Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 8, Agustus 2022




Agus Faisal, Besar Agung Martono

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Transportation is one of the people's needs in community activities in the digital era, especially in Jakarta. One of the public transport available is Transjakarta, which is operated by PT Transportasi Jakarta. This study aims to determine the performance that is affected by the problem of bus operation officers who lack the initiative to involve themselves in the task. There is still no close cooperation between various lines in completing the work. In this study, the population was bus operations officer 1 PT Transportasi Jakarta, as many as 420 people. The sample used in this study was 200 samples with a significance of 5% with a simple random sampling method. Statistical multiple regression analysis was used to measure the effect of work involvement, work loyalty and teamwork on the performance of operator officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta. The results of the partial study for work involvement have no effect on performance, while work loyalty and teamwork have an effect on performance. Meanwhile, simultaneously (simultaneously) work involvement, work loyalty and teamwork will affect performance with a coefficient of determination of 68.1%, while 31.9% of other variables are not included in this study. This research is expected for officers to increase loyalty along with increase teamwork. For further researchers to add other variables so that the results obtained are more realistic. For PT Transportasi Jakarta to immediately change the performance appraisal component which has been emphasizing group values to personal-oriented values.


Keywords: Work involvement; Loyalty; Team cooperation; performance; PT Tranportasi Jakarta.



Transportation as transportation has become part of the community's need for activities, especially in Jakarta. The use of public transportation is the wisest choice at this time. This is because public transportation is more efficient in terms of cost and time, especially during peak hours. Public transportation is available in the capital city of Jakarta. Among others, rail-based services, namely the Jakarta Commuter Train (KCJ), MRT or Mass Rapid Transit in Indonesian Moda Raya Terpadu, Light Rapid Transit (LRT), while road-based ones are Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The BRT in the capital city of Jakarta is called Transjakarta and is operated by PT Transportasi Jakarta.

In providing services to the community, PT Transportasi Jakarta, as a company with large enough human resources, of course requires good and productive employee work which can provide maximum service to Transjakarta bus customers, not as expected. Things that have an influence include a dynamic company environment. The impact of a sweet working environment with intense competition will bring about a greater transformation. Companies will find it difficult to compete with competitors without the support of competent human resources. The company's goals can be achieved if the company has potential human resources at the lowest level to the highest level. Human resources are the main resources in a company, so stated because they are the main role in the organization or company. The company must have employees who have strong work involvement, loyalty and teamwork, because it is intended to help achieve the company's goals optimally. A reliable company is an organization that always tries to improve the competence of the human resources team.

Companies that serve the community at large certainly require the work involvement of their employees. This is a form of employee contribution using all of their competencies and it also applies to the extent that employees are committed to their profession and think that their career is the most important thing for their self-esteem and will be even more powerful if teamwork is established.

A good company and the choice of many employees to work, of course, makes employees have a high attitude of work loyalty so that there is an attachment between workers and the company. An engagement where employees have an individual understanding to comply with all the rules, do quality work, uphold honesty, and take responsibility so that the company's goals can be achieved.

High loyalty and owned by workers in the company can arise a high sense of caring for a situation that occurs in the company. On the other hand, low loyalty to the company can hamper the company's performance, making it difficult for the company to achieve the targeted target. The company's productivity will decrease as a result of low employee loyalty, high levels of absenteeism, leaders who are not obeyed by the employees they lead. If employees become disloyal to the company, employees tend not to be eager to work optimally and without having responsibility for the work carried out. Low obedience in the company can trigger attitudes that are contrary to the company's goals and can even disrupt the company's vision and goals as an organization. The company also requires teamwork as part of the task of producing excellent synergy through solid coordination of all efforts. This has the meaning if the abilities achieved by a team are better than the abilities per individual in an institution or a company. Even so, activities are team-based and need to be effective in order to provide good participation for staff skills and activity outcomes within an institution. Based on the results of previous studies, it was identified that there was a research gap for the independent variable which affected the dependent variable. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of work involvement, work loyalty and teamwork on the performance of officers in a transportation service company, namely bus operations officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta, Indonesia.


Research methodology

The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of work involvement, work loyalty and teamwork on the performance of bus 1 operations officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta, Indonesia. The population used is bus operation officer 1 PT Transportasi Jakarta, totaling 420 people. The descriptive method with a quantitative approach is the description technique used by the researcher, which is related to data analysis and explanations of the results of data collection, defined data with the intention of general availability for conclusions. It tends to be reasonable that this data-related study can be of value to other human sciences, because the details have been arranged in an orderly manner, then the program to handle information and the results of distributing questionnaires uses the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) processor edition 23.

Population Study

Simple random sampling is a sampling method that is applied, where the formula for the number of samples is adjusted according to Isaac and Michael's table, through the level of error/significance used is 5% with a value of 191 and added reserves so that the number of samples is determined to be 200 respondents.����

Main Data

Based on the opinion (Misbahuddin & Hasan, 2013: 21) where primary data is information which researchers who carry out research get or arrange themselves at the location or need it and through the distribution of this survey, they wish to obtain the required data from the operations officer 1 of PT Transportasi Jakarta. The primary data in this research is the result of responses to filling out the previous questionnaire that has been distributed to the respondents. In the current study, the authors applied a closed questionnaire (provided statements).

This allows the author to choose each statement which is sent to the respondent, requiring only a cross (X) or symbol (√) for the statement option the respondent wants.

In this closed statement, the use of a Likert scale usually starts with a scale from 1 to 5 and uses a rating of 5 (5) rating points.

With a Likert scale, the variable indicator is a description of the factors to be measured and then used as the initial stage for determining the question instrument (Sugiyono, 2012: 93).

Responses from each part of the instrument used a Likert scale with a value level where it was very related to not related.

Responses can be scored according to the table for quantitative analysis, namely from number 1 to strongly disagree to number 5 to strongly agree.


Results and Discussion

The researcher determined that the research was carried out by bus operation 1 officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta by distributing questionnaires through a goggle form and the officers responded back. The number of questionnaires received was 200, but after the normality test there were 3 outliers, so that the data used by the researcher became 197 respondent data. This study requires respondents where there are separate characteristics which are the background or profile of each respondent, including gender, age of respondent, respondent's length of service, and respondent's work status.

Respondent Demographics

From the responses to the questionnaires that have been collected, there are various characteristics as follows:























Respondent Age




< 35 Years




36-40 Years




41-45 Years




> 45 Years












Respondent's length of service




Less 2 Years




Over 2 Years








Based on the table above, for the age distribution of the largest sample, from the age of 36 years to 40 years, there are 90 people, or a percentage of 46%, while for the next age, less than 35 years, there are 61 people or 31%, aged 41 years to 45 years, there are 31 people where the percentage is 16% and in the last order for the age above 45 years as many as 15 people or in percentage that is 8%. The results of the data can be said that the sample taken is very good because it is of a productive age. Meanwhile, for the distribution of the length of work of respondents at the PT Transportation Jakarta company, there were 196 people or 99% who worked more than 2 years and there was 1 person who had worked less than 1 year or 1%. This is a good thing for the sample taken, where there is representation for the sample of respondents who have just joined PT Transpotasi Jakarta. Regarding the distribution of the work status of the respondents, it was found that for contract work status there were 4 people or 2%, while for permanent work status there were 193 people or 98%. This is very supportive of the research because, for the existing sample, the work status at PT Transport Jakarta is represented or the sample is said to be quite complete.

Research Hypothesis Testing

In testing the hypothesis, the researcher conducted several tests, including the t test, f test and looking for the coefficient of determination. In this case, the researcher will test the formulation of the hypothesis, among others:

1.  There is an influence of work involvement on the performance of officers.

2.  There is an influence of work loyalty on the performance of officers.

3.  There is an effect of teamwork on the performance of officers.

As for this test, the confidence level used is 95% or a = 0.05

These will be discussed as follows:

1) t test

This test aims to find out whether there is a partial or independent effect of the independent variable (Variable X) on the dependent variable (Variable Y). The basis for making t-test decisions are:

a.     If the number Sig < 0.05 or t count > t table, it is stated that there is an effect of variable X on variable Y

b.    If the number Sig > 0.05 or t count < t table, it is stated that there is no effect of variable X on variable Y.

Regarding the above, we must know the value of t table, namely:

t Table is equal to t (a / 2 ; n � k -1) known a = 0.05, and n (number of samples) = 197, k (number of variables X) = 3 then t table is equal to t (0.025;193).

For the value of t, we refer to the t table as attached. The value of t table = 1.97233. The t counts resulting from testing through SPSS are as follows:



Unstandardized Coefficient

Standardized Coefficient








1    (Constant)

Work engagement

Work Loyalty




























Based on the results of the discussion, we produce the t-test values, including:

a.     Variable X1 (Work Involvement)

Number Sig (0.105) > 0.05 t Count (1.630) < 1.972 then the X1 variable has no effect on the Y variable

b.    Variable X2 (Work Loyalty)

Number Sig (0.000) < 0.05

t Count (6.620) > 1.972 for that variable X2 has an effect on variable Y

c.     Variable X3 (Teamwork)

Number Sig (0.000) < 0.05

t Count (6,961) > 1,972 for that variable X3 has an effect on variable Y


2) F test

This test is intended to find out whether there is a simultaneous or joint effect of the independent variable (Variable X) on the dependent variable (Variable Y). The basis for making a decision on the f test are:

a.     If the number Sig < 0.05 or f count > f table, it is stated that there is a simultaneous effect of variable X on variable Y

b.    If the number Sig > 0.05 or f count < f table, it is stated that there is no simultaneous effect of variable X on variable Y.

Regarding the above, we must know the f table numbers, namely: f Table = f (k; n � k) it is known that the value of n (number of samples) = 197, k (number of variables X) = 3, then f Table = f (3 ; 194). For the value of f we look at the table f as attached. The value of f table = 2.651, this result was obtained from the calculation using the formula =f.inv.rt(p,df1,df2) where p=0.05, df1=3, df2=194 (n-3). The f Count resulting from testing through SPSS are as follows:




Sum of squares


Mean Square



1     Regression














a. Dependent variable:Performance

b. Predictor: (Constant), Teamwork, Job involvement, Work loyalty


Based on the results of the discussion, for that we produce f test values, including:

Number Sig (0.00) < 0.05 f Count (137.599) > f Table (2.651) so that the X1 variable, X2 variable, and X3 variable have a simultaneous effect on the Y variable.

Based on the results above, the value of R Square = 0.681, for this it can be interpreted that the influence of the X1 variable, X2 variable and X3 variable simultaneously affect the Y variable worth 68.1 %.



Based on the analysis that has been carried out by researchers, where the model fit test (f test) for work involvement, work loyalty, teamwork simultaneously has a significant effect on the performance of bus operating officers, the conclusions of the study include: 1). The results of the t-test research show that there is no effect of work involvement on the performance of bus operation 1 officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta. This is in accordance with the phenomena or symptoms observed by related researchers. There are still officers who lack the initiative to involve themselves in the task. This is because work involvement is not seen in the essence of performance appraisal. However, there is an interesting thing, that there are indicators that need to be maintained, namely the focus of the officers on the work. The results are quite good. 2). The results of the t-test research show that work loyalty affects the performance of bus operation 1 officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta. This shows that the more work loyalty increases, the performance of bus 1 operations officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta will increase. Loyalty indicator that needs to be maintained is the responsibility of bus operations 1 officers. 3). The results of the t-test showed that teamwork had an effect on the performance of bus operation 1 officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta. This shows that the more teamwork there is, the higher the performance of bus 1 operations officers at PT Transportasi Jakarta. An indicator that needs to be maintained is always coordination in completing tasks.




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Copyright holder:

Agus Faisal, Besar Agung Martono (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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