Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 9, September 2022




Aisah Ekarani

English Education Department, Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This research is aimed to prove that English songs can be used as interesting tools to teach English, especially for enhancing the teaching vocabulary. As mentioned by Rahayu, D.(2022), since the students can make vocabulary study enjoyable or challenging for students, English songs are regarded as an excellent and entertaining technique to teach. Besides, song lyrics consist of simple daily words. Teaching English using singing songs can be used as an alternative tool because students learn those words unconsciously. The study was about enhancing students' vocabulary through a sing-along teaching technique. The subject of the study was eleventh-grade students of MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan, Academic Year 2021/2022 which consisted of 23 students. This study aimed to increase students' vocabulary through the sing-along teaching technique. The method of this research was qualitative research and the object was to teach vocabulary through the sing-along method. This was classroom action research which consisted of two cycles. In collecting the data, the researchers used a pre-test, observation sheet, and post-test. The result of this research showed that the use of the sing-along teaching technique succeeded in improving students' vocabulary. It can be seen from the result of the research showed that there was an improvement from Cycle I to Cycle II in the student's participation in the introduction, discussion and practice. In the students' achievement, Cycle I was 72.78, and the average score of the Cycle II was 83.73. It was a good category. So, it can be concluded that songs have a significant impact on improving students' vocabulary.


Keywords:vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, singing a song



English is a foreign language, especially in Indonesia. But this language has a huge impact on people around the world. English is used in some areas, like schools, companies, and our environment. In this modern era, the demand for mastery of English has become very important and necessary. This is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 30 of 2003 concerning foreign languages that can be used as the language of instruction in specific academic units to support students' language skills. This means that foreign languages, especially English, can be used as the language of instruction in specific educational units to support students' foreign language skills. As stated by Setiawan, M. R., & Wiedarti, P. (2020), vocabulary is the most crucial language skill, especially English skills. So, the students need to learn more vocabulary, especially for their daily.

Many students don't feel confident speaking English in front of others because they are still confused and don't have enough vocabulary to speak fluently. So they keep silent rather than tell it wrong. According to Sari, S. N. & Aminatun, D. (2021), without vocabulary, students will not understand all of the parts of English, such as speaking, writing, reading and listening. Otherwise, learning vocabulary mastery will help people to master all of the skills of English. In the process of learning English, Students will be unable to respond if they do not have the vocabulary necessary to translate the meaning of terms. People who have a wide vocabulary find it easier to comprehend and pick up new terms. Putri, E. (2022)

According to Afzal, N. (2019), the vocabulary of language learners has to be expanded in order to expand their word bank and their linguistic repertoire. But learning new words can be difficult, especially for non-native English speakers who have to deal with issues with their spelling, pronunciation, and correct usage. They also have to guess their meanings from context, which can be difficult, so it is hard for the students to understand the meaning of English words either in oral or written communication, such as in speaking. As for the problem of learning English vocabulary, the thing that needs to be done is the seriousness of students in learning. It is a normal occurrence for students to struggle with learning new English terms, especially when it comes to memorization since senior high school tests sometimes call for a wide vocabulary. So that can conduct some students to experience stress or progressively lose interest in learning English (Luo, S. (2019). Therefore, it is necessary to use alternative methods to arouse enthusiasm, interest and motivation in learning English.

Most individuals find singing to be one of the most enjoyable activities Joko Prayudha.S, & MalikA. A. (2021) Thus, many people are familiar to listen and singing a song on their daily. One of the methods that can be applied in learning English vocabulary is the singing method. The method is an orderly method used to carry out work to achieve the expected results. A student will find it easier to remember a lesson with a pleasant learning process. In a recent study of the student by Antika, R. (2021), she stated that is fun to use the sing-song method in the classroom. The majority of the students enjoy singing, and they typically respond favourably when songs are used in the classroom. This situation can help maintain learners' motivation in learning English because they feel relaxed and have fun, so the singing method becomes one of the methods that can attract students to learn English vocabulary.

By applying the singing method to learning English vocabulary, it is hoped that students can improve their English vocabulary. Many students still have not mastered English vocabulary well, such as those learning English for XI grade at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan. Among them are still not able to pronounce and write the vocabularies correctly. They feel difficult to understand the meaning of English words both in oral communication and in written communication. In addition, they are still not able to use English vocabulary in the context of speaking. From the initial observations that have been made by the researcher at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan. The teachers have implemented so many methods such as oral, drilling, and dictation, but the students cannot speak English fluently because they do not have interested in those methods. The researcher is interested in observing the processes of the application of singing techniques, especially in learning vocabularies.

Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary mastery is very important in achieving language mastery, the more vocabulary a person has, the more ideas or ideas a person has.According to Johar, J., Asri, W. K., & Hasmawati, H., Salwa, R., Usman, M., & Saleh, N. (2021) vocabulary is a treasury of words in their various forms which includes: loose words with or without affixes, and the same or different words, each with its own meaning. However, vocabulary is a list of terms that are defined and ordered in alphabetical order.

The Importance of Vocabulary

The fundamental part of a language is its vocabulary. Learning a language entails mastering all aspects of it, including its vocabulary. A student's ability to master the language can undoubtedly be impacted by mastering the language's foundational concepts. This is in line with the study of research by Taslim, T., Asrifan, A., Chen, Y., & NR, N. (2019), because English is a language with a large vocabulary, learning and understanding it effectively is essential if we want to utilize it effectively. In order to learn more about English, students must understand vocabulary.

Vocabulary development is crucial when learning a foreign language. If they don't have enough words in their vocabulary, students will struggle to express their comprehension and even output. Based on the study by Mandasari and Oktaviani, 2018 Indonesians do not utilize English for regular communication, hence it is regarded as a foreign language there. Thus, it is not as simple to learn English as it may seem. To speak English fluently, one must practice for a very long time by involving vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, this language has a huge number of essential parts that must be mastered, one of which is vocabulary. One fundamental problem is a lack of vocabulary expertise (Fitri, N. (2018).

Being a good mastery of vocabulary and language learners will have no difficulty in the process of learning a language. In other words and by not neglecting pronunciation as an aspect of language, vocabulary becomes important aspect in the acquisition of a foreign language Ramdhan, V. (2017). The importance of vocabulary in the teaching of English has increased. As a result, in order to master the four competencies in English, language learners must master vocabulary as a foundational competence.

Teaching Vocabulary

Maru'ao, N. (2019) said that a good teacher is a teacher who can choose a method that suits the conditions and atmosphere of the classroom. Therefore, the methods that a teacher uses are not only one but varied, since each method there are disadvantages and advantages of each of them. As stated by Mariana, M., Hasibuan, A. L., & Risnawaty, R. (2021), the use of methods carried out by a teacher starts from planning and implementing activities to the evaluation stage, as well as follow-up programs that take place in educational situations to achieve certain, namely teaching. So that the process of delivering the material can be well received and easily understood by students, then an educator must be related to the aspects of his language in delivering the material.

Singing a Song

Given the importance of vocabulary aspects in foreign language learning, certain teaching methods and strategies are needed to achieve the desired learning outcomes. This is in line with the research conducted by Rizky Ayudhityasari (2021) that a method will be considered effective if it creates the interests and abilities of the student.��� The proper method can improve students' understanding of the learning material. Most of the students like singing a song. According to Faliyanti, E. (2017), the majority of students enjoy listening and singing to their favourite songs, and they will remember them if they practice them frequently. They will commit the song's lyrics to memory if they enjoy it.Therefore, music in general is an important part of the teaching and learning process of students. Almost all forms of singing from the traditional to the trendiest can be used by the teacher in learning. As mentioned by Huda, M. S. (2018), in implying the singing techniques, the researcher needs to be able to select songs that are both well-known and have clear lyrics that reflect the lesson's concept. Thus, the children can enjoy the songs. Therefore, the researcher is able to apply the vocabulary learning by using singing techniques.

Songs increase the enthusiasm level in the classroom and aid language learning for the students. It is also supported by Maimunah, 2022. She stated that the affective filter of the students can be diminished by the songs' positive energy and the classroom's absence of tension.

The Procedure for Using Songs in Teaching

Faliyanti, E. (2017) stated that songs come in a wide range of genres, including pop, rock, jazz, traditional, modern, reggae, and more, and then each student's favourite song has a different style based on their preference. Thus, the students are free to select their favourite genre but the thing that the teacher needs to remember when choosing a song is that the theme of the song must be relevant to the student's world and the song is not too long for the students to remember. This is also inseparable from the case of learning methods in improving the ability of class XI MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan students in memorizing vocabulary.��

The singing learning technique is a learning method using singing that is currently popular.And the lyrics are adapted to the material that the educator will teach.According to Ginting, M. B. (2020) singing makes the learning atmosphere happy and passionate so as to stimulate the child's development more optimally. The singing method has benefits, namely helping to develop the skills to develop thinking power, helping to convey emotions such as happy or sad through the content of the lyrics of the song and helping to add new vocabulary through the lyrics.

The Applying of Songs in Teaching Vocabulary

According to recent research on student performance by Tombeng, E., Kamagi, & Muntuuntu (2022) vocabulary is essential to improve some language skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Nothing can be uttered without vocabulary.

The benefits of using the song for learning include training students to improve their language skills as well as acquiring vocabulary (Lengkoan, F., Rombepajung, P., Hampp, P., & Andries, F. (2019).In a classroom, the students typically listen more than they speak. Songs are a top choice since they are crucial for aiding students in learning a second language. Additionally, Harahap, S. D. (2021) stated that because there is no variety in the teaching and learning process, the students will experience a boring learning environment and become bored, demotivated, and lack knowledge. So that the students need to get more fun activities such as singing in learning vocabulary. The use of English songs to help students with their language skills is the field in which the researcher is interested. Students will be more motivated to study English if teachers employ engaging teaching through singing techniques. Having high motivation, it can help students easier to study English (Karisi et al., 2021).

Based on activities performed at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan, which follows the K13 curriculum. The learning outcomes for students in English classes, particularly vocabulary, are still poor. This is due to the less effective teaching and learning process. Innovative education such as using singing techniques should be required of students in order to encourage greater student engagement and vocabulary growth.

Rahayu, D.(2022) said that since students can make vocabulary study enjoyable or challenging for students, English songs are regarded as an excellent and entertaining technique to teach vocabulary. Thus, the students will study English, particularly vocabulary, effectively and make vocabulary easier to remember by employing songs. Several well-known songs, including mature songs as well as music for the students. In addition, students can become more motivated to learn while also becoming more familiar with the words they have heard by listening to and singing along to a song (Purnami, N. L. S. W. (2022). Therefore, songs can accelerate vocabulary learning for students.

The use of song as a vocabulary teaching tool at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan can help students become more engaged, self-assured, and enthusiastic about their learning process. Additionally, employing the song will make it simple for the student to expand their vocabulary.

With reference to the aforementioned context, the researcher wants to conduct the research about Enhancing English Vocabulary Mastery through Sing-Along Teaching Technique at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan. The aim of the study is to ascertain whether students' vocabulary may be improved by singing a song.



This study was done at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan with 23 students in the eleventh grade (11 male and 12 females) during the academic year 2021�2022. The researcher used classroom action research (CAR) in this study, with planning, action, observation, and reflection stages in each cycle. The aim of the study is to improve students' vocabulary skills through the use of singing songs.


The researchers identified the syllabus and the problem, created the lesson plans prepared the study tools, prepared the observation list, chose the English songs, and created the assessment about vocabulary list that will be used for the evaluation.


The classroom English instructor from MA Mu'min Cedekia takes on the role of an observer who watches the action whether the lesson plan was implemented or not. The researcher played as the person who did the experiment to use and carry out the sing-along teaching technique for enhancing the vocabulary mastery action.


In the pre-cycle stage the researcher started by giving the students pre-test, especially, about the vocabulary of verbs and noun which was commonly used in their daily that could be found in the song.

Cycle I

In this stage, the researcher gave the students treatment such as playing the song, giving exercises, discussing, practising by words, and singing together based on the lesson plan created using the singing-along teaching technique. The steps entail:

1) Have the teacher sing and play the song;

2) Have the students complete the listening exercise on their worksheet; and

3) Have a group discussion about the results.

4) To help the students learn the song and be able to sing it on their own, have them practice it line by line.

5) Have the students sing it together while participating in some enjoyable activities

Meeting 1

In the first meeting, the researcher began by asking the students about their routines, particularly the song they enjoy. Then, the researcher played One Big Family by Maher Zain three times. It was played to make the students were intended to enjoy the music and the lyrics and tried to sing a song. The researcher then handed out blank sheets to the class and instructed them to fill them in. After that, the students submitted the sheets. The students and researcher then sang together. Next, the researcher explained about the vocabulary of nouns that the students had missed and learned about their meanings.

Meeting 2

In the second meeting, the researcher gave a different song to the students. The title was I Have A Dream by Westlife.In this meeting, students were more relaxed and understood how to do the task.Here, the same treatment as meeting 1 was applied to the students. The students were asked to do a Cycle 1 test to know their enhancement in vocabulary.

Cycle II

Meeting 1

In this cycle, the students were taught about the vocabulary of verbs. Here, the researcher tried to change the treatment. In this section, the researcher gave an explanation of the material first. After that, the teacher played the song. The song played was the same as the first cycle at the first meeting, the title was One Big Family by Maher Zain. The researcher played the song three times. The researcher also gave the missing lyric exercise to the students. And the students had to answer the vocabulary. While they are doing the filling, the teacher also made a gesture of the vocab they needed. For example, they try to guess the word "cry", so the teacher had to act "cry" in front of the students. In the last minutes, they had to collect the sheets. Then, cycle students and teacher sang a song together.

Meeting 2

In this meeting, the teacher gave the same treatment to the students same as in the previous meeting. Then, the students were asked to do a cycle II test to know their vocabulary improvement especially about "Verbs". Next, the teacher discussed the noun and verbs which were found in both One Big Family by Maher Zain and I Have A Dream by Westlife song. After that, the teacher and the students sang together.


In this study, the observation of students' new vocabulary mastery was conducted to obtain data and to find out how sing-along teaching techniques could achieve the research objectives. In this stage, researchers collected data related to the implementation of actions using several instruments. The first is the observation checklist that is filled by the observer especially, about whether the lesson plan is being conducted well by the researcher and students or not. The instrument was used to gain the data related to the student's participation. The second is the result of vocabulary tests which are completely finished by students at the end of each cycle, it aims to obtain data about student vocabulary mastery. The fourth is the result of a questionnaire given to students at the end of the study, which aims to find information about student responses to the use of the sing-along teaching technique.


In this stage, the researchers reflect the data from the action with activities reflecting the implementation of the cycle obtained through observations and the implementation of techniques to sing English songs in the teaching-learning process. The results are compared with the designed success criteria. The criteria for success were achieved. If it failed, the researcher will continue the study to the next cycle.


Result and Discussion

The research was done in two cycles, each cycle consisted of two meetings. The result obtained from a pre-test, cycle 1 up to cycle 2 are as follows:

Chart 1. Comparing the pre-test, cycle I and cycle II

The bar chart below shows the amount of students who passed and did not passed their KKM start by pre-test, cycle I, and cycle II


Table 1

Test Results in Pre-test, Cycle I, and Cycle II






Cycle I


Cycle II



The highest score






The lowest score






The average score






Based on the result of the research are shown as follows. The result obtained from cycle 1 up to cycle 2 are as follows:

First, from the test administered at the end of cycle 1, the result shows that the highest is 84 and the lowest score is 60. There are 13 students could pass the KKM and 10 students still have not passed it. The average is 72.78. If it compares with the mean of the pre-test (63.91), the increase is 9. In cycle 2, the results show that the highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 74 with 21 students passing the KKM while 2 students still did not pass it. The mean is 83.91. It is obvious that the average score increases significantly from 63.91 in the pre-test, in cycle 1 is 72.78 to 83.73 in cycle 2. The total increase from pre-test to cycle 2 is 20. From the description above, we know that the mean of the test results from cycle 1 to cycle 2 increases gradually. And the students who passed the KKM enhanced from only 7 students to 21 students while the students who did not pass the KKM was getting lower, start from 16 to 2 students.

Second, the students are easy to retain the words through the singing songs technique. Because the songs provide an excellent meaning of repeating the words and at the same time comprehending the context.

Third, the student's motivation during the learning-teaching process increased. The students prefer to choose the other English songs and look at the lyric during break time so they knew the other English songs and could know more vocabulary. Fourth, the student found that the teacher's gestures and words during the singing songs activity are attractive. It is apparent from their face, their smiles and also from their willingness to be involved in teaching activities.

Fifth, the student found that the singing songs activity is entertaining. It happened because most of them like singing, singing is their hobby, they like to sing and to know English songs. Based on the research findings above, we know the use of songs in the classroom has a good contribution to teaching vocabulary. Through singing songs technique, the students could develop their capability in mastering the vocabulary and students� motivations during the teaching process increased, students were interested in the process of teaching and learning. They were enjoying the learning through singing songs activity and they knew how their capability in the learning process.



The implementation of language development learning activities through singing activities carried out by the teachers through students singing activities at MA Mu�min Cendekia Babelan has gone well with the results of student evaluations developing very well. There are some conclusions drawn based on the data above: First, students in class XI at MA Mu'min Cendekia Babelan may benefit most from singing English songs to increase their vocabulary mastery. This is evident from the students' test results, which improved from the three vocabulary tests provided in the preliminary study, Cycle I and Cycle II. Second, it was discovered from the revised Cycle II teaching strategy that the method of having students memorize English songs would be more effective in addressing their vocabulary mastery issues. Third, using memorized English songs to create a crowded classroom environment and encourage student participation in teaching and learning activities might be a smart technical decision. This is due to the observation checklist demonstrating that the students were capable of actively engaging in the teaching and learning activity that was carried out through the memorization of English songs. Fourth, the students' active participation in their education demonstrates their drive, which can grow their enthusiasm for learning.

As a result, it is clear from the results that singing the English songs can be a successful technical strategy for teaching and acquiring vocabulary. The material of English songs is enjoyable and simple to follow, thus they said that memorization of them is a very engaging teaching strategy to employ.



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Aisah Ekarani (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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