Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 9, September 2022




Agus Prasetya, Ninik Srijani, Sulistyono                                                              

1,3Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh (UPBJJ-UT) Surabaya, Indonesia

2Universitas PGRI Madiun, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



In 1984 President Soeharto planned the establishment of the Open University (abbreviated asUT), precisely on September 4 at the Merdeka Palace, in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 ConstitutionArticle 31 states that the government is obliged to provide facilities, infrastructure, opportunities, and citizensin order to educate the nation's life for the progress of the nation and state. Manycitizens who cannot get schools to seek knowledge for classical reasons, namely time, cost,limited number, not open, limited age, limited space and time, must leavework, boarding out of town, that's why UT is here to answer the challenge.The implementation of UT in the regions collaborates between Open Universities and DinasEducation, managers, tutors and students, is a necessity that cannotavoided. This research is a qualitative research that is descriptive data throughnarrative, story, words to the subject under study, while the social paradigm isSocial definition because it examines human beings and their social interactions, in a micro society.While the type of research is a case study because it has specificity, interesting, settingtypical, people's attention involves various institutions. Data Analysis withusing the Interactive model of Miles and Huberman which includes the Collection Data stage,Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Data. To explore data, usethe study of the theory of Sociology, namely Strukturasi Anthony Giddens, is a theory that focuseson structures and agents in social practice, on the one hand helping humans to fulfilltheir revised needs include the institution on the other hand he presents ainstitutional collaboration. The aim of the research is to understand the collaboration between institutionsin the program organizer, UT-UPBJJ can increase numbersquantitative and qualitative student participation, as well as national dissemination of UT.


Keywords: Managers, Tutors, SBJJ, Quality Culture, Quality of Human Resources, Office of Education



Based on the Minister of Education and Culture concerning the implementation of distance education mentioned UPBJJ-UT is a remote program unit in the area, insideb implementation of the distance learning system (SBJJ). Characteristics of distance educationapplied by UT requires students to be independent and proactive in learning study. Students must have discipline to manage time,learning, prioritizing learning teaching materials, overcoming problems and difficulty learning quickly and independently.In the distance learning system (SBJJ), UT provides a variety of services,learning resources for students such as printed materials, teaching materials, online, teaching materialsnon print, which is designed for independent learning. Face-to-face tutorial service (TTM), Tutorial on Line (Tuton), and Independent Training (LM) are the facilities obtainedcollege student. Open University is open, long distance, without age, practical,efficient, inexpensive, affordable, unlimited number of participants, location can be anywhere,anytime, in any situation. (UT Catalog, 2018).

For the implementation of UT in the region, the Open University (UT) works togetherwith various government and private institutions, such as the Education Office, islamic boarding schools, religious departments, Islamic education foundations, foundation seducation, school, PTN, and PTS, because UT is the only official institutiondistance education provider. UT's partnership network has taken placequite a long time since the institution was founded on September 4, 1984 and guaranteed byLaw, in order to improve the quality of human resources in areas that have been overunable to get further study opportunities because of limited time, distance, feesand age / age. With the presence of UT, it is expected that there will be obstacles for citizens to study can be resolved further, in all regions of Indonesia, so that people can learnimprove quality and cultural human resources.To bridge communication between students and UT, in the region learning service centers were formed which were coordinated by the Education Officeregions by forming study groups.

Pokjar is a collection Education Office employees and the community and UT students who build commitment and mutual agreement to help each other and support each otherfluency and success of learning at UT with or without party facilities others (UT guideline, JKPP KBOO 2017). Pokjar can form pokjar Mandiri, teaching UPBJJ-UT, on the initiative of students independently and in the same positionby students. Azas benefits, namely to facilitate the learning group activitiesand communication between lecturers and UPBJJ-UT, while service accessibility,namely to bring UT services closer to study groups.               

Regional committee members are appointed and dismissed by the head of the UT UPBJJthere are 2 (two) study groups, namely the study group in the field of basic education(Pendas) by the Education Office and Non-Education Study groups by the community,foundation. In order to optimally organize educational services tostudents, UT collaborates with other agencies such as universitiespublic and private, Bank Mandiri, BRI Bank, Bank BTN, Sky LBS, RadioRepublic of Indonesia (RRI), Radio broadcast area, National Government private radioProvinces, District and City Governments.                                                                                                             

In implementing the distance learning system (SBJJ) modelUT carried out through tutorials, collaborative collaboration between institutionsvery varied. Cooperation partnership between UPBJJ, Education Office, PTN, PTS,Ministry of Religion, Foundations, tutors. in realizing the quality culture of HR, among others byuse of facilities for teaching and learning activities, tutorials, recruitment tutors, students and student practices such as Laboratories, IT Laboratoriesincluding financial benefits obtained, but all institutionsplay a role in improving the human resources of the nation's children.For this purpose, UT is required to have agents and collaboratein the implementation of distance education in order to achieve even distributioneducational opportunities for all Indonesian people according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution article31 paragraph 1.2 and 3. Educational agents that UT already has include tutors, administratorspokjar both Pendas and Non Pendas, PTN, PTS, are UT's partnersvery effective.                                                                                

UT's academic machines can run to develop UT in the area,with active roles of UT agents in regions such as managers, tutors, study groups,without these academic machines, UT will be "tough" in carrying outthe program. For this reason, clear rules are needed regarding the form of partnership,because all this time was impressed, they were used when needed, while in a mannermaterial, financial UT is very benefited, for financial problems because of students"Explode" quantitatively. With the management of new models that don'tallowing the manager to collect additional contributions from students"Severe blow" to the manager, even though it is covertly the student contribution tothe manager still exists, it is very human.

Literature Review and Theory                                                                                              Literature Review                                                                                      

Open University is the 45th state university in Indonesiawas inaugurated on September 4, 1984 based on Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No 41 Year1984. (1) The objective of UT's establishment is: to provide broad opportunities for the peopleIndonesia, wherever they live to get higher education. (2) give higher education services to those who, because of work or for other reasonsunable to continue education in college face to face. And (3)develop academic, vocational and professional education programs in accordance withreal development needs that have not been developed by otheruniversities(UT 2018 catalogOpen University is organized by the government in order to providelearning opportunities for the community to improve knowledge, technology and knowledge,so that citizens have the opportunity to study without being hindered by time,place, natural conditions, age.   

One of the factors that encourages learning in UT, is because of costsstudy is cheap, efficient with time, practical, open to anyone without knowing age,location, place of residence, social status anywhere, anytime, anyone can study atOpen University (2015: 05). Studies at UT can be said to be socio-economic, study atUT really helps people get knowledge. Studying at UT doesn't have to beface to face, because the learning system in UT can use the internet or with technologydigital, namely the On Line system.UT students in their studies are easy, inexpensive, flexible, practical and efficient withquality material, both modules, the system, qualified lecturers.                                                

To support implementation, implementation of the UT program in the area, UT held a partnership, partneredwith regional government both level I and level II, and related agencies,educational institutions, PTS, pesantrean huts. Collaboration with partners in the regionresulting in UT being known, interested in the community, resulting in an increase in the number of students, andholding lectures, tutorials, UAS, PKP / PKM is going well. Whole program,activities, financing, registration methods, UT academic procedures listed in the manualacademic UT which is called the UT Catalog.Rules for financing and learning procedures at UT are good about howpayment, SPP amount, is complete in the catalog, so things outside the catalogUT is not permitted. The payment system at UT is paid through the banks that have beenappointed as BRI, BNI 46, Bank BTN, and Bank Mandiri.

UT employees and employeesprohibited from receiving money in any form from students, all paid by studentsItself through an account that has been designated by UT. (Profile of UT, 2015: 13). Conditions aboveis something ideal, and indeed that is the vision, mission, purpose, purpose of UT established, as stated in Presidential Decree No. 41 of 1984 concerning the UniversityOpen (UT), is a government institution that organizes education long distance under the Ministry of Research in Technology and Higher Education. open University established since 1984, precisely on September 4 in accordance with Presidential Decree No: 41 of 1984,as the 45th PTN. (UT Profile 2015: 03)). The term "Open" in the education system atUT means that everyone can become a UT student without being thererestrictions, both years of graduation, age, duration of study and residence.                                                                                                       

Through the MOU cooperation between the two parties, the implementation of the Pendas / FKIP programcarried out by the Office of Education starting from recruitment, registration, registration,the implementation of tutorials, and the implementation of semester examinations under coordination with lecturers andUT-UPBJJ the regional leader assigned by the leader (HeadUPBJJ-UT) for the implementation of UT in the regency, the city, namely the Regional Leader(PW). The existence of the University (UT) means that all communities canseek knowledge, study, low cost, loose time in accordance with the programdesired both S1 and Postgraduate Masters.                             

UT students must look at the codecourses, credits, exam hours, and teaching material codes, so as not to clash (test of timesame).This is intended to avoid cases in the test related toKTPU and other value cases, if the value has been announced. This is detrimentalin the financial aspect, and there is a public perception that college at UT is difficult,expensive and there is the impression that college at UT is heavy, difficult, expensive. To overcome negative impressionsfor the conduct of lectures by students because of the many cases, thenthe case should be avoided. How to pay tuition fees at UT, i.e.the first SPP was paid to BRI, BTN Bank, Bank Jatim, both programspendas program for elementary school teachers, as well as Non-Pendas programs.

The Concept of Anthony Giddiens Theory                       

Athony Giddens proposed structuration theory by criticizing the structural and functional theories of conflict, which stated that structures in the form of rules, norms, values ​​that exist in society inhibit individuals oractor in acting freely. According to the Giddens, that social life isinterplay between individuals and structures. As an agent of learning or actor, the ability to act depends on the ability to "influence" the state of affairs or a series of previous events. (Ritzer 2012).        Agents as actors in improving their performance depend on the processrationalizing actors as agents based on awareness and actionsintentional purposive, what has been done before isrepetitive and will be influenced by the power and ability of the actor. Wrongone factor that can influence is the individual's personal abilities.Furthermore, Giddens said that the community is equipped with agents andstructure, meaning agents with individuals, and agents refer more to active individuals. CoreGiddens structuration theory related to social practices is agent relationsand structures that cannot be understood by one another, they are two sides of a cointhe same (duality). All social actions involve structures and vice versastructure involves social action.                  

Agents produce conditions through activities in the form of awareness and structure.Gidden talks about agency issues historically, conceptually, and dynamically withpay attention to consciousness, or reflectivity. In general, Giddens is morepay attention to the dialectical process where the practice, structure andawareness. The Giddens structuring theory focuses on duality, structure, system, andstructuring. This study does not test theories but explain phenomena and so oncontinuously monitor what social and physical aspects are said Giddens. (Ritzer: 2012: 90) According to Gidden, people are conceptualized as agents and structures, noneclear definition of the concept of agents and agencies of the Giddens, evenoverlapping usage. If you refer to structuration theory, Giddens canIt was concluded that agents are individuals who do social practice orderedacross space and time. Anthony Giddens's main assumption on the agent's concept was takenfrom interpretive sociology related to human abilities and involvementability to take action. According to Giddens being human isbeing an agent who has a logical purpose and reason for his actions, is also capablediscursive elaboration for these reasons.

Giddens mentions that knowledgeability has a reflective form that is an important part of social practicerepeated, agents always carry out reflective monitoring of their social actions (Pip Jones: 2010 56) Giddens refers to as a purpose character of human behavior,through reflective monitoring, agents are not only affected by the structure, but alsoaffect the structure. In reflective monitoring, action is not a stringacts (acts) with the characteristics of each or the aggregate of purpose, but acontinuous process. Thus the agent means almost the same as the individual,but the agent refers more to the character of the active individual, who is actively acting based on own initiative.                               

An agent is an actor who acts on the basis of his own initiativerenewal of its behavior in the context of efforts to achieve the goal of improving performancewhich in turn has an impact on improving human quality and quality culturein the tutorial. Actors have more than one other individual behavior, agents mustable to act from the intervention of other parties, space and time can limit,developing HR called "Duality". There are a number of things that need to be doneget attention from structuration theory Anthony Giddens, including the nature of agents, limitation of agency, understanding of structure, characteristics of rules (Susilo, 2008: 415-419).                       

The key words are agent, structure, and structure with the following understanding: Actors do not only monitor the continuous flow of their activities and expect other parties to act like him.

They also routinely monitor physical and social aspects of the context in which they move.


Research methods.                                                                                                     

This research is a qualitative study through narratives, words, descriptions of answers from research respondents, namely managers, tutors, Education Agency as UT's collaborative partners. Data Collection Techniques: Observation Technique.  Interviewing Techniques. Documentation Study Techniques Data Processing Techniques.Data processing model used in research Interactive data processing for Miles and Hubermann models namely : Data Collection. Data Reduction.  Display Data.  Conclution/ Verivying.  Data Triangulasi,


Results and Discussion.                                                                                                        Discussion                                                                                                     

This research starts from the assumption that the need for academic-quality cooperation is relevant to the position, increasing communication skills is very necessary, so that partnership partnerships with other institutions such as the Education Office, managers, tutors and regional governments are achieved. Cooperation partnerships between institutions or institution contains the most profound and different meanings in each institution. Following is the scheme of the framework in establishing cooperation between institutions with  Surabaya Open University.

From the theoretical framework above, it can be explained that to improve the quality of teachers, employees, employees need social action, this is necessary for creating qualified HR employees, employees, teachers. To improve the quality of teacher human resources, professional employees are required to have partnershipwell. The rights and obligations of each partner, to run a partnership,such as Managers, tutors, Education Offices and UT-UPBJJ are absolutely necessary.

This can improve the quality of partnership between institutions. Social actions carried out by someone have various motivations about improving the quality of HR partners as A.Gidden opinion.The behavior of current partners has not been able to improve the quality of professional student HR, which can improve partner performance in carrying out their duties and obligations. Therefore, it is necessary to commit the participation of managers, tutors, managers in cooperation between institutions.Implementing the rights and obligations of partners is a social action that is full of values ​​and specific goals for those partners.          Partner rights and obligations such as managers,tutor, UPBJJ-UT is not a traditional act by someone, namely social action.





Collaborative cooperation is implemented if each institution, tutor, commitment manageraccording to the procedure of the rights and obligations agreed upon in the MOU of cooperation. 2. Partners of cooperation namely managers, tutors Education Agency, understand the main tasksfunctions, as well as their obligations including financial issues, management funds. HR tutor. 3. Institutional partners can carry out their rights and obligations in collaborative collaborationin accordance with standard procedures at UT.









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Copyright holder:

Agus Prasetya, Ninik Srijani, Sulistyono (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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