Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 6, No. 12, Desember 2021




Diryo Suparto, Saifudin

Universitas Panca Sakti Tegal, IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



This paper aims to investigate the factors that influence e-government adoption. This paper examines the impact of public attitudes on e-government adoption. The sample data used in this study were 126 respondents from 18 Regencys/cities in Central Java. SPSS 25 was used to test the significance of the effect of the independent variable (attitude) on the dependent variable (e-government adoption). SPSS test results show that attitudes positively and significantly affect e-government adoption. Public service providers can predict the behavior of their users through this paper. As for academics, this paper can be used for further research by integrating attitudes as predictors of adoption behavior. Empirically this research helps increase understanding of political communication between government and society through the provision of new technology.


Keywords: attitude, adoption, e-government



The pandemic has brought many changes in many sectors. One of the significant impacts is on the level of public health and the financial performance of local governments in Indonesia (Anas, 2021). It is difficult to pay debts in other countries, such as Nigeria (Fagbemi, 2021). Difficulties also occur in Africa, such as food security problems, poverty, and the distribution of the frequency and pattern of food consumption in African households (Nchanji et al., 2021). The pandemic has also changed the socio-cultural order (Kasdi & Saifudin, 2020). It is feared that it will damage the communication relationship between the government and the community, especially in the provision of public services.

To overcome the communication gap, the public sector workforce is asked to work with new ways of communication. Ministries and agencies must learn how to deliver technology-based services (OECD, 2020). The use of the internet network in disseminating information and government services to the public is often known as e-government or electronic government (UN, 2020).

E-government seems to be a solution for post-pandemic services, even though the value of the e-government index in Indonesia does not show a positive trend. Based on data published by Kominfo in 2016, e-government can be adequately implemented only in three central provinces: DKI Jakarta, West Java, and East Java. Meanwhile, Central Java only stayed in seventh place under DIY.















Figure 1

Ranking of Provinces with the Best e-Government



The graph above is an interesting phenomenon to be investigated further, considering that the government's political communication is determined by how well information can be conveyed to the public. The process runs downwards from government institutions to citizens, horizontally in relations between political actors, and upwards from public opinion to authority (Norris, 2001).

E-government will not be able to work effectively if citizens are still a priori to it. Public adoption of e-government can only occur when people's attitudes support the service digitization policy and trust it. Previous research conducted by Abou-Shouk et al. (2021) prove that attitude positively affects the adoption new technology. However, it is different from the results of Bisma's Research (2017), which establishes the opposite, meaning there are still inconsistencies in previous studies, so more in-depth analysis is needed.

Based on the phenomena that occurred and various previous research results above, the researchers wanted to find out how far the attitude of the people of Central Java in adopting e-government after the Covid-19 pandemic was. The results of this study can contribute ideas to the Central Java provincial government in implementing e-government.





Literature Review

Political Communication

Political communication can generally be interpreted as a communication process with political messages. In addition to political messages, political media is related to the goal of politics itself, namely power (Norris, 2001). In political communication, several actors or political figures are involved as communicators or as communicants.

Meanwhile, suppose political communication is defined by emphasizing the function of the political system. In that case, communication occurs in a political system and between the system and its environment (Mueller, 1973). Mueller defines political communication as a result of a political nature if it is emphasized on results.

In the message of political communication to be conveyed by the communicator or communicant, it does not have to be large-scale or have a profound statement. For example, when someone comments about a figure as a head of state, provides support, comments on government policies, and others, it can be categorized as a political communication process.


The development of the internet and other technologies, such as social media platforms, has rapidly changed how people communicate. Today's society prefers online channels rather than traditional ones (Aspasia & Ourania, 2014). Innovation has changed people's attitudes from conventional to digital choices.

The innovation-decision process is a process that individuals (or other decision-making units) go through to move from first knowledge of an innovation to forming attitudes toward the creation to a decision to adopt or reject an innovation; this is often known as technology adoption (Rogers, 2003).

There are five stages of adopting new technology, according to Rogers (2003) starting from knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. 1) Knowledge, i.e., someone knows about innovation and gains some understanding of how the innovation functions. 2) Persuasion is the stage that occurs when the individual has a positive or negative attitude towards the innovation 3) Decision, namely, at this stage, the individual decides whether to accept or reject an innovation. 4) Implementation, namely, an innovation is tried to be carried out at the implementation stage, but an innovation brings something new if the level of uncertainty is involved in adoption. 5) Confirmation: When the innovation-decision has been made, the user will seek support for his decision.


Attitude strongly influences an individual's life because attitude is a way of looking at the reality of life (Cosgrave, 2016). That is, the formation of attitudes is an amalgamation of rules on seeing the reality of life and aspects of life (Saifudin & Puspita, 2020).

The formation of attitudes begins with two things: the stimulus received and a meaningful impact (Walther et al., 2011). Both of these things must be together because the catalyst that is received and is not accompanied by a significant impact will not be able to form attitudes on individuals.

At the individual level, behavioral changes will change, along with changes in attitudes (Henn et al., 2020). If attitudes are difficult to change, then the behavior will be difficult to change. In other words, a change in attitude will cause behavior to change (Saifudin et al., 2020). People's attitudes play a crucial role in adopting new technologies (Lichtenthaler, 2020).

Hypothesis Development

In political communication, consider the public's response to government policies. The public is asked to use online services for every public need, such as taking care of information on identity cards, family cards, birth certificates, and so on. After the Covid-19 pandemic, policymakers unconsciously forced people to change their traditional attitudes (Cserdi & Kenesei, 2021).

People's attitudes will play a role in their willingness to use new technology (Kai-ming au & Enderwick, 2000). Many previous studies have revealed that people's attitudes affect the adoption of new technologies. Hussein's research (2017) proves that attitude strongly predicts technology adoption, as analyzed by Setyowati & Irianto (2020). Then a hypothesis can be drawn:



There is no positive effect on attitudes towards e-government adoption



There is a positive influence on attitudes towards e-government adoption


Research Method

This study uses an online questionnaire distributed in 18 Regencys/cities in the province of Central Java. The questionnaire was submitted online using a purposive sampling method. A total of 126 respondents were selected on the condition that they had to meet two criteria. First, the respondent is at least 17 years old. Second, the respondent resides in the province of Central Java. The data regarding the demographics of the respondents are presented in Table 1.


Table 1

Demographic Information

























Last Education


High School










Blora Regency


Boyolali Regency


Demak Regency


Grobogan Regency


Jepara Regency


Karanganyar Regency


Kebumen Regency


Kendal Regency


Klaten Regency


Kudus Regency


Magelang Regency


Pati Regency


Pemalang Regency


Purworejo Regency


Semarang Regency


Sragen Regency


Salatiga City


Semarang City






Financial Services


Personal Services


General Services




Manufacturing Sector


Social Work


Field of education


Trade Field








Income per month


Less than 2 million


2-4 million


5-7 million


More than 7 million


Source: Data processed 2021


Table 1 shows that the sample in this study consisted of 126 respondents, 65.9% were women, and 34.1% were men. Meanwhile, according to age, the sample in this study was dominated by respondents aged 20 years, as much as 64.3%. As for the area of ​​origin of the respondents, it is pretty diverse, namely from 18 Regencys/cities, but dominated by respondents from Semarang Regency as much as 42.1%. When viewed from the last education of the respondents, it is dominated by respondents with high school education, as much as 82.5%. When viewed from the job site, the selected respondents were dominated by respondents who were students as much as 78.6% and had an average income of fewer than 2 million rupiahs per month, which was 81.2%.

Furthermore, the questionnaire was prepared to measure respondents' answers by providing 5-point Likert scale answer choices. The Likert scale consists of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Validity and reliability testing was also carried out in this study to test the research instruments used. The results of the sample adequacy test, validity, and reliability are presented in Table 2 and Table 3.


Table 2

The result of KMO and Bartlett of Sphericity



Sample Adequacy KMO


Bartlett of Sphericity


Source: Data processed 2021


From the KMO and Bartlett of Sphericity tests, it can be seen that the KMO value is 0.882, which means the value is better. While the Bartlett of Spherecity value is equal to 0.000, which means the test results are significant. From this validity test, it can be stated that this research instrument is valid.


Table 3

Convergent Validity and Reliability Test



Attitude (CR=0.808)


I prefer web-based services over paper-based services


Likes to use the internet because it does not conflict with beliefs


Don't worry about the misuse of personal data


Have a positive attitude towards the internet


Easy to adapt to changes


Interested in the idea of using the website in interaction


Using a web-based service is a good idea


I liked the idea of using websites on public service providers




E-Government Adoption (CR=0.788)


Will interact on government websites


Do not hesitate to provide personal information to government websites


Will fetch information from the government website


I will ask for information via the government website


Will pay administration via the government website


We will use the government website


Source: Data Processed 2021


Table 3 describes the instrument's reliability by showing the results of Cronbach's alpha values. This test shows that the Cronbach alpha value for the attitude variable is 0.808, and the e-government adoption variable is 0.788. If you look at the Cronbach alpha that exceeds 0.60, it can be stated that this research instrument is reliable (Ghozali, 2018).


Result and Discussion


The test used to prove the hypothesis in this study is a regression test. This test aims to measure the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. This test was carried out with the help of the SPSS 25 program.


Table 4

Determinant Coefficient and Adjusted R Square and Result of t-test and F-test


AT to AD

Determinant Coefficient and Adjusted R






Adjusted R Square


Standardized Coefficient Beta






Result of F test






Source: Data Processed 2021


Hypothesis testing shows that the R-value is 0.575, the R Square value is 0.331, and the Adjusted R Square value is 0.325. From the value of R Square, it can be interpreted that the attitude variable influences 33% of e-government adoption. In other words, 67% of e-government adoption is influenced by variables other than attitude, such as convenience, usability, website design, etc.

Attitude has a positive and significant influence on e-government adoption. It is evident from the regression test results of 0.331, with a t value of 7.828 with a significance of 0.000. Furthermore, the results of the F test are 61.271 with a significance value of 0.000. These results can be interpreted that attitude affects e-government adoption. The Sig value smaller than 0.05 means that if the attitude towards society is positive, then e-government adoption will also increase.



Based on the regression test results above, it can be interpreted that the attitude of the people of Central Java strongly predicts their adoption behavior towards e-government. Attitudes are proven to positively and significantly influence e-government adoption. The results of this study support several previous studies conducted by Hussein (2017) and Setyowati & Irianto (2020).

The more people can adapt to change, the adoption of e-government will be easier and faster to implement. It is time for the government as a political actor to disseminate information massively so that the people of Central Java can accept e-government. If people's attitudes show a positive trend in online services, then e-government will be well adopted. Political communication can be propagated through many media and platforms, one of which is the implementation of institutionalized e-government.



Based on the research and discussion above results, it can be concluded that attitudes affect the adoption of e-government in Central Java. The Central Java provincial government is expected to be able to communicate effectively through the provision of technology-based services to its people. Political communication between the government and the community can be reflected through the implementation of e-government after the Covid-19 pandemic.




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Diryo Suparto, Saifudin (2021)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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