Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No.9, September 2022




M Rian Afriandi, Kamaluddin, Lalu Ali Wardana

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Pandemics are the most extensively reported in 2020, with implications for a variety of industries. Due to the emergency situation produced by the pandemic, many countries have shuttered major sectors, including education. Since then, governments throughout the world have enacted lockdowns in various countries dependent on the severity of the epidemic to guarantee that its spread is limited and the curve flattens. The study aims to Analyze the challenges and opportunities in teaching English in online learning: a study case at MTS NW Boro Tumbuh in academic year 2021/2022. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of study show that the challenge of teaching English online has various challenges as like: the challenge is a little complicated when compared to the WA group, the complicated E-Learning is too much space compared to the WA group, the difficulty with internet interference From the application, Using the application is a bit difficult In terms of adapting to  teaching that is different from conventional methods and when dealing with students, sometimes when learning English begins they are just absent and do not open the learning material and some are late in delivery and make for various reasons.


Keywords: challenges and opportunities; online learning; pandemic



Pandemic are the most widely reported in 2020 including their impact on a number of sectors. Many countries have closed most sectors including education sector due to emergency situation caused by outbreak COVID-19 pandemic. MTS NW Boro Tumbuh was among the School affected by these change. The learning system that previously used traditional system turned into an online system.

COVID-19 was first reported in the city of Wuhan, China in 2019 and has swept across the world.  On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic based on the extent of its spread.  As of 23 April 2020, about 2 million people have been confirmed to have the disease worldwide with more than 182,000 deaths confirmed to be infected with the disease.  South Africa reported its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020 and about a month later (5 April 2020), the number of cases rose to 1,585.  As of 23 April 2020, the number of confirmed cases in South Africa had risen to 3953 with 75 associated deaths.  Researchers believe that the coronavirus is transmitted through the fluids of an infected person.  When the liquid falls on a surface and someone comes into contact with it, mostly with their hands and then touches the nose or mouth with their hands, the person will be infected with the virus.  As a result, medical experts have concluded that social distancing remains the best way to contain the spread of the virus.  Governments around the world have since implemented lockdowns in various countries countries based on the severity of the pandemic to ensure that its spreading is contained and the curve flattened.

According to Diab & Elgahsh (2020) that E - Learning is the best method in education in this period, It has emerged as a vital solution to the education process. Teachers were required to be able to adapt to learning systems that used technology and the internet to be able to provide the best learning experience to students so as to create an efficient learning system. Lack of knowledge of technology will greatly impact the blended learning system and economic background was also a problem for teachers and students as a support for the implementation of online learning system. By using a variety of supporting application platforms at this time will certainly be able to facilitate teachers and students in the application of online learning systems.

Based on the researcher’s preliminary study, the online learning process has been applied at the MTS NW Boro Tumbuh since the pandemic attack. One of English teacher at this school said that online learning is the best way to do because of this situation and some teachers use online-based applications that support online learning such as google classroom and google meet. Not only giving a solution in education field, it also leads teacher and students to utilize technology and internet in teaching and learning process. On the other hand, this kind of learning has some obstacles. One of them is the application that is used in supporting online learning often getting interference due to the internet connection. Another problem comes up within the learning process when students do not understand the materials, in this situation teachers face difficulty in explaining the material due to the different character of students. According to Melissa (2022), there are six pillars that we need for good quality online learning including : learning objectives, assessment, learning materials, student interaction, online student support, evaluation.

Changed in the education system caused by this pandemic will have impact on the attitudes of Teacher and Student in the learning process. Included how student respond of using the renewal system implemented by the Government.

According to the new style of learning process and those phenomena above, the researcher is aimed to research on challenges and opportunities in teaching english in online learning : a study case at mts nw boro tumbuh in academic year 2021/2022


Research Method

A. Research Design

This type of research is descriptive qualitative research.  Descriptive research is a design to obtain information about the current status of a phenomenon to determine the natural state as it was at the time of the study.

According to Creswell in (Pangestika & Sari, 2016), qualitative research is a process of investigating understanding based on different methodological traditions from investigations that explore social or human problems.  Researchers construct complex images, analyze words, report detailed views of information, and conduct research in natural settings.

This research is inteded to describe The Challenge and Opportunities of Teaching English Online During The Pandemic of COVID-19 in MTs NW Boro Tumbuh.

B.  Population and Sample

1.   Population of the research

The subject of this research is English teacher at MTs NW Boro Tumbuh. Total number of English teachers at MTs NW Boro Tumbuh is 2 teachers and the researcher will take 2 English teachers.

2.   Object of the research

The object of this research is The Challenge and Opportunities of Teaching English Online During The Pandemic of COVID-19 in MTs NW Boro Tumbuh.

C. Research Setting

The research is implemented in MTS NW Boro Tumbuh. The reason why researchers took this location is because based on my interview the ability of teachers to teach students through an online-based system is still lacking, so that in the teaching process students still lack understanding of what their teachers have taught. This research took place in Dasan Tumbu Desa Tumbuh Mulia Kecamatan Suralaga Kabupaten Lombok Timur.

D. Variable of Research

This research proposal will use one types of variables, namely independen variable. According to Sugiyono, the independent variable is the variable that influences or causes the change or the emergence of the dependent variable while the dependent variable is a variable that is affected because of the independent variable. The Independent variables in this research is online learning in English course.

E.  Data Collection

Data is an important tool in research. From this data, the researcher knows the answer to the research formula. Data collection must be relevant to the research question. The data in this study researchers used qualitative data procedures for data analysis.

The data in this study will obtained from conducting interviews with English teachers at MTs NW Boro Tumbuh as evidence. In data collection, researchers need sources to obtain available data. Data sources are research subjects whose data can be obtained. An important source of data in conducting research.

Thus the data source is the substance in which the researcher will get the necessary information. Sources of research data are obtained from informants or people who provide information, information sources, or data sources.

In this study, researchers will use the results of interviews with 2 English teachers in Mts NW Boro Tumbuh. In this qualitative research the results of interviews are used as the strongest source to obtain information as evidence for collecting data in a study

F.  Technique of Data Collection

To collect data in this study, researchers used research techniques, namely interviews. Researchers will use interviews to collect data. It will ask teachers to get information about the challenge and opportunities of teaching English online during the pandemic of COVID-19 in MTS NW Boro Tumbuh.

Research data collection techniques, interact directly with participants to ask certain information about the challenge and opportunities of teaching English online during the pandemic of COVID-19 in MTS NW Boro Tumbuh..

G. Data analysis

According to (Hastono, 2006), Data analysis is a very important activity in a study because data analysis can have meaning / meaning that can be useful for solving research problems.

1.   Data collection

In the first model of collection was conducted on interview based on categorization that was in accordance with the research problems which developmend exacerbating data through subsequence data searches.

In this study then the researcher conducted interviews with the English teachers to describe the challenge and opportunities of teaching English online during the pandemic of COVID-19 in MTS NW Boro Tumbuh.

2.   Data Reduction

Data reduction is a process of selecting, focusing on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming raw data that arise from written records in the field. This process continues as long as a qualitative research-oriented project is completed.

In this study, researchers have obtained several data obtained from interviews. However, the researchers chose and sorted out the important data to be included as a result of the study and which data should be discarded which was not related to the results of the study.

3.   Data Display

In this study, the researcher got the results from interview data where the researcher gave several questions to the English teachers at MTS NW Boro Tumbuh. The data obtained is about the challenges and opportunities of teaching English online during the pandemic of COVID-19 in MTS NW Boro Tumbuh, where this data creates challenges in terms of using applications used for teaching where the teacher feels a little complicated when compared to the WA group, ELearning which complicated has too much space compared to the WA group, the difficulty of internet interference from the application, using this application is rather difficult in terms of adapting to different teaching from conventional methods. for the opportunity the teacher can make teaching materials in the form of instructional videos, be creative as much as possible so that students are more interested and teachers can learn more about several kinds of online learning techniques from various applications.

4.   Conclusion Dawing/Verfication

Conclusions verified during the study. That verification may be asshort as possible rethinking the mind of the analyzer during she wrote, are view of the field notes, or maybe be so through and use up energy with reconsideration and exchange ideas among peers to develop agreements intersubjective efforts to place copies a finding in another set of data.

In short, meanings that arises from other data must be tested fortruth, robustness, and compatibility which is validity. Final conclusion noonly occurs during the data collection process, but it is necessary verified sothat it can really be accounted for.

This research uses qualitative descriptive analysis, which describes the data using sentences to obtain clear and detailed information. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out by reflecting on the results of interviews with English teachers at MTs NW Boro Tumbuh. The data obtained in this study are in the form of interview.


Research Findings

This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the research to answer the research questions.  This study discusses Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching English Online Learning a case study at MTS NW BORO TUMBU.  Researchers will be presented in the form of a description, based on the data that has been obtained both in this study through interview techniques conducted by researchers for 2 month.


The findings were collected based on the results of interviews with teachers to find out what are the challenges and opportunities of teaching English online during the COVID-19 pandemic at MTS NW BORO TUMBU by asking some questions to the English teacher at MTS NW BORO TUMBU

The Challenge and Opportunities of Teaching English in online learning a case study at MTS NW BORO TUMBU

To describe the challenges and opportunities of teaching English in online learning in MTS NW BORO TUMBU, the writer used interviews. The writer asked questions to the English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU.

Based on the formulation of the problems in this study, the following results will be discussed: the challenge and opportunities of teaching English in online learning a case study at MTS NW BORO TUMBU.

On interview that have been made five times, the teachers explained what are the challenges and opportunities of teaching English in online learning  in MTS NW BORO TUMBU. Teachers stated that the teaching English online learning in MTS NW BORO TUMBU, the teacher felt that he received more challenges than opportunities in terms of teaching.

Based on the research that has been done by the author through interviews, the authors get several factors as follows: a.  teacher's understanding, b.  challenges and opportunities, c.  teaching English in online learning

a.   Understanding of The Teacher

Before the author asks about the problem of this finding.  The author interviewed 2 teachers about the following: what is a teacher?  Is it consistent with what you do directly during the COVID-19 pandemic/inappropriate?  According to the opinion of the two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU, as follows:

In the author's opinion, the two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU have the same opinion regarding the teacher's understanding.  The main task of the teacher is to guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, the teacher's meaning could not be carried out perfectly because it was hindered by various disturbances when learning began.

Basically the main task of the teacher is to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students in early childhood education, formal education, basic education, and secondary education.  "In the series of main tasks, the first thing that is mentioned is educating.

However, with the current situation which is only through online mode, teachers are only able to become teachers, deliver materials, give assignments and assessments, without being able to direct or maintain and provide training (teaching, guidance, leadership) regarding morals and intelligence.  Which is definitely not in accordance with the true meaning of the teacher

b.   The challenge and Opportunities

The writer interviewed 2 English teachers in MTS NW BORO TUMBU, about the writer's problem formulation. As follows: The challenge and opportunities teaching English in online learning in MTS NW BORO TUMBU.

1.   The Challenges

The writer interviewed the two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBUabout the challenges of designing online learning including the lesson plans, looking for the material, then evaluating the assignments and assessing what kind of students.

The two English teachers answered the same that yes, it was included in the lesson plans for online learning design, they used textbooks and from the internet for learning materials, to give students grades and evaluate their assignments to assess everything from the assignments given in the e-learning application. 

The author interviewed two English teachers about the challenges of using learning technology or applications used in teaching.  They said that for teaching and learning applications use the E-Learning application because it is easy to monitor students when student learning begins, whether they are doing according to the instructions from the teacher or not.

The author interviewed two English teachers about the challenges in trying the E-Learning app for the first time, are there any challenges and what are the challenges in using it?  and E-learning in what form?

The challenge for the first time in trying an E-Learning application for teachers is no challenge at all in terms of trying an E-Learning application for the first time.  while for students experiencing challenges where when they first tried the application they felt confused and had difficulty trying it.  In terms of using the E-Learning application, the two English teachers have different challenges as follows:

Teacher SM : the challenge is that it is a little complicated when compared to the WA group, the complicated E-Learning has too many rooms compared to the WA group. Teacher UB: the challenge is the difficulty of internet interference from the application.

The author interviewed two English teachers asking about the challenges in managing students and in individual or group assignments, then the assignments were in the form of video recordings or simply answering questions in books.  They also stated that in terms of managing students there was no challenge because before learning began the students had been given directions so that learning and teaching could run smoothly.  As for individual assignments only and for assignments to answer PG questions, essays, summarizing and in the form of CBT.

In the opinion of the English teacher, there are several challenges faced by students, sometimes when learning English begins, they are only absent and do not open learning materials and some  late on sending assignments given by the teacher.

2.   The opportunities

The author interviewed two English teachers about their opportunities while teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They also said that there are teachers who can make teaching materials in the form of learning videos, be creative as much as possible so that students are more interested and teachers can learn more about various kinds of online learning techniques from various applications.  But for students this is a very good opportunity because it is more sophisticated, modern and for students who are diligent it is more practical and can learn different new things during hands-on learning.

3.   Teaching English Online

The opinion of an English teacher at MTS NW BORO TUMBU about online-based English teaching using an internet connection and online-based applications where English teachers use E-Learning applications.



After the data is obtained and processed based on the description above, then the researcher wrote and obtained the data obtained from the above findings. Researchers also know what are the challenges and learning opportunities English in online learning at MTS NW BORO TUMBU, the understanding of the teacher and can also find out what applications are used online during teaching.

Before the author asks about the problem of this finding.  The author interviewed 2 teachers about the following: what is a teacher?  Is it consistent with what you do directly during the COVID-19 pandemic/inappropriate?  According to the opinion of the two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU, as follows:

In the author's opinion, the two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU have the same opinion regarding the teacher's understanding.  The main task of the teacher is to guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, the meaning of the teacher cannot be implemented perfectly because it is hindered by various disturbances when teaching begins.

Based on the theory of opinion regarding about teachers as follows: U. (2015, p. 221) states that teachers as professional educators are tasked with educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in formal education.  Teachers act as role models, motivator, intellectual, and wise.

According to UU RI 14 of 2005, teachers are professional educators with the task of teaching, educating, guiding, training, assessing, directing, and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal primary education and secondary education.

And the author also draws the conclusion that the theory from the opinions of the two teachers is in accordance with the meaning of the teacher's understanding.

The author interviewed two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU about the challenges of designing online learning such as lesson plans, searching for materials, then evaluating assignments and grading students.

The two English teachers answered the same that yes, it was included in the lesson plans for online learning design, they used textbooks and references from the internet for learning materials, to give students grades and evaluate their assignments to assess all of the assignments given in the e-mail application.  learning.  Syarifuddin (2015, p. 80) says that the task of educators in general is to educate, in its use, educating is a series of processes of teaching, praising, giving gifts, giving encouragement, and getting used to.  While the teacher's special duties are:

a.   As a teacher (Instructional): planning teaching programs, implementing programs that have been prepared, and evaluating after the program is implemented. 

b.   As an Educator (Educator): Directing students to the level of maturity with a perfect personality.

c.   As a leader (managerial): Leading and controlling oneself, the students and the community concerned, regarding efforts to direct, regulate, supervise, control, participate in the program implemented.

The two English teachers at MTS NW BORO TUMBU have challenges that fit with Syarifudin's theory, which concludes that teachers must educate, instruct,  and manage teacher duties appropriately.

The challenge for the first time in trying an E-Learning application for teachers is no challenge at all in terms of trying an E-Learning application for the first time.  while for students experiencing challenges where when they first tried the application they felt confused and had difficulty trying it.  In terms of using the E-Learning application, the two English teachers have different challenges as follows:

Teacher SM: the challenge is that it is a little complicated when compared to the WA group, the complicated E-Learning has too many rooms compared to the WA group. Teacher UB:  the challenge in using the application is a little difficult.

In addition to providing interesting learning materials to be used for E-Learning, for example making learning video teaching materials, using power points etc.  According to Gusty, et al., (2020, p.133) Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic certainly requires the role of parents and adequate electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones as well as supporting networks.  In addition, new methods of teaching or communicating online are needed during online learning.  Teachers and lecturers must be able to change strategies or methods in the teaching process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The author interviewed two English teachers asking about the challenges in managing students and in individual or group assignments, then the assignments were in the form of video recordings or simply answering questions in books.  They also stated that in terms of managing students there was no challenge because before learning began the students had been given directions so that learning and teaching could run smoothly.  As for individual assignments only and for assignments to answer PG questions, essays, summarizing and in the form of CBT.

Gusty, et al., (2020, p. 137) stated that online learning requires facilities and infrastructure that must support each other.  One example is an adequate internet network and a smartphone that is used according to the specifications of the application used.  Therefore, in addition to facilities and infrastructure that must support each other, an online learning model is also needed that can make it easier for students to follow learning well so that curriculum achievement at every level of education can be fulfilled.

English teachers agree, there are several challenges faced by students, sometimes when they start learning English, they are only absent and do not open learning materials and some are late in sending assignments given by the teacher and make some various reasons .  According to Akbar & Noviani (2019, p. 23), Students become lazy to study, with technological advances it should make it easier for students to learn such as using laptops, gadgets, with internet networks, this is what makes students lazy to study, sometimes many of them  just spending time, such as playing online games, youtube, instagram, tik tok, and others that will affect students' interest in learning.

The author interviewed the two English teachers about their opportunities while teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They also said that teachers can make teaching materials in the form of learning videos, be creative so that students are more interested and teachers can learn more about various online learning techniques from various applications.  Wakhudin, et al., (2020, p. 37) said, When learning online, educators are required to increase their creativity in teaching.

However, for students this is a very good apprtunity because it is more modern and can learn different new things during hands-on learning. Koswara in Anshori (2016, p.198) states that:

a.   Learn by doing.  Simulate learning by doing what you want to learn;  an example is a flight simulator (flight simulator), where a prospective pilot can be trained to fly an airplane like he is practicing with an actual airplane. 

b.   Incidental learning.  Learn something indirectly.  Not all things are interesting to learn, therefore this strategy students can learn something through other things that are more interesting, and it is hoped that the actual information can be absorbed indirectly.  For example, learning geography by doing a "virtual trip" to forest areas.

c.   Learning by reflection. Learning something by developing ideas / ideas about the subject to be studied. Students are encouraged to develop ideas / ideas by providing initial information and application will "  listen" and process the input of ideas/ideas from students then be given further information based on input from students.

d.   Case-based learning. Learn something based on cases that have occurred regarding the subject to be studied. This strategy depends on expert sources and cases  can be collected on the material to be studied. Students can learn a material from cases that have occurred in the material.

e.   Learn while exploring.  Learn something by exploring the subject to be studied.  Students are encouraged to understand the material by independent exploration of the material.  The application must provide sufficient information to accommodate the exploration of the student.

f.    Learn something by setting goals to be achieved (goal-directed learning).  The student is positioned as someone who must achieve a goal, and the application provides the facilities needed to do so.  Students then develop independent strategies to achieve these goals.

The conclusion is how teachers and students themselves take advantage of these opportunities and what they can do well, precisely, and easily understood by students who receive online-based teaching.

The opinion of an English teacher at MTS NW BORO TUMBU about online-based English teaching where English teachers use E-Learning applications.  According to Harto in Khusniyah & Hakim (2019, p. 20), emphasizes that an educator is required to have four competencies to use digital technology appropriately.  First, an educator must understand and be able to use digital technology and its applications.  Second, have leadership competencies that can lead students to have an understanding of technology.  Third, being able to accurately predict the direction of change and strategic steps to deal with it.  Fourth, have competence in self-control from change, and be able to deal with it by generating ideas, creativity, and innovation.



Based on the description and data analysis in the chapter above, it can be concluded as follows:

Challenges and apportunities in teaching english in online learning : a case study at mts nw boro tumbu in academic year 2021/2022.

Conclusions regarding the challenges themselves are many or difficult because they can hinder the teaching and learning process.  Then the challenge of teaching English online has various challenges as like: the challenge is a little complicated when compared to the WA group, the complicated E-Learning is too much space compared to the WA group, the difficulty with internet interference From the application, Using the application is a bit difficult In terms of adapting to  teaching that is different from conventional methods and when dealing with students, sometimes when learning English begins they are just absent and do not open the learning material and some are late in delivery and make for various reasons.  The opportunities that teachers can learn in online learning are: teachers can make teaching materials in the form of learning videos, be creative so that students are more interested and teachers can learn more about several kinds of online learning techniques from applications.  However, online learning students are more sophisticated and modern because they are in the millennial era so they will get used to it.




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M Rian Afriandi (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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