DPRD DKI Jakarta elections have a great support system. However, their sustainability in the Political World still has to be tested and seen in their career development because the souls of young people are still young and must be able to prove themselves so they can achieve the expected performance of the voters, they can have positive values from the community (minimum gap).

Root Cause Analysis


In Root Cause Analysis, several stages must be carried out to analyze the cause and effect of a case being studied, including several stages: defining the problem, conducting root cause investigations, submitting an action plan, and implementing the action plan and monitoring.

Create Action Plan

They are illustrated in the Fishbone diagram above. In the concept of the popularity triangle, Senior politicians often ignore the importance of branding management and marketing communication which are maintained regularly and continuously to keep the personal branding of these politicians at the top of mind of the grassroots community.

Media Darling

At this stage, it is clear that senior politicians are significantly less and even keep a distance from the media, which is very different from young politicians who consider social media and social services to be a part of their lives. This media has two channels, namely social media and news.

Territorial Base Senior politicians do not understand the importance of market mapping, read the demographics and geography of the people who will be represented, and keep their distance from the people they represent.This is different from young politicians with their style who can blend in with the grassroots community and collaborate directly by creating communal



External Analysis

Based on the PESTEL analysis that uses proven that young politicians still have a place and sympathy for potential voters because they are considered idealistic, energetic, and sincere in fighting for and voicing the aspirations of the people of DKI Jakarta. Young people can interact with their voters in real-time. Their also can calculate the market power represented in this topic as actual voters. With the New Wave Tactic & New Wave Value approach, it effectively won DKI Jakarta legislative election. From the benchmarking analysis carried out between senior politicians and young politicians, This is where the shortage of senior politicians is getting more protracted and more distant from the grassroots community as a result of maintaining their image as members of parliament. A millennial politician who has been able to win the hearts of voters (market) in the 2019 election still has many shortcomings, including a track record & very minimal political communication. However, the community provides the opportunity for the nation's next generation to have a career in politics and provide maximum results to fight for the people's voice so that in the future, more millennial politicians are predicted to take part as members of parliament.

Internal Analysis

From the analysis results, these young politicians no longer use it but prioritize the New Wave Marketing Strategy approach with the application of 12C. The millennial politician, the millennial generation, and the Gen Z generation are very familiar with contemporary technology, such as social media. Those with minimal campaign and political costs try to use the New Wave Strategy in building their political communication. Build an emotional bond with its potential market by utilizing communization based on friendly horizontal interaction and mutual support.

The VRIO analysis results prove that the approach used by millennial politicians in DKI Jakarta using the New Wave Strategic Marketing method is incredibly effective. As evidenced by the STP analysis, the electability level of millennial politicians is the essential capital to be liked and recognized from an early stage. The steps they use are 12C so that not only efficient millennial politicians communicate, but work programs from the co-creation of followers and horizontal interactions followed by communal activation can solidify New Wave Tactics & New Wave Values. These millennial politicians won legislative elections in DKI Jakarta in 2019


From the results of this study, this paper wants to provide recommendations for further research to examine more deeply related to the phenomenon of the millennial politician's victory in the 2019 legislative election in Jakarta; 1. This research is too generalization on the object of research is too general, not specific in the case of Marketing Strategy Winning a specific Candidate so that the research can have more in-depth analysis. 2. The generalized research and a minimal research period, we cannot explore more deeply than a politician studying Personal Branding marketing strategies that we can take lessons. 3. The research point of view can also cover Media exposure, which is not only Social Media, because we know that not 100% of Indonesians use online media, but channels. Another conventional communication participates in building the fame and popularity of a politician to be liked by the public. 4. The research scope is minimal. Suppose the research sample could be larger or include a sample study representing the Indonesian people. In that case, the study results will be more representative, or if further research is carried out with different demographics and geography of the community. The research results will show fascinating results, enriching and deepening the literature on the study of New Wave Marketing Strategy, which is still very minimal.

Implementation Plan

The research results provide evidence, and it acts as a reference for applied planning that can be used to win a politician with the New Wave Marketing approach. Anyone who wants to get involved in Practical Politics, based on the described support system so that a politician has Fame and Popularity to have a high 'like' as a significant essential capital to achieve electability, there are several things that need to be considered. Personality Branding

Track Record for Young Politicians who have just entered into practical politics in 2019, The New Wave Marketing Strategy approach one of better one tools to implementing becouse it efective and efficien. Furthermore, senior politicians must follow this step so as not to be eroded by technology and time.

Competency, young politicians are expected to continue to strive to improve their insights in Politics, Communication, and other Branding. Therefore, they can become more reliable and more established politicians with good competence and can fight for the aspirations of the grassroots community with all their heart and soul, which aims to prosper the community with broad insight.

Personal Branding, With the implementation of 12C in New Wave Strategic Marketing, politicians can form Soul Character & Care from the results of horizontal communication interactions without having to build distance with grassroots communities. Furthermore, with a personal touch from Communal Activation carried out from Co-Creation, which was built with the community, became the marketing coverage area.

Media Darling, from this 12C approach, politicians can make the news or even create news information that can be covered by the media, either from the controversial approach or positive news. Especially from the communal activation, this was confirmed by the followers.

Popular, the politician must be liked by the public as the market share. With the implementation of New Wave Marketing, a politician can learn the character of his territorial base community from the level of likes. This can be built by developing horizontal communication and Co-Creation and implemented in Communal Activation, whose goal is the acquaintance of a politician in one area, Territorial Base election.

Territorial Base, with the application of 12C in the New Wave Marketing Strategy approach, political costs can be minimized. They can easily do zoning to form Communization. There will be a strong bond between its members, and they will support each other because they have the same vision and mission in a community or community.

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From the diagram above, it is formed to build a systematic communization to absorb and channel the aspirations of the grassroots community by directly involving community members who want to join up to the minor level in the RT environment as a volunteer team. Then together with these coordinators and volunteers, confirm to be actively involved in all social activities that will be made. The coordinators and volunteers have clarified the vision and mission that will be developed by doing co-creation together. These communal activations include making Ramadhan Bazaars and Ramadhan Gathering in the surrounding environment, waste management program, community service, and joint activities at ta'lim majlis. This activity will make it easier for young politicians and grassroots communities to carry out conversations and interactions horizontally, intensely, and closely.




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Copyright holder:

Fauzan Fadel Muhammad, Yudo Anggoro (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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